SVG rendering

The chess.svg module renders SVG Tiny images (mostly for IPython/Jupyter Notebook integration). The piece images by Colin M.L. Burnett are triple licensed under the GFDL, BSD and GPL.

chess.svg.piece(piece: chess.Piece, size: Optional[int] = None) → str[source]

Renders the given chess.Piece as an SVG image.

>>> import chess
>>> import chess.svg
>>> chess.svg.piece(chess.Piece.from_symbol("R"))  
chess.svg.board(board: Optional[chess.BaseBoard] = None, *, orientation: chess.Color = True, lastmove: Optional[chess.Move] = None, check: Optional[chess.Square] = None, arrows: Iterable[Union[chess.svg.Arrow, Tuple[chess.Square, chess.Square]]] = [], squares: Optional[chess.IntoSquareSet] = None, size: Optional[int] = None, coordinates: bool = True, colors: Dict[str, str] = {}, flipped: bool = False, style: Optional[str] = None) → str[source]

Renders a board with pieces and/or selected squares as an SVG image.

  • board – A chess.BaseBoard for a chessboard with pieces or None (the default) for a chessboard without pieces.

  • orientation – The point of view, defaulting to chess.WHITE.

  • lastmove – A chess.Move to be highlighted.

  • check – A square to be marked indicating a check.

  • arrows – A list of Arrow objects like [chess.svg.Arrow(chess.E2, chess.E4)] or a list of tuples like [(chess.E2, chess.E4)]. An arrow from a square pointing to the same square is drawn as a circle, like [(chess.E2, chess.E2)].

  • squares – A chess.SquareSet with selected squares.

  • size – The size of the image in pixels (e.g., 400 for a 400 by 400 board) or None (the default) for no size limit.

  • coordinates – Pass False to disable the coordinate margin.

  • colors – A dictionary to override default colors. Possible keys are square light, square dark, square light lastmove, square dark lastmove, margin, coord, arrow green, arrow blue, arrow red, and arrow yellow. Values should look like #ffce9e (opaque) or #15781B80 (transparent).

  • flipped – Pass True to flip the board.

  • style – A CSS stylesheet to include in the SVG image.

>>> import chess
>>> import chess.svg
>>> board = chess.Board("8/8/8/8/4N3/8/8/8 w - - 0 1")
>>> squares = board.attacks(chess.E4)
>>> chess.svg.board(board, squares=squares, size=350)  

Deprecated since version 1.1: Use orientation with a color instead of the flipped toggle.

class chess.svg.Arrow(tail: chess.Square, head: chess.Square, *, color: str = 'green')[source]

Details of an arrow to be drawn.

tail: chess.Square

Start square of the arrow.

head: chess.Square

End square of the arrow.

color: str

Arrow color.

pgn() → str[source]

Returns the arrow in the format used by [%csl ...] and [%cal ...] PGN annotations, e.g., Ga1 or Ya2h2.

Colors other than red, yellow and blue default to green.

classmethod from_pgn(pgn: str)chess.svg.Arrow[source]

Parses an arrow from the format used by [%csl ...] and [%cal ...] PGN annotations, e.g., Ga1 or Ya2h2.

Also allows skipping the color prefix, defaulting to green.


ValueError if the format is invalid.