Source code for chess.engine

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the python-chess library.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Niklas Fiekas <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import abc
import asyncio
import collections
import concurrent.futures
import contextlib
import enum
import functools
import logging
import warnings
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import typing
import os

    # Python 3.7
    from asyncio import get_running_loop as _get_running_loop
except ImportError:
    from asyncio import _get_running_loop

    # Python 3.7
    from asyncio import all_tasks as _all_tasks
except ImportError:
    _all_tasks = asyncio.Task.all_tasks

import chess

from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Callable, Coroutine, Dict, Generator, Generic, Iterable, Iterator, List, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Text, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union

T = TypeVar("T")
EngineProtocolT = TypeVar("EngineProtocolT", bound="EngineProtocol")

ConfigValue = Union[str, int, bool, None]
ConfigMapping = Mapping[str, ConfigValue]

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MANAGED_OPTIONS = ["uci_chess960", "uci_variant", "multipv", "ponder"]

[docs]class EventLoopPolicy(asyncio.DefaultEventLoopPolicy): # type: ignore """ An event loop policy that ensures the event loop is capable of spawning and watching subprocesses, even when not running in the main thread. Windows: Creates a :class:`~asyncio.ProactorEventLoop`. Unix: Creates a :class:`~asyncio.SelectorEventLoop`. Child watchers are thread local. When not running on the main thread, the default child watchers use relatively slow polling to detect process termination. This does not affect communication. """ class _ThreadLocal(threading.local): _watcher = None # type: Optional[AbstractChildWatcher] def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self._thread_local = self._ThreadLocal() def get_child_watcher(self) -> "asyncio.AbstractChildWatcher": if sys.platform == "win32" or threading.current_thread() == threading.main_thread(): return super().get_child_watcher() class PollingChildWatcher(asyncio.SafeChildWatcher): # type: ignore def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self._poll_handle = None # type: Optional[asyncio.Handle] self._poll_delay = 0.001 def attach_loop(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) -> None: assert loop is None or isinstance(loop, asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) if self._loop is not None and loop is None and self._callbacks: warnings.warn("A loop is being detached from a child watcher with pending handlers", RuntimeWarning) if self._poll_handle is not None: self._poll_handle.cancel() self._loop = loop if loop is not None: self._poll_handle = self._loop.call_soon(self._poll) self._do_waitpid_all() def _poll(self) -> None: if self._loop: self._do_waitpid_all() self._poll_delay = min(self._poll_delay * 2, 1.0) self._poll_handle = self._loop.call_later(self._poll_delay, self._poll) if self._thread_local._watcher is None: self._thread_local._watcher = PollingChildWatcher() return self._thread_local._watcher def set_child_watcher(self, watcher: "asyncio.AbstractChildWatcher") -> None: if sys.platform == "win32" or threading.current_thread() == threading.main_thread(): return super().set_child_watcher(watcher) assert watcher is None or isinstance(watcher, asyncio.AbstractChildWatcher) if self._thread_local._watcher: self._thread_local._watcher.close() self._thread_local._watcher = watcher def new_event_loop(self) -> asyncio.AbstractEventLoop: return asyncio.ProactorEventLoop() if sys.platform == "win32" else asyncio.SelectorEventLoop() # type: ignore def set_event_loop(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) -> None: super().set_event_loop(loop) if sys.platform != "win32" and threading.current_thread() != threading.main_thread(): self.get_child_watcher().attach_loop(loop)
def run_in_background(coroutine: "Callable[[concurrent.futures.Future[T], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]]", *, debug: bool = False, _policy_lock: threading.Lock = threading.Lock()) -> T: """ Runs ``coroutine(future)`` in a new event loop on a background thread. Blocks and returns the *future* result as soon as it is resolved. The coroutine and all remaining tasks continue running in the background until it is complete. Note: This installs a :class:`chess.engine.EventLoopPolicy` for the entire process. """ assert asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coroutine) with _policy_lock: if not isinstance(asyncio.get_event_loop_policy(), EventLoopPolicy): asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(EventLoopPolicy()) future = concurrent.futures.Future() # type: concurrent.futures.Future[T] def background() -> None: loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) loop.set_debug(debug) try: loop.run_until_complete(coroutine(future)) future.cancel() except Exception as exc: future.set_exception(exc) return finally: try: # Finish all remaining tasks. pending = _all_tasks(loop) loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*pending, loop=loop, return_exceptions=True)) # Shutdown async generators. try: loop.run_until_complete(loop.shutdown_asyncgens()) except AttributeError: # Before Python 3.6. pass finally: loop.close() threading.Thread(target=background).start() return future.result()
[docs]class EngineError(RuntimeError): """Runtime error caused by a misbehaving engine or incorrect usage."""
[docs]class EngineTerminatedError(EngineError): """The engine process exited unexpectedly."""
[docs]class AnalysisComplete(Exception): """ Raised when analysis is complete, all information has been consumed, but further information was requested. """
[docs]class Option(collections.namedtuple("Option", "name type default min max var")): """Information about an available engine option.""" if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: # Python 3.5 compatible type annotation name = "" type = "" default = None # type: ConfigValue min = None # type: Optional[int] max = None # type: Optional[int] var = [] # type: List[str] def parse(self, value: ConfigValue) -> ConfigValue: if self.type == "check": return value and value != "false" elif self.type == "spin": try: value = int(value) except ValueError: raise EngineError("expected integer for spin option {!r}, got: {!r}".format(, value)) if self.min is not None and value < self.min: raise EngineError("expected value for option {!r} to be at least {}, got: {}".format(, self.min, value)) if self.max is not None and self.max < value: raise EngineError("expected value for option {!r} to be at most {}, got: {}".format(, self.max, value)) return value elif self.type == "combo": value = str(value) if value not in (self.var or []): raise EngineError("invalid value for combo option {!r}, got: {} (available: {})".format(, value, ", ".join(self.var))) return value elif self.type in ["button", "reset", "save"]: return None elif self.type in ["string", "file", "path"]: value = str(value) if "\n" in value or "\r" in value: raise EngineError("invalid line-break in string option {!r}: {!r}".format(, value)) return value else: raise EngineError("unknown option type: {}", self.type)
[docs] def is_managed(self) -> bool: """ Some options are managed automatically: ``UCI_Chess960``, ``UCI_Variant``, ``MultiPV``, ``Ponder``. """ return in MANAGED_OPTIONS
[docs]class Limit: """Search termination condition.""" def __init__(self, *, time: Optional[float] = None, depth: Optional[int] = None, nodes: Optional[int] = None, mate: Optional[int] = None, white_clock: Optional[float] = None, black_clock: Optional[float] = None, white_inc: Optional[float] = None, black_inc: Optional[float] = None, remaining_moves: Optional[int] = None): self.time = time self.depth = depth self.nodes = nodes self.mate = mate self.white_clock = white_clock self.black_clock = black_clock self.white_inc = white_inc self.black_inc = black_inc self.remaining_moves = remaining_moves def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{}({})".format( type(self).__name__, ", ".join("{}={!r}".format(attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in ["time", "depth", "nodes", "mate", "white_clock", "black_clock", "white_inc", "black_inc", "remaining_moves"] if getattr(self, attr) is not None))
class InfoDict(Dict[str, Union[str, int, float, "PovScore", List[chess.Move], Dict[chess.Move, List[chess.Move]], Dict[int, List[chess.Move]]]]): """Dictionary of extra information sent by the engine.""" @property def score(self) -> Optional["PovScore"]: return self.get("score") @property def pv(self) -> Optional[List[chess.Move]]: return self.get("pv") @property def depth(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.get("depth") @property def seldepth(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.get("seldepth") @property def time(self) -> Optional[float]: return self.get("time") @property def nodes(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.get("nodes") @property def nps(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.get("nps") @property def tbhits(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.get("tbhits") @property def multipv(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.get("multipv") @property def currmove(self) -> Optional[chess.Move]: return self.get("currmove") @property def currmovenumber(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.get("currmovenumber") @property def hashfull(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.get("hashfull") @property def cpuload(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.get("cpuload") @property def refutation(self) -> Optional[Dict[chess.Move, List[chess.Move]]]: return self.get("refutation") @property def currline(self) -> Optional[Dict[int, List[chess.Move]]]: return self.get("currline") @property def ebf(self) -> Optional[float]: return self.get("ebf") @property def string(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.get("string")
[docs]class PlayResult: """Returned by :func:``.""" def __init__(self, move: Optional[chess.Move], ponder: Optional[chess.Move], info: Optional[InfoDict] = None, *, draw_offered: bool = False, resigned: bool = False) -> None: self.move = move self.ponder = ponder = info or {} self.draw_offered = draw_offered self.resigned = resigned def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<{} at {:#x} (move={}, ponder={}, info={}, draw_offered={}, resigned={})>".format( type(self).__name__, id(self), self.move, self.ponder,, self.draw_offered, self.resigned)
try: _IntFlag = enum.IntFlag # Since Python 3.6 except AttributeError: _IntFlag = enum.IntEnum # type: ignore class Info(_IntFlag): """Select information sent by the chess engine.""" NONE = 0 BASIC = 1 SCORE = 2 PV = 4 REFUTATION = 8 CURRLINE = 16 ALL = BASIC | SCORE | PV | REFUTATION | CURRLINE INFO_NONE = Info.NONE INFO_BASIC = Info.BASIC INFO_SCORE = Info.SCORE INFO_PV = Info.PV INFO_REFUTATION = Info.REFUTATION INFO_CURRLINE = Info.CURRLINE INFO_ALL = Info.ALL
[docs]class PovScore: """A relative :class:`~chess.engine.Score` and the point of view.""" def __init__(self, relative: "Score", turn: chess.Color) -> None: self.relative = relative # type: Score self.turn = turn
[docs] def white(self) -> "Score": """Get the score from White's point of view.""" return self.pov(chess.WHITE)
[docs] def black(self) -> "Score": """Get the score from Black's point of view.""" return self.pov(chess.BLACK)
[docs] def pov(self, color: chess.Color) -> "Score": """Get the score from the point of view of the given *color*.""" return self.relative if self.turn == color else -self.relative
[docs] def is_mate(self) -> bool: """Tests if this is a mate score.""" return self.relative.is_mate()
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "PovScore({!r}, {})".format(self.relative, "WHITE" if self.turn else "BLACK") def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.relative) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if isinstance(other, PovScore): return (self.relative, self.turn) == (other.relative, other.turn) else: return NotImplemented
[docs]@functools.total_ordering class Score(abc.ABC): """ Evaluation of a position. The score can be :class:`~chess.engine.Cp` (centi-pawns), :class:`~chess.engine.Mate` or :py:data:`~chess.engine.MateGiven`. A positive value indicates an advantage. There is a total order defined on centi-pawn and mate scores. >>> from chess.engine import Cp, Mate, MateGiven >>> >>> Mate(-0) < Mate(-1) < Cp(-50) < Cp(200) < Mate(4) < Mate(1) < MateGiven True Scores can be negated to change the point of view: >>> -Cp(20) Cp(-20) >>> -Mate(-4) Mate(+4) >>> -Mate(0) MateGiven """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def score(self, *, mate_score: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[int]: """ Returns the centi-pawn score as an integer or ``None``. You can optionally pass a large value to convert mate scores to centi-pawn scores. >>> Cp(-300).score() -300 >>> Mate(5).score() is None True >>> Mate(5).score(mate_score=100000) 99995 """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def mate(self) -> Optional[int]: """ Returns the number of plies to mate, negative if we are getting mated, or ``None``. :warning: This conflates ``Mate(0)`` (we lost) and ``MateGiven`` (we won) to ``0``. """
[docs] def is_mate(self) -> bool: """Tests if this is a mate score.""" return self.mate() is not None
@abc.abstractmethod def __neg__(self) -> "Score": pass def _score_tuple(self) -> Tuple[bool, bool, bool, int, Optional[int]]: return ( isinstance(self, MateGivenType), self.is_mate() and self.mate() > 0, not self.is_mate(), -(self.mate() or 0), self.score(), ) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Score): return self._score_tuple() == other._score_tuple() else: return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Score): return self._score_tuple() < other._score_tuple() else: return NotImplemented
class Cp(Score): """Centi-pawn score.""" def __init__(self, cp: int) -> None: self.cp = cp def mate(self) -> None: return None def score(self, *, mate_score: Optional[int] = None) -> int: return self.cp def __str__(self) -> str: return "+{:d}".format(self.cp) if self.cp > 0 else str(self.cp) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Cp({})".format(self) def __neg__(self) -> "Cp": return Cp(-self.cp) def __pos__(self) -> "Cp": return Cp(self.cp) def __abs__(self) -> "Cp": return Cp(abs(self.cp)) class Mate(Score): """Mate score.""" def __init__(self, moves: int) -> None: self.moves = moves def mate(self) -> int: return self.moves def score(self, *, mate_score: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[int]: if mate_score is None: return None elif self.moves > 0: return mate_score - self.moves else: return -mate_score - self.moves def __str__(self) -> str: return "#+{}".format(self.moves) if self.moves > 0 else "#-{}".format(abs(self.moves)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Mate({})".format(str(self).lstrip("#")) def __neg__(self) -> Union["MateGivenType", "Mate"]: return MateGiven if not self.moves else Mate(-self.moves) def __pos__(self) -> "Mate": return Mate(self.moves) def __abs__(self) -> Union["MateGivenType", "Mate"]: return MateGiven if not self.moves else Mate(abs(self.moves)) class MateGivenType(Score): """Winning mate score, equivalent to ``-Mate(0)``.""" def mate(self) -> int: return 0 def score(self, *, mate_score: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[int]: return mate_score def __neg__(self) -> Mate: return Mate(0) def __pos__(self) -> "MateGivenType": return self def __abs__(self) -> "MateGivenType": return self def __repr__(self) -> str: return "MateGiven" def __str__(self) -> str: return "#+0" MateGiven = MateGivenType() class MockTransport: def __init__(self, protocol: "EngineProtocol") -> None: self.protocol = protocol self.expectations = collections.deque() # type: typing.Deque[Tuple[str, List[str]]] self.expected_pings = 0 self.stdin_buffer = bytearray() self.protocol.connection_made(self) def expect(self, expectation: str, responses: List[str] = []) -> None: self.expectations.append((expectation, responses)) def expect_ping(self) -> None: self.expected_pings += 1 def assert_done(self) -> None: assert not self.expectations, "pending expectations: {}".format(self.expectations) def get_pipe_transport(self, fd: int) -> "MockTransport": assert fd == 0, "expected 0 for stdin, got {}".format(fd) return self def write(self, data: bytes) -> None: self.stdin_buffer.extend(data) while b"\n" in self.stdin_buffer: line, self.stdin_buffer = self.stdin_buffer.split(b"\n", 1) line = line.decode("utf-8") if line.startswith("ping ") and self.expected_pings: self.expected_pings -= 1 self.protocol.pipe_data_received(1, line.replace("ping ", "pong ").encode("utf-8") + b"\n") else: assert self.expectations, "unexpected: {}".format(line) expectation, responses = self.expectations.popleft() assert expectation == line, "expected {}, got: {}".format(expectation, line) if responses: self.protocol.pipe_data_received(1, "\n".join(responses).encode("utf-8") + b"\n") def get_pid(self) -> int: return id(self) def get_returncode(self) -> Optional[int]: return None if self.expectations else 0
[docs]class EngineProtocol(asyncio.SubprocessProtocol, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Protocol for communicating with a chess engine process.""" def __init__(self, *, loop=None) -> None: self.loop = loop or _get_running_loop() self.transport = None # type: Optional[asyncio.SubprocessTransport] self.buffer = { 1: bytearray(), # stdout 2: bytearray(), # stderr } self.command = None # type: Optional[BaseCommand[EngineProtocol, Any]] self.next_command = None # type: Optional[BaseCommand[EngineProtocol, Any]] self.initialized = False self.returncode = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) # type: asyncio.Future[int] def connection_made(self, transport: asyncio.BaseTransport) -> None: self.transport = transport LOGGER.debug("%s: Connection made", self) def connection_lost(self, exc: Optional[Exception]) -> None: code = self.transport.get_returncode() LOGGER.debug("%s: Connection lost (exit code: %d, error: %s)", self, code, exc) # Terminate commands. if self.command is not None: self.command._engine_terminated(self, code) self.command = None if self.next_command is not None: self.next_command._engine_terminated(self, code) self.next_command = None self.returncode.set_result(code) def process_exited(self) -> None: LOGGER.debug("%s: Process exited", self) def send_line(self, line: str) -> None: LOGGER.debug("%s: << %s", self, line) stdin = self.transport.get_pipe_transport(0) stdin.write(line.encode("utf-8")) stdin.write(b"\n") def pipe_data_received(self, fd: int, data: Union[bytes, Text]) -> None: self.buffer[fd].extend(data) while b"\n" in self.buffer[fd]: line, self.buffer[fd] = self.buffer[fd].split(b"\n", 1) if line.endswith(b"\r"): line = line[:-1] line = line.decode("utf-8") if fd == 1: self.loop.call_soon(self._line_received, line) else: self.loop.call_soon(self.error_line_received, line) def error_line_received(self, line: str) -> None: LOGGER.warning("%s: stderr >> %s", self, line) def _line_received(self, line: str) -> None: LOGGER.debug("%s: >> %s", self, line) self.line_received(line) if self.command: self.command._line_received(self, line) def line_received(self, line: str) -> None: pass async def communicate(self: EngineProtocolT, command_factory: Callable[[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop], "BaseCommand[EngineProtocolT, T]"]) -> T: command = command_factory(self.loop) if self.returncode.done(): raise EngineTerminatedError("engine process dead (exit code: {})".format(self.returncode.result())) assert command.state == CommandState.New if self.next_command is not None: self.next_command.result.cancel() self.next_command.finished.cancel() self.next_command._done() self.next_command = command def previous_command_finished(_: "asyncio.Future[None]") -> None: if self.command is not None: self.command._done() self.command, self.next_command = self.next_command, None if self.command is not None: cmd = self.command cmd.result.add_done_callback(lambda result: cmd._cancel(self) if cmd.result.cancelled() else None) cmd.finished.add_done_callback(previous_command_finished) cmd._start(self) if self.command is None: previous_command_finished(None) elif not self.command.result.done(): self.command.result.cancel() elif not self.command.result.cancelled(): self.command._cancel(self) return await command.result def __repr__(self) -> str: pid = self.transport.get_pid() if self.transport is not None else "?" return "<{} (pid={})>".format(type(self).__name__, pid)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def initialize(self) -> None: """Initializes the engine."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def ping(self) -> None: """ Pings the engine and waits for a response. Used to ensure the engine is still alive and idle. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def configure(self, options: ConfigMapping) -> None: """ Configures global engine options. :param options: A dictionary of engine options, where the keys are names of :py:attr:`~options`. Do not set options that are managed automatically (:func:`chess.engine.Option.is_managed()`). """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def play(self, board: chess.Board, limit: Limit, *, game: object = None, info: Info = INFO_NONE, ponder: bool = False, root_moves: Optional[Iterable[chess.Move]] = None, options: ConfigMapping = {}) -> PlayResult: """ Play a position. :param board: The position. The entire move stack will be sent to the engine. :param limit: An instance of :class:`chess.engine.Limit` that determines when to stop thinking. :param game: Optional. An arbitrary object that identifies the game. Will automatically inform the engine if the object is not equal to the previous game (e.g. ``ucinewgame``, ``new``). :param info: Selects which additional information to retrieve from the engine. ``INFO_NONE``, ``INFO_BASE`` (basic information that is trivial to obtain), ``INFO_SCORE``, ``INFO_PV``, ``INFO_REFUTATION``, ``INFO_CURRLINE``, ``INFO_ALL`` or any bitwise combination. Some overhead is associated with parsing extra information. :param ponder: Whether the engine should keep analysing in the background even after the result has been returned. :param root_moves: Optional. Consider only root moves from this list. :param options: Optional. A dictionary of engine options for the analysis. The previous configuration will be restored after the analysis is complete. You can permanently apply a configuration with :func:`~chess.engine.EngineProtocol.configure()`. """
[docs] async def analyse(self, board: chess.Board, limit: Limit, *, multipv: Optional[int] = None, game: object = None, info: Info = INFO_ALL, root_moves: Optional[Iterable[chess.Move]] = None, options: ConfigMapping = {}) -> Union[List[InfoDict], InfoDict]: """ Analyses a position and returns a dictionary of `information <>`_. :param board: The position to analyse. The entire move stack will be sent to the engine. :param limit: An instance of :class:`chess.engine.Limit` that determines when to stop the analysis. :param multipv: Optional. Analyse multiple root moves. Will return a list of at most *multipv* dictionaries rather than just a single info dictionary. :param game: Optional. An arbitrary object that identifies the game. Will automatically inform the engine if the object is not equal to the previous game (e.g. ``ucinewgame``, ``new``). :param info: Selects which information to retrieve from the engine. ``INFO_NONE``, ``INFO_BASE`` (basic information that is trivial to obtain), ``INFO_SCORE``, ``INFO_PV``, ``INFO_REFUTATION``, ``INFO_CURRLINE``, ``INFO_ALL`` or any bitwise combination. Some overhead is associated with parsing extra information. :param root_moves: Optional. Limit analysis to a list of root moves. :param options: Optional. A dictionary of engine options for the analysis. The previous configuration will be restored after the analysis is complete. You can permanently apply a configuration with :func:`~chess.engine.EngineProtocol.configure()`. """ analysis = await self.analysis(board, limit, multipv=multipv, game=game, info=info, root_moves=root_moves, options=options) with analysis: await analysis.wait() return if multipv is None else analysis.multipv
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def analysis(self, board: chess.Board, limit: Optional[Limit] = None, *, multipv: Optional[int] = None, game: object = None, info: Info = INFO_ALL, root_moves: Optional[Iterable[chess.Move]] = None, options: ConfigMapping = {}) -> "AnalysisResult": """ Starts analysing a position. :param board: The position to analyse. The entire move stack will be sent to the engine. :param limit: Optional. An instance of :class:`chess.engine.Limit` that determines when to stop the analysis. Analysis is infinite by default. :param multipv: Optional. Analyse multiple root moves. :param game: Optional. An arbitrary object that identifies the game. Will automatically inform the engine if the object is not equal to the previous game (e.g. ``ucinewgame``, ``new``). :param info: Selects which information to retrieve from the engine. ``INFO_NONE``, ``INFO_BASE`` (basic information that is trivial to obtain), ``INFO_SCORE``, ``INFO_PV``, ``INFO_REFUTATION``, ``INFO_CURRLINE``, ``INFO_ALL`` or any bitwise combination. Some overhead is associated with parsing extra information. :param root_moves: Optional. Limit analysis to a list of root moves. :param options: Optional. A dictionary of engine options for the analysis. The previous configuration will be restored after the analysis is complete. You can permanently apply a configuration with :func:`~chess.engine.EngineProtocol.configure()`. Returns :class:`~chess.engine.AnalysisResult`, a handle that allows asynchronously iterating over the information sent by the engine and stopping the the analysis at any time. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def quit(self) -> None: """Asks the engine to shut down."""
@classmethod async def popen(cls: Type[EngineProtocolT], command: Union[str, List[str]], *, setpgrp: bool = False, loop=None, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[asyncio.SubprocessTransport, EngineProtocolT]: if not isinstance(command, list): command = [command] popen_args = {} if setpgrp: try: # Windows. popen_args["creationflags"] = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP # type: ignore except AttributeError: # Unix. popen_args["preexec_fn"] = os.setpgrp # type: ignore popen_args.update(kwargs) loop = loop or _get_running_loop() return await loop.subprocess_exec(cls, *command, **popen_args)
class CommandState(enum.Enum): New = 1 Active = 2 Cancelling = 3 Done = 4 class BaseCommand(Generic[EngineProtocolT, T]): def __init__(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) -> None: self.state = CommandState.New self.loop = loop self.result = asyncio.Future(loop=loop) # type: asyncio.Future[T] self.finished = asyncio.Future(loop=loop) # type: asyncio.Future[None] def _engine_terminated(self, engine: EngineProtocolT, code: int) -> None: exc = EngineTerminatedError("engine process died unexpectedly (exit code: {})".format(code)) if self.state == CommandState.Active: self.engine_terminated(engine, exc) elif self.state == CommandState.Cancelling: self.finished.set_result(None) elif self.state == CommandState.New: self._handle_exception(engine, exc) def _handle_exception(self, engine: EngineProtocolT, exc: Exception) -> None: if not self.result.done(): self.result.set_exception(exc) else: self.loop.call_exception_handler({ "message": "engine command failed after returning preliminary result ({!r})".format(self.result), "exception": exc, "protocol": engine, "transport": engine.transport, }) if not self.finished.done(): self.finished.set_result(None) def set_finished(self: "BaseCommand[EngineProtocolT, None]") -> None: assert self.state in [CommandState.Active, CommandState.Cancelling] if not self.result.done(): self.result.set_result(None) self.finished.set_result(None) def _cancel(self, engine: EngineProtocolT) -> None: assert self.state == CommandState.Active self.state = CommandState.Cancelling self.cancel(engine) def _start(self, engine: EngineProtocolT) -> None: assert self.state == CommandState.New self.state = CommandState.Active try: self.check_initialized(engine) self.start(engine) except EngineError as err: self._handle_exception(engine, err) def _done(self) -> None: assert self.state != CommandState.Done self.state = CommandState.Done def _line_received(self, engine: EngineProtocolT, line: str) -> None: assert self.state in [CommandState.Active, CommandState.Cancelling] try: self.line_received(engine, line) except EngineError as err: self._handle_exception(engine, err) def cancel(self, engine: EngineProtocolT) -> None: pass def check_initialized(self, engine: EngineProtocolT) -> None: if not engine.initialized: raise EngineError("tried to run command, but engine is not initialized") def start(self, engine: EngineProtocolT) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def line_received(self, engine: EngineProtocolT, line: str) -> None: pass def engine_terminated(self, engine: EngineProtocolT, exc: Exception) -> None: self._handle_exception(engine, exc) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<{} at {:#x} (state={}, result={}, finished={}>".format(type(self).__name__, id(self), self.state, self.result, self.finished)
[docs]class UciProtocol(EngineProtocol): """ An implementation of the `Universal Chess Interface <>`_ protocol. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.options = UciOptionMap() # type: UciOptionMap[Option] self.config = UciOptionMap() # type: UciOptionMap[ConfigValue] self.target_config = UciOptionMap() # type: UciOptionMap[ConfigValue] = {} # type: Dict[str, str] self.board = chess.Board() = None # type: object self.first_game = True async def initialize(self) -> None: class Command(BaseCommand[UciProtocol, None]): def check_initialized(self, engine: UciProtocol) -> None: if engine.initialized: raise EngineError("engine already initialized") def start(self, engine: UciProtocol) -> None: engine.send_line("uci") def line_received(self, engine: UciProtocol, line: str) -> None: if line == "uciok": engine.initialized = True self.set_finished() elif line.startswith("option "): self._option(engine, line.split(" ", 1)[1]) elif line.startswith("id "): self._id(engine, line.split(" ", 1)[1]) def _option(self, engine: UciProtocol, arg: str) -> None: current_parameter = None name = [] # type: List[str] type = [] # type: List[str] default = [] # type: List[str] min = None max = None current_var = None var = [] for token in arg.split(" "): if token == "name" and not name: current_parameter = "name" elif token == "type" and not type: current_parameter = "type" elif token == "default" and not default: current_parameter = "default" elif token == "min" and min is None: current_parameter = "min" elif token == "max" and max is None: current_parameter = "max" elif token == "var": current_parameter = "var" if current_var is not None: var.append(" ".join(current_var)) current_var = [] elif current_parameter == "name": name.append(token) elif current_parameter == "type": type.append(token) elif current_parameter == "default": default.append(token) elif current_parameter == "var": current_var.append(token) elif current_parameter == "min": try: min = int(token) except ValueError: LOGGER.exception("exception parsing option min") elif current_parameter == "max": try: max = int(token) except ValueError: LOGGER.exception("exception parsing option max") if current_var is not None: var.append(" ".join(current_var)) name = " ".join(name) type = " ".join(type) default = " ".join(default) without_default = Option(name, type, None, min, max, var) option = Option(name, type, without_default.parse(default), min, max, var) engine.options[] = option if option.default is not None: engine.config[] = option.default if option.default is not None and not option.is_managed() and != "uci_analysemode": engine.target_config[] = option.default def _id(self, engine: UciProtocol, arg: str) -> None: key, value = arg.split(" ", 1)[key] = value return await self.communicate(Command) def _isready(self) -> None: self.send_line("isready") def _ucinewgame(self) -> None: self.send_line("ucinewgame") self.first_game = False def debug(self, on: bool = True) -> None: """ Switches debug mode of the engine on or off. This does not interrupt other ongoing operations. """ if on: self.send_line("debug on") else: self.send_line("debug off") async def ping(self) -> None: class Command(BaseCommand[UciProtocol, None]): def start(self, engine: UciProtocol) -> None: engine._isready() def line_received(self, engine: UciProtocol, line: str) -> None: if line == "readyok": self.set_finished() else: LOGGER.warning("%s: Unexpected engine output: %s", engine, line) return await self.communicate(Command) def _setoption(self, name: str, value: ConfigValue) -> None: try: value = self.options[name].parse(value) except KeyError: raise EngineError("engine does not support option {} (available options: {})".format(name, ", ".join(self.options))) if value is None or value != self.config.get(name): builder = ["setoption name", name] if value is False: builder.append("value false") elif value is True: builder.append("value true") elif value is not None: builder.append("value") builder.append(str(value)) self.send_line(" ".join(builder)) self.config[name] = value def _configure(self, options: ConfigMapping) -> None: for name, value in collections.ChainMap(options, self.target_config).items(): if name.lower() in MANAGED_OPTIONS: raise EngineError("cannot set {} which is automatically managed".format(name)) self._setoption(name, value) async def configure(self, options: ConfigMapping) -> None: class Command(BaseCommand[UciProtocol, None]): def start(self, engine: UciProtocol) -> None: engine._configure(options) engine.target_config.update({name: value for name, value in options.items() if value is not None}) self.set_finished() return await self.communicate(Command) def _position(self, board: chess.Board) -> None: # Select UCI_Variant and UCI_Chess960. uci_variant = type(board).uci_variant if "UCI_Variant" in self.options: self._setoption("UCI_Variant", uci_variant) elif uci_variant != "chess": raise EngineError("engine does not support UCI_Variant") if "UCI_Chess960" in self.options: self._setoption("UCI_Chess960", board.chess960) elif board.chess960: raise EngineError("engine does not support UCI_Chess960") # Send starting position. builder = ["position"] root = board.root() fen = root.fen(shredder=board.chess960, en_passant="fen") if uci_variant == "chess" and fen == chess.STARTING_FEN: builder.append("startpos") else: builder.append("fen") builder.append(fen) # Send moves. if board.move_stack: builder.append("moves") builder.extend(move.uci() for move in board.move_stack) self.send_line(" ".join(builder)) self.board = board.copy(stack=False) def _go(self, limit: Limit, *, root_moves: Optional[Iterable[chess.Move]] = None, ponder: bool = False, infinite: bool = False) -> None: builder = ["go"] if ponder: builder.append("ponder") if limit.white_clock is not None: builder.append("wtime") builder.append(str(int(limit.white_clock * 1000))) if limit.black_clock is not None: builder.append("btime") builder.append(str(int(limit.black_clock * 1000))) if limit.white_inc is not None: builder.append("winc") builder.append(str(int(limit.white_inc * 1000))) if limit.black_inc is not None: builder.append("binc") builder.append(str(int(limit.black_inc * 1000))) if limit.remaining_moves is not None and int(limit.remaining_moves) > 0: builder.append("movestogo") builder.append(str(int(limit.remaining_moves))) if limit.depth is not None: builder.append("depth") builder.append(str(int(limit.depth))) if limit.nodes is not None: builder.append("nodes") builder.append(str(int(limit.nodes))) if limit.mate is not None: builder.append("mate") builder.append(str(int(limit.mate))) if limit.time is not None: builder.append("movetime") builder.append(str(int(limit.time * 1000))) if infinite: builder.append("infinite") if root_moves: builder.append("searchmoves") builder.extend(move.uci() for move in root_moves) self.send_line(" ".join(builder)) async def play(self, board: chess.Board, limit: Limit, *, game: object = None, info: Info = INFO_NONE, ponder: bool = False, root_moves: Optional[Iterable[chess.Move]] = None, options: ConfigMapping = {}) -> PlayResult: class Command(BaseCommand[UciProtocol, PlayResult]): def start(self, engine: UciProtocol) -> None: = InfoDict({}) # type: InfoDict self.pondering = False self.sent_isready = False if "UCI_AnalyseMode" in engine.options and "UCI_AnalyseMode" not in engine.target_config and all(name.lower() != "uci_analysemode" for name in options): engine._setoption("UCI_AnalyseMode", False) if "Ponder" in engine.options: engine._setoption("Ponder", ponder) if "MultiPV" in engine.options: engine._setoption("MultiPV", engine.options["MultiPV"].default) engine._configure(options) if engine.first_game or != game: = game engine._ucinewgame() self.sent_isready = True engine._isready() else: self._readyok(engine) def line_received(self, engine: UciProtocol, line: str) -> None: if line.startswith("info "): self._info(engine, line.split(" ", 1)[1]) elif line.startswith("bestmove "): self._bestmove(engine, line.split(" ", 1)[1]) elif line == "readyok" and self.sent_isready: self._readyok(engine) else: LOGGER.warning("%s: Unexpected engine output: %s", engine, line) def _readyok(self, engine: UciProtocol) -> None: self.sent_isready = False engine._position(board) engine._go(limit, root_moves=root_moves) def _info(self, engine: UciProtocol, arg: str) -> None: if not self.pondering:, engine.board, info)) def _bestmove(self, engine: UciProtocol, arg: str) -> None: if self.pondering: self.pondering = False elif not self.result.cancelled(): tokens = arg.split(None, 2) bestmove = None if tokens[0] != "(none)": try: bestmove = engine.board.parse_uci(tokens[0]) except ValueError as err: raise EngineError(err) pondermove = None if bestmove is not None and len(tokens) >= 3 and tokens[1] == "ponder" and tokens[2] != "(none)": engine.board.push(bestmove) try: pondermove = engine.board.push_uci(tokens[2]) except ValueError: LOGGER.exception("engine sent invalid ponder move") self.result.set_result(PlayResult(bestmove, pondermove, if ponder and pondermove: self.pondering = True engine._position(engine.board) engine._go(limit, ponder=True) if not self.pondering: self.end(engine) def end(self, engine: UciProtocol) -> None: self.set_finished() def cancel(self, engine: UciProtocol) -> None: engine.send_line("stop") def engine_terminated(self, engine: UciProtocol, exc: Exception) -> None: # Allow terminating engine while pondering. if not self.result.done(): super().engine_terminated(engine, exc) return await self.communicate(Command) async def analysis(self, board: chess.Board, limit: Optional[Limit] = None, *, multipv: Optional[int] = None, game: object = None, info: Info = INFO_ALL, root_moves: Optional[Iterable[chess.Move]] = None, options: Mapping[str, Union[str]] = {}) -> "AnalysisResult": class Command(BaseCommand[UciProtocol, AnalysisResult]): def start(self, engine: UciProtocol) -> None: self.analysis = AnalysisResult(stop=lambda: self.cancel(engine)) self.sent_isready = False if "UCI_AnalyseMode" in engine.options and "UCI_AnalyseMode" not in engine.target_config and all(name.lower() != "uci_analysemode" for name in options): engine._setoption("UCI_AnalyseMode", True) if "MultiPV" in engine.options or (multipv and multipv > 1): engine._setoption("MultiPV", 1 if multipv is None else multipv) engine._configure(options) if engine.first_game or != game: = game engine._ucinewgame() self.sent_isready = True engine._isready() else: self._readyok(engine) def line_received(self, engine: UciProtocol, line: str) -> None: if line.startswith("info "): self._info(engine, line.split(" ", 1)[1]) elif line.startswith("bestmove "): self._bestmove(engine, line.split(" ", 1)[1]) elif line == "readyok" and self.sent_isready: self._readyok(engine) else: LOGGER.warning("%s: Unexpected engine output: %s", engine, line) def _readyok(self, engine: UciProtocol) -> None: self.sent_isready = False engine._position(board) if limit: engine._go(limit, root_moves=root_moves) else: engine._go(Limit(), root_moves=root_moves, infinite=True) self.result.set_result(self.analysis) def _info(self, engine: UciProtocol, arg: str) -> None:, engine.board, info)) def _bestmove(self, engine: UciProtocol, arg: str) -> None: if not self.result.done(): raise EngineError("was not searching, but engine sent bestmove") self.set_finished() self.analysis.set_finished() def cancel(self, engine: UciProtocol) -> None: engine.send_line("stop") def engine_terminated(self, engine: UciProtocol, exc: Exception) -> None: LOGGER.debug("%s: Closing analysis because engine has been terminated (error: %s)", engine, exc) self.analysis.set_exception(exc) return await self.communicate(Command) async def quit(self) -> None: self.send_line("quit") await self.returncode
def _parse_uci_info(arg: str, root_board: chess.Board, selector: Info = INFO_ALL) -> InfoDict: info = InfoDict({}) # type: InfoDict if not selector: return info # Initialize parser state. board = None pv = None # type: Optional[List[chess.Move]] score_kind = None refutation_move = None refuted_by = [] # type: List[chess.Move] currline_cpunr = None currline_moves = [] # type: List[chess.Move] string = [] # type: List[str] # Parameters with variable length can only be handled when the # next parameter starts or at the end of the line. def end_of_parameter() -> None: if pv is not None: info["pv"] = pv if refutation_move is not None: if "refutation" not in info: info["refutation"] = {} info["refutation"][refutation_move] = refuted_by if currline_cpunr is not None: if "currline" not in info: info["currline"] = {} info["currline"][currline_cpunr] = currline_moves # Parse all other parameters. current_parameter = None for token in arg.split(" "): if current_parameter == "string": string.append(token) elif not token: # Ignore extra spaces. Those can not be directly discarded, # because they may occur in the string parameter. pass elif token in ["depth", "seldepth", "time", "nodes", "pv", "multipv", "score", "currmove", "currmovenumber", "hashfull", "nps", "tbhits", "cpuload", "refutation", "currline", "ebf", "string"]: end_of_parameter() current_parameter = token board = None pv = None score_kind = None refutation_move = None refuted_by = [] currline_cpunr = None currline_moves = [] if current_parameter == "pv" and selector & INFO_PV: pv = [] board = root_board.copy(stack=False) elif current_parameter == "refutation" and selector & INFO_REFUTATION: board = root_board.copy(stack=False) elif current_parameter == "currline" and selector & INFO_CURRLINE: board = root_board.copy(stack=False) elif current_parameter in ["depth", "seldepth", "nodes", "multipv", "currmovenumber", "hashfull", "nps", "tbhits", "cpuload"]: try: info[current_parameter] = int(token) except ValueError: LOGGER.error("exception parsing %s from info: %r", current_parameter, arg) elif current_parameter == "time": try: info[current_parameter] = int(token) / 1000.0 except ValueError: LOGGER.error("exception parsing %s from info: %r", current_parameter, arg) elif current_parameter == "pv" and pv is not None: try: pv.append(board.push_uci(token)) except ValueError: LOGGER.exception("exception parsing pv from info: %r, position at root: %s", arg, root_board.fen()) elif current_parameter == "score" and selector & INFO_SCORE: try: if token in ["cp", "mate"]: score_kind = token elif token == "lowerbound": info["lowerbound"] = True elif token == "upperbound": info["upperbound"] = True elif score_kind == "cp": info["score"] = PovScore(Cp(int(token)), root_board.turn) elif score_kind == "mate": info["score"] = PovScore(Mate(int(token)), root_board.turn) except ValueError: LOGGER.error("exception parsing score %s from info: %r", score_kind, arg) elif current_parameter == "currmove": try: info[current_parameter] = chess.Move.from_uci(token) except ValueError: LOGGER.error("exception parsing %s from info: %r", current_parameter, arg) elif current_parameter == "refutation" and board is not None: try: if refutation_move is None: refutation_move = board.push_uci(token) else: refuted_by.append(board.push_uci(token)) except ValueError: LOGGER.exception("exception parsing refutation from info: %r, position at root: %s", arg, root_board.fen()) elif current_parameter == "currline" and board is not None: try: if currline_cpunr is None: currline_cpunr = int(token) else: currline_moves.append(board.push_uci(token)) except ValueError: LOGGER.exception("exception parsing currline from info: %r, position at root: %s", arg, root_board.fen()) elif current_parameter == "ebf": try: info[current_parameter] = float(token) except ValueError: LOGGER.error("exception parsing %s from info: %r", current_parameter, arg) end_of_parameter() if string: info["string"] = " ".join(string) return info class UciOptionMap(MutableMapping[str, T]): """Dictionary with case-insensitive keys.""" def __init__(self, data: Optional[Union[Iterable[Tuple[str, T]]]] = None, **kwargs: T) -> None: self._store = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[str, T]] if data is None: data = {} self.update(data, **kwargs) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: T) -> None: self._store[key.lower()] = (key, value) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> T: return self._store[key.lower()][1] def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: del self._store[key.lower()] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return (casedkey for casedkey, mappedvalue in self._store.values()) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._store) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: try: for key, value in self.items(): if key not in other or other[key] != value: return False for key, value in other.items(): # type: ignore if key not in self or self[key] != value: return False return True except (TypeError, AttributeError): return NotImplemented def copy(self) -> "UciOptionMap[T]": return type(self)(self._store.values()) def __copy__(self) -> "UciOptionMap[T]": return self.copy() def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{}({!r})".format(type(self).__name__, dict(self.items()))
[docs]class XBoardProtocol(EngineProtocol): """ An implementation of the `XBoard protocol <>`_ (CECP). """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.features = {} # type: Dict[str, Union[int, str]] = {} # type: Dict[str, str] self.options = { "random": Option("random", "check", False, None, None, None), "computer": Option("computer", "check", False, None, None, None), } self.config = {} # type: Dict[str, ConfigValue] self.target_config = {} # type: Dict[str, ConfigValue] self.board = chess.Board() = None # type: object self.first_game = True async def initialize(self) -> None: class Command(BaseCommand[XBoardProtocol, None]): def check_initialized(self, engine: XBoardProtocol) -> None: if engine.initialized: raise EngineError("engine already initialized") def start(self, engine: XBoardProtocol) -> None: engine.send_line("xboard") engine.send_line("protover 2") self.timeout_handle = engine.loop.call_later(2.0, lambda: self.timeout(engine)) def timeout(self, engine: XBoardProtocol) -> None: LOGGER.error("%s: Timeout during initialization", engine) self.end(engine) def line_received(self, engine: XBoardProtocol, line: str) -> None: if line.startswith("#"): pass elif line.startswith("feature "): self._feature(engine, line.split(" ", 1)[1]) def _feature(self, engine: XBoardProtocol, arg: str) -> None: for feature in shlex.split(arg): key, value = feature.split("=", 1) if key == "option": option = _parse_xboard_option(value) if not in ["random", "computer", "cores", "memory"]: engine.options[] = option else: try: engine.features[key] = int(value) except ValueError: engine.features[key] = value if "done" in engine.features: self.timeout_handle.cancel() if engine.features.get("done"): self.end(engine) def end(self, engine: XBoardProtocol) -> None: if not engine.features.get("ping", 0): self.result.set_exception(EngineError("xboard engine did not declare required feature: ping")) self.set_finished() return if not engine.features.get("setboard", 0): self.result.set_exception(EngineError("xboard engine did not declare required feature: setboard")) self.set_finished() return if not engine.features.get("reuse", 1): LOGGER.warning("%s: Rejecting feature reuse=0", engine) engine.send_line("reject reuse") if not engine.features.get("sigterm", 1): LOGGER.warning("%s: Rejecting feature sigterm=0", engine) engine.send_line("reject sigterm") if engine.features.get("usermove", 0): LOGGER.warning("%s: Rejecting feature usermove=1", engine) engine.send_line("reject usermove") if engine.features.get("san", 0): LOGGER.warning("%s: Rejecting feature san=1", engine) engine.send_line("reject san") if "myname" in engine.features:["name"] = engine.features["myname"] if engine.features.get("memory", 0): engine.options["memory"] = Option("memory", "spin", 16, 1, None, None) engine.send_line("accept memory") if engine.features.get("smp", 0): engine.options["cores"] = Option("cores", "spin", 1, 1, None, None) engine.send_line("accept smp") if engine.features.get("egt"): for egt in engine.features["egt"].split(","): name = "egtpath {}".format(egt) engine.options[name] = Option(name, "path", None, None, None, None) engine.send_line("accept egt") for option in engine.options.values(): if option.default is not None: engine.config[] = option.default if option.default is not None and not option.is_managed(): engine.target_config[] = option.default engine.initialized = True self.set_finished() return await self.communicate(Command) def _ping(self, n: int) -> None: self.send_line("ping {}".format(n)) def _variant(self, variant: Optional[str]) -> None: variants = self.features.get("variants", "").split(",") if not variant or variant not in variants: raise EngineError("unsupported xboard variant: {} (available: {})".format(variant, ", ".join(variants))) self.send_line("variant {}".format(variant)) def _new(self, board: chess.Board, game: object, options: ConfigMapping) -> None: self._configure(options) # Setup start position. root = board.root() new_options = "random" in options or "computer" in options new_game = self.first_game or != game or new_options or root != self.board.root() = game self.first_game = False if new_game: self.board = root self.send_line("new") variant = type(board).xboard_variant if variant == "normal" and board.chess960: self._variant("fischerandom") elif variant != "normal": self._variant(variant) if self.config.get("random"): self.send_line("random") if self.config.get("computer"): self.send_line("computer") self.send_line("force") if new_game: fen = root.fen(shredder=board.chess960, en_passant="fen") if variant != "normal" or fen != chess.STARTING_FEN or board.chess960: self.send_line("setboard {}".format(fen)) # Undo moves until common position. common_stack_len = 0 if not new_game: for left, right in zip(self.board.move_stack, board.move_stack): if left == right: common_stack_len += 1 else: break while len(self.board.move_stack) > common_stack_len + 1: self.send_line("remove") self.board.pop() self.board.pop() while len(self.board.move_stack) > common_stack_len: self.send_line("undo") self.board.pop() # Play moves from board stack. for move in board.move_stack[common_stack_len:]: self.send_line(self.board.xboard(move)) self.board.push(move) async def ping(self) -> None: class Command(BaseCommand[XBoardProtocol, None]): def start(self, engine: XBoardProtocol) -> None: n = id(self) & 0xffff self.pong = "pong {}".format(n) engine._ping(n) def line_received(self, engine: XBoardProtocol, line: str) -> None: if line == self.pong: self.set_finished() elif not line.startswith("#"): LOGGER.warning("%s: Unexpected engine output: %s", engine, line) return await self.communicate(Command) async def play(self, board: chess.Board, limit: Limit, *, game: object = None, info: Info = INFO_NONE, ponder: bool = False, root_moves: Optional[Iterable[chess.Move]] = None, options: ConfigMapping = {}) -> PlayResult: if root_moves is not None: raise EngineError("play with root_moves, but xboard supports 'include' only in analysis mode") class Command(BaseCommand[XBoardProtocol, PlayResult]): def start(self, engine: XBoardProtocol) -> None: self.play_result = PlayResult(None, None) self.stopped = False self.pong_after_move = None # type: Optional[str] self.pong_after_ponder = None # type: Optional[str] # Set game, position and configure. engine._new(board, game, options) # Limit or time control. increment = limit.white_inc if board.turn else limit.black_inc if limit.remaining_moves or increment: base_mins, base_secs = divmod(int(limit.white_clock if board.turn else limit.black_clock), 60) engine.send_line("level {} {}:{:02d} {}".format(limit.remaining_moves or 0, base_mins, base_secs, increment)) if limit.nodes is not None: if limit.time is not None or limit.white_clock is not None or limit.black_clock is not None or increment is not None: raise EngineError("xboard does not support mixing node limits with time limits") if "nps" not in engine.features: LOGGER.warning("%s: Engine did not declare explicit support for node limits (feature nps=?)") elif not engine.features["nps"]: raise EngineError("xboard engine does not support node limits (feature nps=0)") engine.send_line("nps 1") engine.send_line("st {}".format(int(limit.nodes))) if limit.depth is not None: engine.send_line("sd {}".format(limit.depth)) if limit.time is not None: engine.send_line("st {}".format(limit.time)) if limit.white_clock is not None: engine.send_line("{} {}".format("time" if board.turn else "otim", int(limit.white_clock * 100))) if limit.black_clock is not None: engine.send_line("{} {}".format("otim" if board.turn else "time", int(limit.black_clock * 100))) # Start thinking. engine.send_line("post" if info else "nopost") engine.send_line("hard" if ponder else "easy") engine.send_line("go") def line_received(self, engine: XBoardProtocol, line: str) -> None: if line.startswith("move "): self._move(engine, line.split(" ", 1)[1]) elif line.startswith("Hint: "): self._hint(engine, line.split(" ", 1)[1]) elif line == self.pong_after_move: if not self.result.done(): self.result.set_result(self.play_result) if not ponder: self.set_finished() elif line == self.pong_after_ponder: if not self.result.done(): self.result.set_result(self.play_result) self.set_finished() elif line == "offer draw": if not self.result.done(): self.play_result.draw_offered = True self._ping_after_move(engine) elif line == "resign": if not self.result.done(): self.play_result.resigned = True self._ping_after_move(engine) elif line.startswith("1-0") or line.startswith("0-1") or line.startswith("1/2-1/2"): self._ping_after_move(engine) elif line.startswith("#"): pass elif len(line.split()) >= 4 and line.lstrip()[0].isdigit(): self._post(engine, line) else: LOGGER.warning("%s: Unexpected engine output: %s", engine, line) def _post(self, engine: XBoardProtocol, line: str) -> None: if not self.result.done(): = _parse_xboard_post(line, engine.board, info) def _move(self, engine: XBoardProtocol, arg: str) -> None: if not self.result.done() and self.play_result.move is None: try: self.play_result.move = engine.board.push_xboard(arg) except ValueError as err: self.result.set_exception(EngineError(err)) else: self._ping_after_move(engine) else: try: engine.board.push_xboard(arg) except ValueError: LOGGER.exception("exception playing unexpected move") def _hint(self, engine: XBoardProtocol, arg: str) -> None: if not self.result.done() and self.play_result.move is not None and self.play_result.ponder is None: try: self.play_result.ponder = engine.board.parse_xboard(arg) except ValueError: LOGGER.exception("exception parsing hint") else: LOGGER.warning("unexpected hint: %r", arg) def _ping_after_move(self, engine: XBoardProtocol) -> None: if self.pong_after_move is None: n = id(self) & 0xffff self.pong_after_move = "pong {}".format(n) engine._ping(n) def cancel(self, engine: XBoardProtocol) -> None: if self.stopped: return self.stopped = True if self.result.cancelled(): engine.send_line("?") if ponder: engine.send_line("easy") n = (id(self) + 1) & 0xffff self.pong_after_ponder = "pong {}".format(n) engine._ping(n) def engine_terminated(self, engine: XBoardProtocol, exc: Exception) -> None: # Allow terminating engine while pondering. if not self.result.done(): super().engine_terminated(engine, exc) return await self.communicate(Command) async def analysis(self, board: chess.Board, limit: Optional[Limit] = None, *, multipv: Optional[int] = None, game: object = None, info: Info = INFO_ALL, root_moves: Optional[Iterable[chess.Move]] = None, options: ConfigMapping = {}) -> "AnalysisResult": if multipv is not None: raise EngineError("xboard engine does not support multipv") if limit is not None and (limit.white_clock is not None or limit.black_clock is not None): raise EngineError("xboard analysis does not support clock limits") class Command(BaseCommand[XBoardProtocol, AnalysisResult]): def start(self, engine: XBoardProtocol) -> None: self.stopped = False self.analysis = AnalysisResult(stop=lambda: self.cancel(engine)) self.final_pong = None # type: Optional[str] engine._new(board, game, options) if root_moves is not None: if not engine.features.get("exclude", 0): raise EngineError("xboard engine does not support root_moves (feature exclude=0)") engine.send_line("exclude all") for move in root_moves: engine.send_line("include {}".format(engine.board.xboard(move))) engine.send_line("post") engine.send_line("analyze") self.result.set_result(self.analysis) if limit is not None and limit.time is not None: self.time_limit_handle = engine.loop.call_later(limit.time, lambda: self.cancel(engine)) # type: Optional[asyncio.Handle] else: self.time_limit_handle = None def line_received(self, engine: XBoardProtocol, line: str) -> None: if line.startswith("#"): pass elif len(line.split()) >= 4 and line.lstrip()[0].isdigit(): self._post(engine, line) elif line == self.final_pong: self.end(engine) else: LOGGER.warning("%s: Unexpected engine output: %s", engine, line) def _post(self, engine: XBoardProtocol, line: str) -> None: post_info = _parse_xboard_post(line, engine.board, info | INFO_BASIC) if limit is not None: if limit.time is not None and typing.cast(float, post_info.get("time", 0)) >= limit.time: self.cancel(engine) elif limit.nodes is not None and typing.cast(int, post_info.get("nodes", 0)) >= limit.nodes: self.cancel(engine) elif limit.depth is not None and typing.cast(int, post_info.get("depth", 0)) >= limit.depth: self.cancel(engine) elif limit.mate is not None and "score" in post_info: if typing.cast(PovScore, post_info["score"]).relative >= Mate(limit.mate): self.cancel(engine) def end(self, engine: XBoardProtocol) -> None: if self.time_limit_handle: self.time_limit_handle.cancel() self.set_finished() self.analysis.set_finished() def cancel(self, engine: XBoardProtocol) -> None: if self.stopped: return self.stopped = True engine.send_line(".") engine.send_line("exit") n = id(self) & 0xffff self.final_pong = "pong {}".format(n) engine._ping(n) def engine_terminated(self, engine: XBoardProtocol, exc: Exception) -> None: LOGGER.debug("%s: Closing analysis because engine has been terminated (error: %s)", engine, exc) if self.time_limit_handle: self.time_limit_handle.cancel() self.analysis.set_exception(exc) return await self.communicate(Command) def _setoption(self, name: str, value: ConfigValue) -> None: if value is not None and value == self.config.get(name): return try: option = self.options[name] except KeyError: raise EngineError("unsupported xboard option or command: {}".format(name)) self.config[name] = value = option.parse(value) if name in ["random", "computer"]: # Applied in _new. pass elif name in ["memory", "cores"] or name.startswith("egtpath "): self.send_line("{} {}".format(name, value)) elif value is None: self.send_line("option {}".format(name)) elif value is True: self.send_line("option {}=1".format(name)) elif value is False: self.send_line("option {}=0".format(name)) else: self.send_line("option {}={}".format(name, value)) def _configure(self, options: ConfigMapping) -> None: for name, value in collections.ChainMap(options, self.target_config).items(): if name.lower() in MANAGED_OPTIONS: raise EngineError("cannot set {} which is automatically managed".format(name)) self._setoption(name, value) async def configure(self, options: ConfigMapping) -> None: class Command(BaseCommand[XBoardProtocol, None]): def start(self, engine: XBoardProtocol) -> None: engine._configure(options) engine.target_config.update({name: value for name, value in options.items() if value is not None}) self.set_finished() return await self.communicate(Command) async def quit(self) -> None: self.send_line("quit") await self.returncode
def _parse_xboard_option(feature: str) -> Option: params = feature.split() name = params[0] type = params[1][1:] default = None # type: Optional[ConfigValue] min = None max = None var = None if type == "combo": var = [] choices = params[2:] for choice in choices: if choice == "///": continue elif choice[0] == "*": default = choice[1:] var.append(choice[1:]) else: var.append(choice) elif type == "check": default = int(params[2]) elif type in ["string", "file", "path"]: if len(params) > 2: default = params[2] else: default = "" elif type == "spin": default = int(params[2]) min = int(params[3]) max = int(params[4]) return Option(name, type, default, min, max, var) def _parse_xboard_post(line: str, root_board: chess.Board, selector: Info = INFO_ALL) -> InfoDict: # Format: depth score time nodes [seldepth [nps [tbhits]]] pv info = InfoDict({}) # type: InfoDict # Split leading integer tokens from pv. pv_tokens = line.split() integer_tokens = [] while pv_tokens: token = pv_tokens.pop(0) try: integer_tokens.append(int(token)) except ValueError: pv_tokens.insert(0, token) break if len(integer_tokens) < 4 or not selector: return info # Required integer tokens. info["depth"] = integer_tokens.pop(0) cp = integer_tokens.pop(0) info["time"] = float(integer_tokens.pop(0)) / 100 info["nodes"] = int(integer_tokens.pop(0)) # Score. if cp <= -100000: score = Mate(cp + 100000) # type: Score elif cp == 100000: score = MateGiven elif cp >= 100000: score = Mate(cp - 100000) else: score = Cp(cp) info["score"] = PovScore(score, root_board.turn) # Optional integer tokens. if integer_tokens: info["seldepth"] = integer_tokens.pop(0) if integer_tokens: info["nps"] = integer_tokens.pop(0) while len(integer_tokens) > 1: # Reserved for future extensions. integer_tokens.pop(0) if integer_tokens: info["tbhits"] = integer_tokens.pop(0) # Principal variation. if not (selector & INFO_PV): return info pv = [] board = root_board.copy(stack=False) for token in pv_tokens: if token.rstrip(".").isdigit(): continue try: pv.append(board.push_xboard(token)) except ValueError: break info["pv"] = pv return info
[docs]class AnalysisResult: """ Handle to ongoing engine analysis. Returned by :func:`chess.engine.EngineProtocol.analysis()`. Can be used to asynchronously iterate over information sent by the engine. Automatically stops the analysis when used as a context manager. """ def __init__(self, stop: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None): self._stop = stop self._queue = asyncio.Queue() # type: asyncio.Queue[InfoDict] self._posted_kork = False self._seen_kork = False self._finished = asyncio.Future() # type: asyncio.Future[None] self.multipv = [InfoDict({})] # type: List[InfoDict] def post(self, info: InfoDict) -> None: # Empty dictionary reserved for kork. if not info: return multipv = typing.cast(int, info.get("multipv", 1)) while len(self.multipv) < multipv: self.multipv.append(InfoDict({})) self.multipv[multipv - 1].update(info) self._queue.put_nowait(info) def _kork(self): if not self._posted_kork: self._posted_kork = True self._queue.put_nowait({}) def set_finished(self) -> None: if not self._finished.done(): self._finished.set_result(None) self._kork() def set_exception(self, exc: Exception) -> None: self._finished.set_exception(exc) self._kork() @property def info(self) -> InfoDict: return self.multipv[0]
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """Stops the analysis as soon as possible.""" if self._stop and not self._posted_kork: self._stop() self._stop = None
[docs] async def wait(self) -> None: """Waits until the analysis is complete (or stopped).""" await self._finished
[docs] async def get(self) -> InfoDict: """ Waits for the next dictionary of information from the engine and returns it. It might be more convenient to use ``async for info in analysis: ...``. :raises: :exc:`chess.engine.AnalysisComplete` if the analysis is complete (or has been stopped) and all information has been consumed. Use :func:`` if you prefer to get ``None`` instead of an exception. """ if self._seen_kork: raise AnalysisComplete() info = await self._queue.get() if not info: # Empty dictionary marks end. self._seen_kork = True await self._finished raise AnalysisComplete() return info
[docs] def empty(self) -> bool: """ Checks if all information has been consumed. If the queue is empty, but the analysis is still ongoing, then further information can become available in the future. If the queue is not empty, then the next call to :func:`~chess.engine.AnalysisResult.get()` will return instantly. """ return self._seen_kork or self._queue.qsize() <= self._posted_kork
async def next(self) -> Optional[InfoDict]: try: return await self.get() except AnalysisComplete: return None def __aiter__(self) -> "AnalysisResult": return self async def __anext__(self) -> InfoDict: try: return await self.get() except AnalysisComplete: raise StopAsyncIteration def __enter__(self) -> "AnalysisResult": return self def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_value: Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType]) -> None: self.stop()
[docs]async def popen_uci(command: Union[str, List[str]], *, setpgrp: bool = False, loop=None, **popen_args: Any) -> Tuple[asyncio.SubprocessTransport, UciProtocol]: """ Spawns and initializes an UCI engine. :param command: Path of the engine executable, or a list including the path and arguments. :param setpgrp: Open the engine process in a new process group. This will stop signals (such as keyboard interrupts) from propagating from the parent process. Defaults to ``False``. :param popen_args: Additional arguments for `popen <>`_. Do not set ``stdin``, ``stdout``, ``bufsize`` or ``universal_newlines``. Returns a subprocess transport and engine protocol pair. """ transport, protocol = await UciProtocol.popen(command, setpgrp=setpgrp, loop=loop, **popen_args) try: await protocol.initialize() except: transport.close() raise return transport, protocol
[docs]async def popen_xboard(command: Union[str, List[str]], *, setpgrp: bool = False, **popen_args: Any) -> Tuple[asyncio.SubprocessTransport, XBoardProtocol]: """ Spawns and initializes an XBoard engine. :param command: Path of the engine executable, or a list including the path and arguments. :param setpgrp: Open the engine process in a new process group. This will stop signals (such as keyboard interrupts) from propagating from the parent process. Defaults to ``False``. :param popen_args: Additional arguments for `popen <>`_. Do not set ``stdin``, ``stdout``, ``bufsize`` or ``universal_newlines``. Returns a subprocess transport and engine protocol pair. """ transport, protocol = await XBoardProtocol.popen(command, setpgrp=setpgrp, **popen_args) try: await protocol.initialize() except: transport.close() raise return transport, protocol
[docs]class SimpleEngine: """ Synchronous wrapper around a transport and engine protocol pair. Provides the same methods and attributes as :class:`~chess.engine.EngineProtocol`, with blocking functions instead of coroutines. You may not concurrently modify objects passed to any of the methods. Other than that :class:`~chess.engine.SimpleEngine` is thread-safe. When sending a new command to the engine, any previous running command will be cancelled as soon as possible. Methods will raise :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if an operation takes *timeout* seconds longer than expected (unless *timeout* is ``None``). Automatically closes the transport when used as a context manager. """ def __init__(self, transport: asyncio.SubprocessTransport, protocol: EngineProtocol, *, timeout: Optional[float] = 10.0) -> None: self.transport = transport self.protocol = protocol self.timeout = timeout self._shutdown_lock = threading.Lock() self._shutdown = False self.shutdown_event = asyncio.Event(loop=self.protocol.loop) self.returncode = concurrent.futures.Future() # type: concurrent.futures.Future[int] def _timeout_for(self, limit: Optional[Limit]) -> Optional[float]: if self.timeout is None or limit is None or limit.time is None: return None return self.timeout + limit.time @contextlib.contextmanager def _not_shut_down(self) -> Generator[None, None, None]: with self._shutdown_lock: if self._shutdown: raise EngineTerminatedError("engine event loop dead") yield @property def options(self) -> Mapping[str, Option]: async def _get() -> Mapping[str, Option]: return self.protocol.options.copy() with self._not_shut_down(): future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(_get(), self.protocol.loop) return future.result() @property def id(self) -> Mapping[str, str]: async def _get() -> Mapping[str, str]: return with self._not_shut_down(): future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(_get(), self.protocol.loop) return future.result() def communicate(self, command_factory: Callable[[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop], BaseCommand[EngineProtocol, T]]) -> T: with self._not_shut_down(): coro = self.protocol.communicate(command_factory) future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self.protocol.loop) return future.result() def configure(self, options: ConfigMapping) -> None: with self._not_shut_down(): coro = asyncio.wait_for(self.protocol.configure(options), self.timeout) future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self.protocol.loop) return future.result() def ping(self) -> None: with self._not_shut_down(): coro = asyncio.wait_for(, self.timeout) future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self.protocol.loop) return future.result() def play(self, board: chess.Board, limit: Limit, *, game: object = None, info: Info = INFO_NONE, ponder: bool = False, root_moves: Optional[Iterable[chess.Move]] = None, options: ConfigMapping = {}) -> PlayResult: with self._not_shut_down(): coro = asyncio.wait_for(, limit, game=game, info=info, ponder=ponder, root_moves=root_moves, options=options), self._timeout_for(limit)) future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self.protocol.loop) return future.result() def analyse(self, board: chess.Board, limit: Limit, *, multipv: Optional[int] = None, game: object = None, info: Info = INFO_ALL, root_moves: Optional[Iterable[chess.Move]] = None, options: ConfigMapping = {}) -> Union[InfoDict, List[InfoDict]]: with self._not_shut_down(): coro = asyncio.wait_for( self.protocol.analyse(board, limit, multipv=multipv, game=game, info=info, root_moves=root_moves, options=options), self._timeout_for(limit)) future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self.protocol.loop) return future.result() def analysis(self, board: chess.Board, limit: Optional[Limit] = None, *, multipv: Optional[int] = None, game: object = None, info: Info = INFO_ALL, root_moves: Optional[Iterable[chess.Move]] = None, options: ConfigMapping = {}) -> "SimpleAnalysisResult": with self._not_shut_down(): coro = asyncio.wait_for( self.protocol.analysis(board, limit, multipv=multipv, game=game, info=info, root_moves=root_moves, options=options), self.timeout) # Analyis should start immediately future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self.protocol.loop) return SimpleAnalysisResult(self, future.result()) def quit(self) -> None: with self._not_shut_down(): coro = asyncio.wait_for(self.protocol.quit(), self.timeout) future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self.protocol.loop) return future.result()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Closes the transport and the background event loop as soon as possible. """ def _shutdown() -> None: self.transport.close() self.shutdown_event.set() with self._shutdown_lock: if not self._shutdown: self._shutdown = True self.protocol.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(_shutdown)
@classmethod def popen(cls, Protocol: Type[EngineProtocol], command: Union[str, List[str]], *, timeout: Optional[float] = 10.0, debug: bool = False, setpgrp: bool = False, **popen_args: Any) -> "SimpleEngine": async def background(future: "concurrent.futures.Future[SimpleEngine]") -> None: transport, protocol = await Protocol.popen(command, setpgrp=setpgrp, **popen_args) simple_engine = cls(transport, protocol, timeout=timeout) try: await asyncio.wait_for(protocol.initialize(), timeout) future.set_result(simple_engine) returncode = await protocol.returncode simple_engine.returncode.set_result(returncode) finally: simple_engine.close() await simple_engine.shutdown_event.wait() return run_in_background(background, debug=debug)
[docs] @classmethod def popen_uci(cls, command: Union[str, List[str]], *, timeout: Optional[float] = 10.0, debug: bool = False, setpgrp: bool = False, **popen_args: Any) -> "SimpleEngine": """ Spawns and initializes an UCI engine. Returns a :class:`~chess.engine.SimpleEngine` instance. """ return cls.popen(UciProtocol, command, timeout=timeout, debug=debug, setpgrp=setpgrp, **popen_args)
[docs] @classmethod def popen_xboard(cls, command: Union[str, List[str]], *, timeout: Optional[float] = 10.0, debug: bool = False, setpgrp: bool = False, **popen_args: Any) -> "SimpleEngine": """ Spawns and initializes an XBoard engine. Returns a :class:`~chess.engine.SimpleEngine` instance. """ return cls.popen(XBoardProtocol, command, timeout=timeout, debug=debug, setpgrp=setpgrp, **popen_args)
def __enter__(self) -> "SimpleEngine": return self def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_value: Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType]) -> None: self.close() def __repr__(self) -> str: pid = self.transport.get_pid() # This happens to be thread-safe. return "<{} (pid={})>".format(type(self).__name__, pid)
[docs]class SimpleAnalysisResult: """ Synchronous wrapper around :class:`~chess.engine.AnalysisResult`. Returned by :func:`chess.engine.SimpleEngine.analysis()`. """ def __init__(self, simple_engine: SimpleEngine, inner: AnalysisResult) -> None: self.simple_engine = simple_engine self.inner = inner @property def info(self) -> InfoDict: async def _get() -> InfoDict: return InfoDict( with self.simple_engine._not_shut_down(): future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(_get(), self.simple_engine.protocol.loop) return future.result() @property def multipv(self) -> List[InfoDict]: async def _get() -> List[InfoDict]: return [InfoDict(info.copy()) for info in self.inner.multipv] with self.simple_engine._not_shut_down(): future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(_get(), self.simple_engine.protocol.loop) return future.result() def stop(self) -> None: with self.simple_engine._not_shut_down(): self.simple_engine.protocol.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.inner.stop) def wait(self) -> None: with self.simple_engine._not_shut_down(): future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.inner.wait(), self.simple_engine.protocol.loop) return future.result() def empty(self) -> bool: async def _empty() -> bool: return self.inner.empty() with self.simple_engine._not_shut_down(): future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(_empty(), self.simple_engine.protocol.loop) return future.result() def get(self) -> InfoDict: with self.simple_engine._not_shut_down(): future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.inner.get(), self.simple_engine.protocol.loop) return future.result() def next(self) -> Optional[InfoDict]: with self.simple_engine._not_shut_down(): future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(, self.simple_engine.protocol.loop) return future.result() def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[InfoDict]: with self.simple_engine._not_shut_down(): self.simple_engine.protocol.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.inner.__aiter__) return self def __next__(self) -> InfoDict: try: with self.simple_engine._not_shut_down(): future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.inner.__anext__(), self.simple_engine.protocol.loop) return future.result() except StopAsyncIteration: raise StopIteration def __enter__(self) -> "SimpleAnalysisResult": return self def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_value: Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType]) -> None: self.stop()