Source code for chess.pgn

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the python-chess library.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Niklas Fiekas <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import itertools
import logging
import re
import weakref

import chess

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Reference of Numeric Annotation Glyphs (NAGs):


"""A good move. Can also be indicated by ``!`` in PGN notation."""

"""A mistake. Can also be indicated by ``?`` in PGN notation."""

"""A brilliant move. Can also be indicated by ``!!`` in PGN notation."""

"""A blunder. Can also be indicated by ``??`` in PGN notation."""

"""A speculative move. Can also be indicated by ``!?`` in PGN notation."""

"""A dubious move. Can also be indicated by ``?!`` in PGN notation."""





TAG_REGEX = re.compile(r"^\[([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s+\"(.*)\"\]\s*$")

TAG_NAME_REGEX = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z0-9_]+\Z")

MOVETEXT_REGEX = re.compile(r"""
    """, re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE)

SKIP_MOVETEXT_REGEX = re.compile(r""";|\{|\}""")

TAG_ROSTER = ["Event", "Site", "Date", "Round", "White", "Black", "Result"]

SKIP = object()

[docs]class GameNode: def __init__(self): self.parent = None self.move = None self.nags = set() self.starting_comment = "" self.comment = "" self.variations = [] self.board_cached = None
[docs] def board(self, *, _cache=True): """ Gets a board with the position of the node. It's a copy, so modifying the board will not alter the game. """ if self.board_cached is not None: board = self.board_cached() if board is not None: return board.copy() board = self.parent.board(_cache=False) board.push(self.move) if _cache: self.board_cached = weakref.ref(board) return board.copy() else: return board
[docs] def san(self): """ Gets the standard algebraic notation of the move leading to this node. See :func:`chess.Board.san()`. Do not call this on the root node. """ return self.parent.board().san(self.move)
[docs] def uci(self, *, chess960=None): """ Gets the UCI notation of the move leading to this node. See :func:`chess.Board.uci()`. Do not call this on the root node. """ return self.parent.board().uci(self.move, chess960=chess960)
[docs] def root(self): """Gets the root node, i.e., the game.""" node = self while node.parent: node = node.parent return node
[docs] def end(self): """Follows the main variation to the end and returns the last node.""" node = self while node.variations: node = node.variations[0] return node
[docs] def is_end(self): """Checks if this node is the last node in the current variation.""" return not self.variations
[docs] def starts_variation(self): """ Checks if this node starts a variation (and can thus have a starting comment). The root node does not start a variation and can have no starting comment. For example, in ``1. e4 e5 (1... c5 2. Nf3) 2. Nf3``, the node holding 1... c5 starts a variation. """ if not self.parent or not self.parent.variations: return False return self.parent.variations[0] != self
[docs] def is_mainline(self): """Checks if the node is in the mainline of the game.""" node = self while node.parent: parent = node.parent if not parent.variations or parent.variations[0] != node: return False node = parent return True
[docs] def is_main_variation(self): """ Checks if this node is the first variation from the point of view of its parent. The root node is also in the main variation. """ if not self.parent: return True return not self.parent.variations or self.parent.variations[0] == self
def __getitem__(self, move): try: return self.variations[move] except TypeError: for variation in self.variations: if variation.move == move or variation == move: return variation raise KeyError(move)
[docs] def variation(self, move): """ Gets a child node by either the move or the variation index. """ return self[move]
[docs] def has_variation(self, move): """Checks if the given *move* appears as a variation.""" return move in (variation.move for variation in self.variations)
[docs] def promote_to_main(self, move): """Promotes the given *move* to the main variation.""" variation = self[move] self.variations.remove(variation) self.variations.insert(0, variation)
[docs] def promote(self, move): """Moves a variation one up in the list of variations.""" variation = self[move] i = self.variations.index(variation) if i > 0: self.variations[i - 1], self.variations[i] = self.variations[i], self.variations[i - 1]
[docs] def demote(self, move): """Moves a variation one down in the list of variations.""" variation = self[move] i = self.variations.index(variation) if i < len(self.variations) - 1: self.variations[i + 1], self.variations[i] = self.variations[i], self.variations[i + 1]
[docs] def remove_variation(self, move): """Removes a variation.""" self.variations.remove(self.variation(move))
[docs] def add_variation(self, move, *, comment="", starting_comment="", nags=()): """Creates a child node with the given attributes.""" node = GameNode() node.move = move node.nags = set(nags) node.parent = self node.comment = comment node.starting_comment = starting_comment self.variations.append(node) return node
[docs] def add_main_variation(self, move, *, comment=""): """ Creates a child node with the given attributes and promotes it to the main variation. """ node = self.add_variation(move, comment=comment) self.variations.remove(node) self.variations.insert(0, node) return node
[docs] def mainline(self): """Returns an iterator over the mainline starting after this node.""" return Mainline(self)
[docs] def mainline_moves(self): """Returns an iterator over the main moves after this node.""" return Mainline(self, lambda node: node.move)
[docs] def add_line(self, moves, *, comment="", starting_comment="", nags=()): """ Creates a sequence of child nodes for the given list of moves. Adds *comment* and *nags* to the last node of the line and returns it. """ node = self # Add line. for move in moves: node = node.add_variation(move, starting_comment=starting_comment) starting_comment = "" # Merge comment and NAGs. if node.comment: node.comment += " " + comment else: node.comment = comment node.nags.update(nags) return node
def _accept_node(self, parent_board, visitor): if self.starting_comment: visitor.visit_comment(self.starting_comment) visitor.visit_move(parent_board, self.move) parent_board.push(self.move) visitor.visit_board(parent_board) parent_board.pop() for nag in sorted(self.nags): visitor.visit_nag(nag) if self.comment: visitor.visit_comment(self.comment)
[docs] def accept(self, visitor, *, _parent_board=None): """ Traverses game nodes in PGN order using the given *visitor*. Starts with the move leading to this node. Returns the *visitor* result. """ board = self.parent.board() if _parent_board is None else _parent_board # First, visit the move that leads to this node. self._accept_node(board, visitor) # Then visit sidelines. if _parent_board is not None and self == self.parent.variations[0]: for variation in itertools.islice(self.parent.variations, 1, None): if visitor.begin_variation() is not SKIP: variation.accept(visitor, _parent_board=board) visitor.end_variation() # The mainline is continued last. if self.variations: board.push(self.move) self.variations[0].accept(visitor, _parent_board=board) board.pop() # Get the result if not called recursively. if _parent_board is None: return visitor.result()
[docs] def accept_subgame(self, visitor): """ Traverses headers and game nodes in PGN order, as if the game was starting after this node. Returns the *visitor* result. """ if visitor.begin_game() is not SKIP: game = self.root() board = self.board() dummy_game = Game.without_tag_roster() dummy_game.setup(board) visitor.begin_headers() for tagname, tagvalue in game.headers.items(): if tagname not in dummy_game.headers: visitor.visit_header(tagname, tagvalue) for tagname, tagvalue in dummy_game.headers.items(): visitor.visit_header(tagname, tagvalue) if visitor.end_headers() is not SKIP: visitor.visit_board(board) if self.variations: self.variations[0].accept(visitor, _parent_board=board) visitor.visit_result(game.headers.get("Result", "*")) visitor.end_game() return visitor.result()
def __str__(self): return self.accept(StringExporter(columns=None)) def __repr__(self): return "<GameNode at {:#x} ({}{} {} ...)>".format( id(self), self.parent.board().fullmove_number, "." if self.parent.board().turn == chess.WHITE else "...", self.san())
[docs]class Game(GameNode): """ The root node of a game with extra information such as headers and the starting position. Also has all the other properties and methods of :class:`~chess.pgn.GameNode`. """ def __init__(self, headers=None): super().__init__() self.headers = Headers(headers) self.errors = []
[docs] def board(self, *, _cache=False): """ Gets the starting position of the game. Unless the ``FEN`` header tag is set, this is the default starting position (for the ``Variant``). """ return self.headers.board()
[docs] def setup(self, board): """ Sets up a specific starting position. This sets (or resets) the ``FEN``, ``SetUp``, and ``Variant`` header tags. """ try: fen = board.fen() except AttributeError: board = chess.Board(board) board.chess960 = board.has_chess960_castling_rights() fen = board.fen() if fen == type(board).starting_fen: self.headers.pop("SetUp", None) self.headers.pop("FEN", None) else: self.headers["SetUp"] = "1" self.headers["FEN"] = fen if type(board).aliases[0] == "Standard" and board.chess960: self.headers["Variant"] = "Chess960" elif type(board).aliases[0] != "Standard": self.headers["Variant"] = type(board).aliases[0] self.headers["FEN"] = board.fen() else: self.headers.pop("Variant", None)
[docs] def accept(self, visitor): """ Traverses the game in PGN order using the given *visitor*. Returns the *visitor* result. """ if visitor.begin_game() is not SKIP: for tagname, tagvalue in self.headers.items(): visitor.visit_header(tagname, tagvalue) if visitor.end_headers() is not SKIP: board = self.board() visitor.visit_board(board) if self.comment: visitor.visit_comment(self.comment) if self.variations: self.variations[0].accept(visitor, _parent_board=board) visitor.visit_result(self.headers.get("Result", "*")) visitor.end_game() return visitor.result()
[docs] @classmethod def from_board(cls, board): """Creates a game from the move stack of a :class:`~chess.Board()`.""" # Setup the initial position. game = cls() game.setup(board.root()) node = game # Replay all moves. for move in board.move_stack: node = node.add_variation(move) game.headers["Result"] = board.result() return game
[docs] @classmethod def without_tag_roster(cls): """Creates an empty game without the default 7 tag roster.""" return cls(headers={})
def __repr__(self): return "<Game at {:#x} ({!r} vs. {!r}, {!r})>".format( id(self), self.headers.get("White", "?"), self.headers.get("Black", "?"), self.headers.get("Date", "????.??.??"))
class Headers( def __init__(self, data=None, **kwargs): self._tag_roster = {} self._others = {} if data is None: data = { "Event": "?", "Site": "?", "Date": "????.??.??", "Round": "?", "White": "?", "Black": "?", "Result": "*" } self.update(data, **kwargs) def is_chess960(self): return self.get("Variant", "").lower() in [ "chess960", "chess 960", "fischerandom", # Cute Chess "fischerrandom", "fischer random", ] def is_wild(self): # return self.get("Variant", "").lower() in [ "wild/0", "wild/1", "wild/2", "wild/3", "wild/4", "wild/5", "wild/6", "wild/7", "wild/8", "wild/8a"] def variant(self): if "Variant" not in self or self.is_chess960() or self.is_wild(): return chess.Board else: from chess.variant import find_variant return find_variant(self["Variant"]) def board(self): VariantBoard = self.variant() fen = self.get("FEN", VariantBoard.starting_fen) board = VariantBoard(fen, chess960=self.is_chess960()) board.chess960 = board.chess960 or board.has_chess960_castling_rights() return board def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in TAG_ROSTER: self._tag_roster[key] = value elif not TAG_NAME_REGEX.match(key): raise ValueError("non-alphanumeric pgn header tag: {!r}".format(key)) elif "\n" in value or "\r" in value: raise ValueError("line break in pgn header {}: {!r}".format(key, value)) else: self._others[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): if key in TAG_ROSTER: return self._tag_roster[key] else: return self._others[key] def __delitem__(self, key): if key in TAG_ROSTER: del self._tag_roster[key] else: del self._others[key] def __iter__(self): for key in TAG_ROSTER: if key in self._tag_roster: yield key yield from sorted(self._others) def __len__(self): return len(self._tag_roster) + len(self._others) def copy(self): return type(self)(self) def __copy__(self): return self.copy() def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format( type(self).__name__, ", ".join("{}={!r}".format(key, value) for key, value in self.items())) class Mainline: def __init__(self, start, f=lambda node: node): self.start = start self.f = f def __bool__(self): return bool(self.start.variations) def __iter__(self): node = self.start while node.variations: node = node.variations[0] yield self.f(node) def __reversed__(self): return ReverseMainline(self.start, self.f) def accept(self, visitor): node = self.start board = self.start.board() while node.variations: node = node.variations[0] node._accept_node(board, visitor) board.push(node.move) return visitor.result() def __str__(self): return self.accept(StringExporter(columns=None)) def __repr__(self): return "<Mainline at {:#x} ({})>".format(id(self), self.accept(StringExporter(columns=None, comments=False))) class ReverseMainline: def __init__(self, stop, f=lambda node: node): self.stop = stop self.f = f self.length = 0 node = stop while node.variations: node = node.variations[0] self.length += 1 self.end = node def __len__(self): return self.length def __iter__(self): node = self.end while node.parent and node != self.stop: yield self.f(node) node = node.parent def __reversed__(self): return Mainline(self.stop, self.f) def __repr__(self): return "<ReverseMainline at {:#x} ({})>".format(id(self), " ".join(ReverseMainline(self.stop, lambda node: node.move.uci())))
[docs]class BaseVisitor: """ Base class for visitors. Use with :func:`chess.pgn.Game.accept()` or :func:`chess.pgn.GameNode.accept()` or :func:`chess.pgn.read_game()`. The methods are called in PGN order. """
[docs] def begin_game(self): """Called at the start of a game.""" pass
[docs] def begin_headers(self): """Called before visiting game headers.""" pass
[docs] def visit_header(self, tagname, tagvalue): """Called for each game header.""" pass
[docs] def end_headers(self): """Called after visiting game headers.""" pass
[docs] def parse_san(self, board, san): """ When the visitor is used by a parser, this is called to parse a move in standard algebraic notation. You can override the default implementation to work around specific quirks of your input format. """ # Replace zeros with correct castling notation. if san == "0-0": san = "O-O" elif san == "0-0-0": san = "O-O-O" return board.parse_san(san)
[docs] def visit_move(self, board, move): """ Called for each move. *board* is the board state before the move. The board state must be restored before the traversal continues. """ pass
[docs] def visit_board(self, board): """ Called for the starting position of the game and after each move. The board state must be restored before the traversal continues. """
[docs] def visit_comment(self, comment): """Called for each comment.""" pass
[docs] def visit_nag(self, nag): """Called for each NAG.""" pass
[docs] def begin_variation(self): """ Called at the start of a new variation. It is not called for the mainline of the game. """ pass
[docs] def end_variation(self): """Concludes a variation.""" pass
[docs] def visit_result(self, result): """ Called at the end of a game with the value from the ``Result`` header. """ pass
[docs] def end_game(self): """Called at the end of a game.""" pass
[docs] def result(self): """Called to get the result of the visitor. Defaults to ``True``.""" return True
[docs] def handle_error(self, error): """Called for encountered errors. Defaults to raising an exception.""" raise error
[docs]class GameCreator(BaseVisitor): """ Creates a game model. Default visitor for :func:`~chess.pgn.read_game()`. """ def begin_game(self): = Game() self.variation_stack = [] self.starting_comment = "" self.in_variation = False def begin_headers(self): return def visit_header(self, tagname, tagvalue):[tagname] = tagvalue def visit_nag(self, nag): self.variation_stack[-1].nags.add(nag) def begin_variation(self): self.variation_stack.append(self.variation_stack[-1].parent) self.in_variation = False def end_variation(self): self.variation_stack.pop() def visit_result(self, result): if"Result", "*") == "*":["Result"] = result def visit_comment(self, comment): if self.in_variation or (self.variation_stack[-1].parent is None and self.variation_stack[-1].is_end()): # Add as a comment for the current node if in the middle of # a variation. Add as a comment for the game if the comment # starts before any move. new_comment = [self.variation_stack[-1].comment, comment] self.variation_stack[-1].comment = "\n".join(new_comment).strip() else: # Otherwise, it is a starting comment. new_comment = [self.starting_comment, comment] self.starting_comment = "\n".join(new_comment).strip() def visit_move(self, board, move): self.variation_stack[-1] = self.variation_stack[-1].add_variation(move) self.variation_stack[-1].starting_comment = self.starting_comment self.starting_comment = "" self.in_variation = True
[docs] def handle_error(self, error): """ Populates :data:`chess.pgn.Game.errors` with encountered errors and logs them. """ LOGGER.exception("error during pgn parsing")
[docs] def result(self): """ Returns the visited :class:`~chess.pgn.Game()`. """ return
[docs]class HeaderCreator(BaseVisitor): """Collects headers into a dictionary.""" def begin_headers(self): self.headers = Headers({}) return self.headers def visit_header(self, tagname, tagvalue): self.headers[tagname] = tagvalue def end_headers(self): return SKIP def result(self): return self.headers
[docs]class BoardCreator(BaseVisitor): """ Returns the final position of the game. The mainline of the game is on the move stack. """ def begin_game(self): self.skip_variation_depth = 0 def begin_variation(self): self.skip_variation_depth += 1 return SKIP def end_variation(self): self.skip_variation_depth = max(self.skip_variation_depth - 1, 0) def visit_board(self, board): if not self.skip_variation_depth: self.board = board def result(self): return self.board
[docs]class SkipVisitor(BaseVisitor): """Skips a game.""" def begin_game(self): return SKIP def end_headers(self): return SKIP def begin_variation(self): return SKIP
[docs]class StringExporter(BaseVisitor): """ Allows exporting a game as a string. >>> import chess.pgn >>> >>> game = chess.pgn.Game() >>> >>> exporter = chess.pgn.StringExporter(headers=True, variations=True, comments=True) >>> pgn_string = game.accept(exporter) Only *columns* characters are written per line. If *columns* is ``None``, then the entire movetext will be on a single line. This does not affect header tags and comments. There will be no newline characters at the end of the string. """ def __init__(self, *, columns=80, headers=True, comments=True, variations=True): self.columns = columns self.headers = headers self.comments = comments self.variations = variations self.found_headers = False self.force_movenumber = True self.lines = [] self.current_line = "" self.variation_depth = 0 def flush_current_line(self): if self.current_line: self.lines.append(self.current_line.rstrip()) self.current_line = "" def write_token(self, token): if self.columns is not None and self.columns - len(self.current_line) < len(token): self.flush_current_line() self.current_line += token def write_line(self, line=""): self.flush_current_line() self.lines.append(line.rstrip()) def end_game(self): self.write_line() def begin_headers(self): self.found_headers = False def visit_header(self, tagname, tagvalue): if self.headers: self.found_headers = True self.write_line("[{} \"{}\"]".format(tagname, tagvalue)) def end_headers(self): if self.found_headers: self.write_line() def begin_variation(self): self.variation_depth += 1 if self.variations: self.write_token("( ") self.force_movenumber = True def end_variation(self): self.variation_depth -= 1 if self.variations: self.write_token(") ") self.force_movenumber = True else: return SKIP def visit_comment(self, comment): if self.comments and (self.variations or not self.variation_depth): self.write_token("{ " + comment.replace("}", "").strip() + " } ") self.force_movenumber = True def visit_nag(self, nag): if self.comments and (self.variations or not self.variation_depth): self.write_token("$" + str(nag) + " ") def visit_move(self, board, move): if self.variations or not self.variation_depth: # Write the move number. if board.turn == chess.WHITE: self.write_token(str(board.fullmove_number) + ". ") elif self.force_movenumber: self.write_token(str(board.fullmove_number) + "... ") # Write the SAN. self.write_token(board.san(move) + " ") self.force_movenumber = False def visit_result(self, result): self.write_token(result + " ") def result(self): if self.current_line: return "\n".join(itertools.chain(self.lines, [self.current_line.rstrip()])).rstrip() else: return "\n".join(self.lines).rstrip() def __str__(self): return self.result()
[docs]class FileExporter(StringExporter): """ Acts like a :class:`~chess.pgn.StringExporter`, but games are written directly into a text file. There will always be a blank line after each game. Handling encodings is up to the caller. >>> import chess.pgn >>> >>> game = chess.pgn.Game() >>> >>> new_pgn = open("/dev/null", "w", encoding="utf-8") >>> exporter = chess.pgn.FileExporter(new_pgn) >>> game.accept(exporter) """ def __init__(self, handle, *, columns=80, headers=True, comments=True, variations=True): super().__init__(columns=columns, headers=headers, comments=comments, variations=variations) self.handle = handle def flush_current_line(self): if self.current_line: self.handle.write(self.current_line.rstrip()) self.handle.write("\n") self.current_line = "" def write_line(self, line=""): self.flush_current_line() self.handle.write(line.rstrip()) self.handle.write("\n") def result(self): return None def __repr__(self): return "<FileExporter at {:#x}>".format(id(self)) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
[docs]def read_game(handle, *, Visitor=GameCreator): """ Reads a game from a file opened in text mode. >>> import chess.pgn >>> >>> pgn = open("data/pgn/kasparov-deep-blue-1997.pgn") >>> >>> first_game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn) >>> second_game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn) >>> >>> first_game.headers["Event"] 'IBM Man-Machine, New York USA' >>> >>> # Iterate through all moves and play them on a board. >>> board = first_game.board() >>> for move in first_game.mainline_moves(): ... board.push(move) ... >>> board Board('4r3/6P1/2p2P1k/1p6/pP2p1R1/P1B5/2P2K2/3r4 b - - 0 45') By using text mode, the parser does not need to handle encodings. It is the caller's responsibility to open the file with the correct encoding. PGN files are usually ASCII or UTF-8 encoded. So, the following should cover most relevant cases (ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-8 with BOM). >>> pgn = open("data/pgn/kasparov-deep-blue-1997.pgn", encoding="utf-8-sig") Use :class:`~io.StringIO` to parse games from a string. >>> import io >>> >>> pgn = io.StringIO("1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 *") >>> game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn) The end of a game is determined by a completely blank line or the end of the file. (Of course, blank lines in comments are possible). According to the PGN standard, at least the usual 7 header tags are required for a valid game. This parser also handles games without any headers just fine. The parser is relatively forgiving when it comes to errors. It skips over tokens it can not parse. Any exceptions are logged and collected in :data:`Game.errors <chess.pgn.Game.errors>`. This behavior can be :func:`overriden <chess.pgn.GameCreator.handle_error>`. Returns the parsed game or ``None`` if the end of file is reached. """ visitor = Visitor() found_game = False skipping_game = False headers = None managed_headers = None # Ignore leading empty lines and comments. line = handle.readline().lstrip("\ufeff") while line.isspace() or line.startswith("%") or line.startswith(";"): line = handle.readline() # Parse game headers. while line: # Ignore comments. if line.startswith("%") or line.startswith(";"): line = handle.readline() continue # First token of the game. if not found_game: found_game = True skipping_game = visitor.begin_game() is SKIP if not skipping_game: managed_headers = visitor.begin_headers() if not isinstance(managed_headers, Headers): managed_headers = None headers = Headers({}) if not line.startswith("["): break if not skipping_game: tag_match = TAG_REGEX.match(line) if tag_match: visitor.visit_header(, if headers is not None: headers[] = else: break line = handle.readline() if not found_game: return None if not skipping_game: skipping_game = visitor.end_headers() is SKIP # Ignore single empty line after headers. if line.isspace(): line = handle.readline() if not skipping_game: # Chess variant. headers = managed_headers if headers is None else headers try: VariantBoard = headers.variant() except ValueError as error: visitor.handle_error(error) VariantBoard = chess.Board # Initial position. fen = headers.get("FEN", VariantBoard.starting_fen) try: board_stack = [VariantBoard(fen, chess960=headers.is_chess960())] except ValueError as error: visitor.handle_error(error) skipping_game = True else: visitor.visit_board(board_stack[0]) # Fast path: Skip entire game. if skipping_game: in_comment = False while line: if not in_comment: if line.isspace(): break elif line.startswith("%"): line = handle.readline() continue for match in SKIP_MOVETEXT_REGEX.finditer(line): token = if token == "{": in_comment = True elif not in_comment and token == ";": break elif token == "}": in_comment = False line = handle.readline() visitor.end_game() return visitor.result() # Parse movetext. skip_variation_depth = 0 while line: read_next_line = True # Ignore comments. if line.startswith("%") or line.startswith(";"): line = handle.readline() continue # An empty line means the end of a game. if line.isspace(): visitor.end_game() return visitor.result() for match in MOVETEXT_REGEX.finditer(line): token = if token.startswith("{"): # Consume until the end of the comment. line = token[1:] comment_lines = [] while line and "}" not in line: comment_lines.append(line.rstrip()) line = handle.readline() end_index = line.find("}") comment_lines.append(line[:end_index]) if "}" in line: line = line[end_index:] else: line = "" if not skip_variation_depth: visitor.visit_comment("\n".join(comment_lines).strip()) # Continue with the current or the next line. if line: read_next_line = False break elif token == "(": if skip_variation_depth: skip_variation_depth += 1 elif board_stack[-1].move_stack: if visitor.begin_variation() is SKIP: skip_variation_depth = 1 else: board = board_stack[-1].copy() board.pop() board_stack.append(board) elif token == ")": if skip_variation_depth: skip_variation_depth -= 1 if len(board_stack) > 1: visitor.end_variation() board_stack.pop() elif skip_variation_depth: continue elif token.startswith(";"): break elif token.startswith("$"): # Found a NAG. visitor.visit_nag(int(token[1:])) elif token == "?": visitor.visit_nag(NAG_MISTAKE) elif token == "??": visitor.visit_nag(NAG_BLUNDER) elif token == "!": visitor.visit_nag(NAG_GOOD_MOVE) elif token == "!!": visitor.visit_nag(NAG_BRILLIANT_MOVE) elif token == "!?": visitor.visit_nag(NAG_SPECULATIVE_MOVE) elif token == "?!": visitor.visit_nag(NAG_DUBIOUS_MOVE) elif token in ["1-0", "0-1", "1/2-1/2", "*"] and len(board_stack) == 1: visitor.visit_result(token) else: # Parse SAN tokens. try: move = visitor.parse_san(board_stack[-1], token) except ValueError as error: visitor.handle_error(error) skip_variation_depth = 1 else: visitor.visit_move(board_stack[-1], move) board_stack[-1].push(move) visitor.visit_board(board_stack[-1]) if read_next_line: line = handle.readline() visitor.end_game() return visitor.result()
[docs]def read_headers(handle): """ Reads game headers from a PGN file opened in text mode. Since actually parsing many games from a big file is relatively expensive, this is a better way to look only for specific games and then seek and parse them later. This example scans for the first game with Kasparov as the white player. >>> import chess.pgn >>> >>> pgn = open("data/pgn/kasparov-deep-blue-1997.pgn") >>> >>> kasparov_offsets = [] >>> >>> while True: ... offset = pgn.tell() ... ... headers = chess.pgn.read_headers(pgn) ... if headers is None: ... break ... ... if "Kasparov" in headers.get("White", "?"): ... kasparov_offsets.append(offset) Then it can later be seeked an parsed. >>> for offset in kasparov_offsets: ... ... chess.pgn.read_game(pgn) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0 <Game at ... ('Garry Kasparov' vs. 'Deep Blue (Computer)', 1997.??.??)> 1436 <Game at ... ('Garry Kasparov' vs. 'Deep Blue (Computer)', 1997.??.??)> 3067 <Game at ... ('Garry Kasparov' vs. 'Deep Blue (Computer)', 1997.??.??)> """ return read_game(handle, Visitor=HeaderCreator)
[docs]def skip_game(handle): """ Skip a game. Returns ``True`` if a game was found and skipped. """ return read_game(handle, Visitor=SkipVisitor)