Source code for chess.gaviota

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the python-chess library.
# Copyright (C) 2015 Jean-Noël Avila <>
# Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Niklas Fiekas <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import collections
import ctypes
import ctypes.util
import fnmatch
import logging
import lzma
import os
import os.path
import struct

import chess

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)


MAX_PpINDEX = 24 * 48
MAX_AAINDEX = (63 - 62) + (62 // 2 * (127 - 62)) - 1 + 1
MAX_AAAINDEX = 64 * 21 * 31
MAX_PPP48_INDEX = 8648
MAX_PP48_INDEX = 1128

MAX_kabk = MAX_KKINDEX * 64 * 64
MAX_kakb = MAX_KKINDEX * 64 * 64
MAX_kpk = 24 * 64 * 64
MAX_kakp = 24 * 64 * 64 * 64
MAX_kapk = 24 * 64 * 64 * 64
MAX_kppk = MAX_PPINDEX * 64 * 64
MAX_kpkp = MAX_PpINDEX * 64 * 64
MAX_kabkc = MAX_KKINDEX * 64 * 64 * 64
MAX_kabck = MAX_KKINDEX * 64 * 64 * 64
MAX_kapkb = 24 * 64 * 64 * 64 * 64
MAX_kabkp = 24 * 64 * 64 * 64 * 64
MAX_kabpk = 24 * 64 * 64 * 64 * 64
MAX_kppka = MAX_kppk * 64
MAX_kappk = MAX_kppk * 64
MAX_kapkp = MAX_kpkp * 64
MAX_kaapk = 24 * MAX_AAINDEX * 64 * 64
MAX_kaakp = 24 * MAX_AAINDEX * 64 * 64
MAX_kppkp = 24 * MAX_PP48_INDEX * 64 * 64
MAX_kpppk = MAX_PPP48_INDEX * 64 * 64



    chess.H7, chess.G7, chess.F7, chess.E7,
    chess.H6, chess.G6, chess.F6, chess.E6,
    chess.H5, chess.G5, chess.F5, chess.E5,
    chess.H4, chess.G4, chess.F4, chess.E4,
    chess.H3, chess.G3, chess.F3, chess.E3,
    chess.H2, chess.G2, chess.F2, chess.E2,
    chess.D7, chess.C7, chess.B7, chess.A7,
    chess.D6, chess.C6, chess.B6, chess.A6,
    chess.D5, chess.C5, chess.B5, chess.A5,
    chess.D4, chess.C4, chess.B4, chess.A4,
    chess.D3, chess.C3, chess.B3, chess.A3,
    chess.D2, chess.C2, chess.B2, chess.A2,



def map24_b(s):
    s = s - 8
    return ((s & 3) + s) >> 1

def map88(x):
    return x + (x & 56)

def in_queenside(x):
    return (x & (1 << 2)) == 0

def flip_we(x):
    return x ^ 7

def flip_ns(x):
    return x ^ 56

def flip_nw_se(x):
    return ((x & 7) << 3) | (x >> 3)

def idx_is_empty(x):
    return x == -1

def flip_type(x, y):
    ret = 0

    if chess.square_file(x) > 3:
        x = flip_we(x)
        y = flip_we(y)
        ret |= 1

    if chess.square_rank(x) > 3:
        x = flip_ns(x)
        y = flip_ns(y)
        ret |= 2

    rowx = chess.square_rank(x)
    colx = chess.square_file(x)

    if rowx > colx:
        x = flip_nw_se(x)
        y = flip_nw_se(y)
        ret |= 4

    rowy = chess.square_rank(y)
    coly = chess.square_file(y)
    if rowx == colx and rowy > coly:
        x = flip_nw_se(x)
        y = flip_nw_se(y)
        ret |= 4

    return ret

def init_flipt():
    return [[flip_type(j, i) for i in range(64)] for j in range(64)]

FLIPT = init_flipt()

def init_pp48_idx():
    MAX_I = 48
    MAX_J = 48
    idx = 0
    pp48_idx = [[-1] * MAX_J for i in range(MAX_I)]
    pp48_sq_x = [NOSQUARE] * MAX_PP48_INDEX
    pp48_sq_y = [NOSQUARE] * MAX_PP48_INDEX

    idx = 0
    for a in range(chess.H7, chess.A2 - 1, -1):
        for b in range(a - 1, chess.A2 - 1, -1):
            i = flip_we(flip_ns(a)) - 8
            j = flip_we(flip_ns(b)) - 8

            if idx_is_empty(pp48_idx[i][j]):
                pp48_idx[i][j] = idx
                pp48_idx[j][i] = idx
                pp48_sq_x[idx] = i
                pp48_sq_y[idx] = j
                idx += 1

    return pp48_idx, pp48_sq_x, pp48_sq_y

PP48_IDX, PP48_SQ_X, PP48_SQ_Y = init_pp48_idx()

def init_ppp48_idx():
    MAX_I = 48
    MAX_J = 48
    MAX_K = 48
    ppp48_idx = [[[-1] * MAX_I for j in range(MAX_J)] for k in range(MAX_K)]
    ppp48_sq_x = [NOSQUARE] * MAX_PPP48_INDEX
    ppp48_sq_y = [NOSQUARE] * MAX_PPP48_INDEX
    ppp48_sq_z = [NOSQUARE] * MAX_PPP48_INDEX

    idx = 0
    for x in range(48):
        for y in range(x + 1, 48):
            for z in range(y + 1, 48):
                a = ITOSQ[x]
                b = ITOSQ[y]
                c = ITOSQ[z]
                if not in_queenside(b) or not in_queenside(c):

                i = a - 8
                j = b - 8
                k = c - 8

                if idx_is_empty(ppp48_idx[i][j][k]):
                    ppp48_idx[i][j][k] = idx
                    ppp48_idx[i][k][j] = idx
                    ppp48_idx[j][i][k] = idx
                    ppp48_idx[j][k][i] = idx
                    ppp48_idx[k][i][j] = idx
                    ppp48_idx[k][j][i] = idx
                    ppp48_sq_x[idx] = i
                    ppp48_sq_y[idx] = j
                    ppp48_sq_z[idx] = k
                    idx = idx + 1

    return ppp48_idx, ppp48_sq_x, ppp48_sq_y, ppp48_sq_z

PPP48_IDX, PPP48_SQ_X, PPP48_SQ_Y, PPP48_SQ_Z = init_ppp48_idx()

def init_aaidx():
    aaidx = [[-1] * 64 for y in range(64)]
    aabase = [0] * MAX_AAINDEX

    idx = 0
    for x in range(64):
        for y in range(x + 1, 64):

            if idx_is_empty(aaidx[x][y]):
                # Still empty.
                aaidx[x][y] = idx
                aaidx[y][x] = idx
                aabase[idx] = x
                idx += 1

    return aabase, aaidx

AABASE, AAIDX = init_aaidx()

def init_aaa():
    # Get aaa_base.
    comb = [a * (a - 1) // 2 for a in range(64)]

    accum = 0
    aaa_base = [0] * 64
    for a in range(64 - 1):
        accum = accum + comb[a]
        aaa_base[a + 1] = accum

    # Get aaa_xyz.
    aaa_xyz = [[-1] * 3 for idx in range(MAX_AAAINDEX)]

    idx = 0
    for z in range(64):
        for y in range(z):
            for x in range(y):
                aaa_xyz[idx][0] = x
                aaa_xyz[idx][1] = y
                aaa_xyz[idx][2] = z
                idx += 1

    return aaa_base, aaa_xyz

AAA_BASE, AAA_XYZ = init_aaa()

def pp_putanchorfirst(a, b):
    row_b = b & 56
    row_a = a & 56

    # Default.
    anchor = a
    loosen = b

    if row_b > row_a:
        anchor = b
        loosen = a
    elif row_b == row_a:
        x = a
        col = x & 7
        inv = col ^ 7
        x = (1 << col) | (1 << inv)
        x &= (x - 1)
        hi_a = x

        x = b
        col = x & 7
        inv = col ^ 7
        x = (1 << col) | (1 << inv)
        x &= (x - 1)
        hi_b = x

        if hi_b > hi_a:
            anchor = b
            loosen = a

        if hi_b < hi_a:
            anchor = a
            loosen = b

        if hi_b == hi_a:
            if a < b:
                anchor = a
                loosen = b
                anchor = b
                loosen = a

    return anchor, loosen

def wsq_to_pidx24(pawn):
    sq = pawn

    sq = flip_ns(sq)
    sq -= 8  # Down one row.

    idx24 = (sq + (sq & 3)) >> 1
    return idx24

def wsq_to_pidx48(pawn):
    sq = pawn

    sq = flip_ns(sq)
    sq -= 8  # Down one row.

    idx48 = sq
    return idx48

def init_ppidx():
    ppidx = [[-1] * 48 for i in range(24)]
    pp_hi24 = [-1] * MAX_PPINDEX
    pp_lo48 = [-1] * MAX_PPINDEX

    idx = 0
    for a in range(chess.H7, chess.A2 - 1, -1):
        if in_queenside(a):

        for b in range(a - 1, chess.A2 - 1, -1):
            anchor = 0
            loosen = 0

            anchor, loosen = pp_putanchorfirst(a, b)

            if (anchor & 7) > 3:
                # Square in the kingside.
                anchor = flip_we(anchor)
                loosen = flip_we(loosen)

            i = wsq_to_pidx24(anchor)
            j = wsq_to_pidx48(loosen)

            if idx_is_empty(ppidx[i][j]):
                ppidx[i][j] = idx
                pp_hi24[idx] = i
                pp_lo48[idx] = j
                idx += 1

    return ppidx, pp_hi24, pp_lo48

PPIDX, PP_HI24, PP_LO48 = init_ppidx()

def norm_kkindex(x, y):
    if chess.square_file(x) > 3:
        x = flip_we(x)
        y = flip_we(y)

    if chess.square_rank(x) > 3:
        x = flip_ns(x)
        y = flip_ns(y)

    rowx = chess.square_rank(x)
    colx = chess.square_file(x)

    if rowx > colx:
        x = flip_nw_se(x)
        y = flip_nw_se(y)

    rowy = chess.square_rank(y)
    coly = chess.square_file(y)

    if rowx == colx and rowy > coly:
        x = flip_nw_se(x)
        y = flip_nw_se(y)

    return x, y

def init_kkidx():
    kkidx = [[-1] * 64 for x in range(64)]
    bksq = [-1] * MAX_KKINDEX
    wksq = [-1] * MAX_KKINDEX
    idx = 0
    for x in range(64):
        for y in range(64):
            # Check if x to y is legal.
            if x != y and not chess.BB_KING_ATTACKS[x] & chess.BB_SQUARES[y]:
                # Normalize.
                i, j = norm_kkindex(x, y)

                if idx_is_empty(kkidx[i][j]):
                    kkidx[i][j] = idx
                    kkidx[x][y] = idx
                    bksq[idx] = i
                    wksq[idx] = j
                    idx += 1

    return kkidx, wksq, bksq

KKIDX, WKSQ, BKSQ = init_kkidx()

def kxk_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_Ax = 64

    ft = flip_type(c.black_piece_squares[0], c.white_piece_squares[0])

    ws = c.white_piece_squares
    bs = c.black_piece_squares

    if (ft & 1) != 0:
        ws = [flip_we(b) for b in ws]
        bs = [flip_we(b) for b in bs]

    if (ft & 2) != 0:
        ws = [flip_ns(b) for b in ws]
        bs = [flip_ns(b) for b in bs]

    if (ft & 4) != 0:
        ws = [flip_nw_se(b) for b in ws]
        bs = [flip_nw_se(b) for b in bs]

    ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]]  # KKIDX[black king][white king]

    if ki == -1:
        return NOINDEX

    return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ws[1]

def kapkb_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_A = 64 * 64 * 64 * 64
    BLOCK_B = 64 * 64 * 64
    BLOCK_C = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_D = 64

    pawn = c.white_piece_squares[2]
    wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
    wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
    bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
    ba = c.black_piece_squares[1]

    if not (chess.A2 <= pawn < chess.A8):
        return NOINDEX

    if (pawn & 7) > 3:
        # Column is more than 3, i.e. e, f, g or h.
        pawn = flip_we(pawn)
        wk = flip_we(wk)
        bk = flip_we(bk)
        wa = flip_we(wa)
        ba = flip_we(ba)

    sq = pawn
    sq ^= 56  # flip_ns
    sq -= 8   # down one row
    pslice = (sq + (sq & 3)) >> 1

    return pslice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk * BLOCK_C + wa * BLOCK_D + ba

def kabpk_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_A = 64 * 64 * 64 * 64
    BLOCK_B = 64 * 64 * 64
    BLOCK_C = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_D = 64

    wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
    wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
    wb = c.white_piece_squares[2]
    pawn = c.white_piece_squares[3]
    bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]

    if (pawn & 7) > 3:
        # Column is more than 3, i.e. e, f, g or h.
        pawn = flip_we(pawn)
        wk = flip_we(wk)
        bk = flip_we(bk)
        wa = flip_we(wa)
        wb = flip_we(wb)

    pslice = wsq_to_pidx24(pawn)

    return pslice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk * BLOCK_C + wa * BLOCK_D + wb

def kabkp_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_A = 64 * 64 * 64 * 64
    BLOCK_B = 64 * 64 * 64
    BLOCK_C = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_D = 64

    pawn = c.black_piece_squares[1]
    wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
    wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
    bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
    wb = c.white_piece_squares[2]

    if not (chess.A2 <= pawn < chess.A8):
        return NOINDEX

    if (pawn & 7) > 3:
        # Column is more than 3, i.e. e, f, g or h.
        pawn = flip_we(pawn)
        wk = flip_we(wk)
        bk = flip_we(bk)
        wa = flip_we(wa)
        wb = flip_we(wb)

    sq = pawn
    sq -= 8  # down one row
    pslice = (sq + (sq & 3)) >> 1

    return pslice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk * BLOCK_C + wa * BLOCK_D + wb

def kaapk_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_B = 64 * BLOCK_C
    BLOCK_A = 64 * BLOCK_B

    wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
    wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
    wa2 = c.white_piece_squares[2]
    pawn = c.white_piece_squares[3]
    bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]

    if (pawn & 7) > 3:
        # Column is more than 3, i.e. e, f, g or h.
        pawn = flip_we(pawn)
        wk = flip_we(wk)
        bk = flip_we(bk)
        wa = flip_we(wa)
        wa2 = flip_we(wa2)

    pslice = wsq_to_pidx24(pawn)

    aa_combo = AAIDX[wa][wa2]

    if idx_is_empty(aa_combo):
        return NOINDEX

    return pslice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk * BLOCK_C + aa_combo

def kaakp_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_B = 64 * BLOCK_C
    BLOCK_A = 64 * BLOCK_B

    wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
    wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
    wa2 = c.white_piece_squares[2]
    bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
    pawn = c.black_piece_squares[1]

    if (pawn & 7) > 3:
        # Column is more than 3, i.e. e, f, g or h.
        pawn = flip_we(pawn)
        wk = flip_we(wk)
        bk = flip_we(bk)
        wa = flip_we(wa)
        wa2 = flip_we(wa2)

    pawn = flip_ns(pawn)
    pslice = wsq_to_pidx24(pawn)

    aa_combo = AAIDX[wa][wa2]

    if idx_is_empty(aa_combo):
        return NOINDEX

    return pslice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk * BLOCK_C + aa_combo

def kapkp_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_A = 64 * 64 * 64
    BLOCK_B = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_C = 64

    wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
    wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
    pawn_a = c.white_piece_squares[2]
    bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
    pawn_b = c.black_piece_squares[1]

    anchor = pawn_a
    loosen = pawn_b

    if (anchor & 7) > 3:
        # Column is more than 3, i.e. e, f, g or h.
        anchor = flip_we(anchor)
        loosen = flip_we(loosen)
        wk = flip_we(wk)
        bk = flip_we(bk)
        wa = flip_we(wa)

    m = wsq_to_pidx24(anchor)
    n = loosen - 8
    pp_slice = m * 48 + n

    if idx_is_empty(pp_slice):
        return NOINDEX

    return pp_slice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk * BLOCK_C + wa

def kappk_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_A = 64 * 64 * 64
    BLOCK_B = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_C = 64

    wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
    wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
    pawn_a = c.white_piece_squares[2]
    pawn_b = c.white_piece_squares[3]
    bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]

    anchor, loosen = pp_putanchorfirst(pawn_a, pawn_b)

    if (anchor & 7) > 3:
        # Column is more than 3, i.e. e, f, g or h.
        anchor = flip_we(anchor)
        loosen = flip_we(loosen)
        wk = flip_we(wk)
        bk = flip_we(bk)
        wa = flip_we(wa)

    i = wsq_to_pidx24(anchor)
    j = wsq_to_pidx48(loosen)

    pp_slice = PPIDX[i][j]

    if idx_is_empty(pp_slice):
        return NOINDEX

    return pp_slice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk * BLOCK_C + wa

def kppka_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_A = 64 * 64 * 64
    BLOCK_B = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_C = 64

    wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
    pawn_a = c.white_piece_squares[1]
    pawn_b = c.white_piece_squares[2]
    bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
    ba = c.black_piece_squares[1]

    anchor, loosen = pp_putanchorfirst(pawn_a, pawn_b)

    if (anchor & 7) > 3:
        anchor = flip_we(anchor)
        loosen = flip_we(loosen)
        wk = flip_we(wk)
        bk = flip_we(bk)
        ba = flip_we(ba)

    i = wsq_to_pidx24(anchor)
    j = wsq_to_pidx48(loosen)

    pp_slice = PPIDX[i][j]

    if idx_is_empty(pp_slice):
        return NOINDEX

    return pp_slice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk * BLOCK_C + ba

def kabck_pctoindex(c):
    N_WHITE = 4
    N_BLACK = 1
    BLOCK_A = 64 * 64 * 64
    BLOCK_B = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_C = 64

    ft = FLIPT[c.black_piece_squares[0]][c.white_piece_squares[0]]

    ws = c.white_piece_squares[:N_WHITE]
    bs = c.black_piece_squares[:N_BLACK]

    if (ft & WE_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_we(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_we(i) for i in bs]

    if (ft & NS_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_ns(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_ns(i) for i in bs]

    if (ft & NW_SE_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in bs]

    ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]]  # KKIDX[black king][white king]

    if idx_is_empty(ki):
        return NOINDEX

    return ki * BLOCK_A + ws[1] * BLOCK_B + ws[2] * BLOCK_C + ws[3]

def kabbk_pctoindex(c):
    N_WHITE = 4
    N_BLACK = 1
    BLOCK_Bx = 64

    ft = FLIPT[c.black_piece_squares[0]][c.white_piece_squares[0]]

    ws = c.white_piece_squares[:N_WHITE]
    bs = c.black_piece_squares[:N_BLACK]

    if (ft & WE_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_we(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_we(i) for i in bs]

    if (ft & NS_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_ns(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_ns(i) for i in bs]

    if (ft & NW_SE_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in bs]

    ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]]  # KKIDX[black king][white king]
    ai = AAIDX[ws[2]][ws[3]]

    if idx_is_empty(ki) or idx_is_empty(ai):
        return NOINDEX

    return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ai * BLOCK_Bx + ws[1]

def kaabk_pctoindex(c):
    N_WHITE = 4
    N_BLACK = 1
    BLOCK_Bx = 64

    ft = FLIPT[c.black_piece_squares[0]][c.white_piece_squares[0]]

    ws = c.white_piece_squares[:N_WHITE]
    bs = c.black_piece_squares[:N_BLACK]

    if (ft & WE_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_we(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_we(i) for i in bs]

    if (ft & NS_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_ns(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_ns(i) for i in bs]

    if (ft & NW_SE_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in bs]

    ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]]  # KKIDX[black king][white king]
    ai = AAIDX[ws[1]][ws[2]]

    if idx_is_empty(ki) or idx_is_empty(ai):
        return NOINDEX

    return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ai * BLOCK_Bx + ws[3]

def aaa_getsubi(x, y, z):
    bse = AAA_BASE[z]
    calc_idx = x + (y - 1) * y // 2 + bse
    return calc_idx

def kaaak_pctoindex(c):
    N_WHITE = 4
    N_BLACK = 1

    ws = c.white_piece_squares[:N_WHITE]
    bs = c.black_piece_squares[:N_BLACK]

    ft = FLIPT[c.black_piece_squares[0]][c.white_piece_squares[0]]

    if (ft & WE_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_we(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_we(i) for i in bs]

    if (ft & NS_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_ns(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_ns(i) for i in bs]

    if (ft & NW_SE_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in bs]

    if ws[2] < ws[1]:
        tmp = ws[1]
        ws[1] = ws[2]
        ws[2] = tmp
    if ws[3] < ws[2]:
        tmp = ws[2]
        ws[2] = ws[3]
        ws[3] = tmp
    if ws[2] < ws[1]:
        tmp = ws[1]
        ws[1] = ws[2]
        ws[2] = tmp

    ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]]

    if ws[1] == ws[2] or ws[1] == ws[3] or ws[2] == ws[3]:
        return NOINDEX

    ai = aaa_getsubi(ws[1], ws[2], ws[3])

    if idx_is_empty(ki) or idx_is_empty(ai):
        return NOINDEX

    return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ai

def kppkp_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_Ax = MAX_PP48_INDEX * 64 * 64
    BLOCK_Bx = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_Cx = 64

    wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
    pawn_a = c.white_piece_squares[1]
    pawn_b = c.white_piece_squares[2]
    bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
    pawn_c = c.black_piece_squares[1]

    if (pawn_c & 7) > 3:
        wk = flip_we(wk)
        pawn_a = flip_we(pawn_a)
        pawn_b = flip_we(pawn_b)
        bk = flip_we(bk)
        pawn_c = flip_we(pawn_c)

    i = flip_we(flip_ns(pawn_a)) - 8
    j = flip_we(flip_ns(pawn_b)) - 8

    # Black pawn, so low indexes mean more advanced.
    k = map24_b(pawn_c)

    pp48_slice = PP48_IDX[i][j]

    if idx_is_empty(pp48_slice):
        return NOINDEX

    return k * BLOCK_Ax + pp48_slice * BLOCK_Bx + wk * BLOCK_Cx + bk

def kaakb_pctoindex(c):
    N_WHITE = 3
    N_BLACK = 2
    BLOCK_Bx = 64

    ft = FLIPT[c.black_piece_squares[0]][c.white_piece_squares[0]]

    ws = c.white_piece_squares[:N_WHITE]
    bs = c.black_piece_squares[:N_BLACK]

    if (ft & WE_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_we(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_we(i) for i in bs]

    if (ft & NS_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_ns(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_ns(i) for i in bs]

    if (ft & NW_SE_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in bs]

    ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]]  # KKIDX[black king][white king]
    ai = AAIDX[ws[1]][ws[2]]

    if idx_is_empty(ki) or idx_is_empty(ai):
        return NOINDEX

    return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ai * BLOCK_Bx + bs[1]

def kabkc_pctoindex(c):
    N_WHITE = 3
    N_BLACK = 2

    BLOCK_Ax = 64 * 64 * 64
    BLOCK_Bx = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_Cx = 64

    ft = FLIPT[c.black_piece_squares[0]][c.white_piece_squares[0]]

    ws = c.white_piece_squares[:N_WHITE]
    bs = c.black_piece_squares[:N_BLACK]

    if (ft & WE_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_we(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_we(i) for i in bs]

    if (ft & NS_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_ns(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_ns(i) for i in bs]

    if (ft & NW_SE_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in bs]

    ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]]  # KKIDX [black king] [white king]

    if idx_is_empty(ki):
        return NOINDEX

    return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ws[1] * BLOCK_Bx + ws[2] * BLOCK_Cx + bs[1]

def kpkp_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_Ax = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_Bx = 64

    wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
    bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
    pawn_a = c.white_piece_squares[1]
    pawn_b = c.black_piece_squares[1]

    anchor = pawn_a
    loosen = pawn_b

    if (anchor & 7) > 3:
        anchor = flip_we(anchor)
        loosen = flip_we(loosen)
        wk = flip_we(wk)
        bk = flip_we(bk)

    m = wsq_to_pidx24(anchor)
    n = loosen - 8

    pp_slice = m * 48 + n

    if idx_is_empty(pp_slice):
        return NOINDEX

    return pp_slice * BLOCK_Ax + wk * BLOCK_Bx + bk

def kppk_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_Ax = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_Bx = 64
    wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
    pawn_a = c.white_piece_squares[1]
    pawn_b = c.white_piece_squares[2]
    bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]

    anchor, loosen = pp_putanchorfirst(pawn_a, pawn_b)

    if (anchor & 7) > 3:
        anchor = flip_we(anchor)
        loosen = flip_we(loosen)
        wk = flip_we(wk)
        bk = flip_we(bk)

    i = wsq_to_pidx24(anchor)
    j = wsq_to_pidx48(loosen)

    pp_slice = PPIDX[i][j]

    if idx_is_empty(pp_slice):
        return NOINDEX

    return pp_slice * BLOCK_Ax + wk * BLOCK_Bx + bk

def kapk_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_Ax = 64 * 64 * 64
    BLOCK_Bx = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_Cx = 64

    pawn = c.white_piece_squares[2]
    wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
    wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
    bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]

    if not (chess.A2 <= pawn < chess.A8):
        return NOINDEX

    if (pawn & 7) > 3:
        pawn = flip_we(pawn)
        wk = flip_we(wk)
        bk = flip_we(bk)
        wa = flip_we(wa)

    sq = pawn
    sq ^= 56  # flip_ns
    sq -= 8   # down one row
    pslice = ((sq + (sq & 3)) >> 1)

    return pslice * BLOCK_Ax + wk * BLOCK_Bx + bk * BLOCK_Cx + wa

def kabk_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_Ax = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_Bx = 64

    ft = flip_type(c.black_piece_squares[0], c.white_piece_squares[0])

    ws = c.white_piece_squares
    bs = c.black_piece_squares

    if (ft & 1) != 0:
        ws = [flip_we(b) for b in ws]
        bs = [flip_we(b) for b in bs]

    if (ft & 2) != 0:
        ws = [flip_ns(b) for b in ws]
        bs = [flip_ns(b) for b in bs]

    if (ft & 4) != 0:
        ws = [flip_nw_se(b) for b in ws]
        bs = [flip_nw_se(b) for b in bs]

    ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]]  # KKIDX[black king][white king]

    if idx_is_empty(ki):
        return NOINDEX

    return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ws[1] * BLOCK_Bx + ws[2]

def kakp_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_Ax = 64 * 64 * 64
    BLOCK_Bx = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_Cx = 64

    pawn = c.black_piece_squares[1]
    wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
    wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
    bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]

    if not (chess.A2 <= pawn < chess.A8):
        return NOINDEX

    if (pawn & 7) > 3:
        pawn = flip_we(pawn)
        wk = flip_we(wk)
        bk = flip_we(bk)
        wa = flip_we(wa)

    sq = pawn
    sq -= 8  # down one row
    pslice = (sq + (sq & 3)) >> 1

    return pslice * BLOCK_Ax + wk * BLOCK_Bx + bk * BLOCK_Cx + wa

def kaak_pctoindex(c):
    N_WHITE = 3
    N_BLACK = 1

    ft = FLIPT[c.black_piece_squares[0]][c.white_piece_squares[0]]

    ws = c.white_piece_squares[:N_WHITE]
    bs = c.black_piece_squares[:N_BLACK]

    if (ft & WE_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_we(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_we(i) for i in bs]

    if (ft & NS_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_ns(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_ns(i) for i in bs]

    if (ft & NW_SE_FLAG) != 0:
        ws = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in ws]
        bs = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in bs]

    ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]]  # KKIDX[black king][white king]
    ai = AAIDX[ws[1]][ws[2]]

    if idx_is_empty(ki) or idx_is_empty(ai):
        return NOINDEX

    return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ai

def kakb_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_Ax = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_Bx = 64

    ft = FLIPT[c.black_piece_squares[0]][c.white_piece_squares[0]]

    ws = c.white_piece_squares[:]
    bs = c.black_piece_squares[:]

    if (ft & 1) != 0:
        ws[0] = flip_we(ws[0])
        ws[1] = flip_we(ws[1])
        bs[0] = flip_we(bs[0])
        bs[1] = flip_we(bs[1])

    if (ft & 2) != 0:
        ws[0] = flip_ns(ws[0])
        ws[1] = flip_ns(ws[1])
        bs[0] = flip_ns(bs[0])
        bs[1] = flip_ns(bs[1])

    if (ft & 4) != 0:
        ws[0] = flip_nw_se(ws[0])
        ws[1] = flip_nw_se(ws[1])
        bs[0] = flip_nw_se(bs[0])
        bs[1] = flip_nw_se(bs[1])

    ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]]  # KKIDX[black king][white king]

    if idx_is_empty(ki):
        return NOINDEX

    return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ws[1] * BLOCK_Bx + bs[1]

def kpk_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_A = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_B = 64

    pawn = c.white_piece_squares[1]
    wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
    bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]

    if not (chess.A2 <= pawn < chess.A8):
        return NOINDEX

    if (pawn & 7) > 3:
        pawn = flip_we(pawn)
        wk = flip_we(wk)
        bk = flip_we(bk)

    sq = pawn
    sq ^= 56  # flip_ns
    sq -= 8   # down one row
    pslice = ((sq + (sq & 3)) >> 1)

    res = pslice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk
    return res

def kpppk_pctoindex(c):
    BLOCK_A = 64 * 64
    BLOCK_B = 64

    wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
    pawn_a = c.white_piece_squares[1]
    pawn_b = c.white_piece_squares[2]
    pawn_c = c.white_piece_squares[3]

    bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]

    i = pawn_a - 8
    j = pawn_b - 8
    k = pawn_c - 8

    ppp48_slice = PPP48_IDX[i][j][k]

    if idx_is_empty(ppp48_slice):
        wk = flip_we(wk)
        pawn_a = flip_we(pawn_a)
        pawn_b = flip_we(pawn_b)
        pawn_c = flip_we(pawn_c)
        bk = flip_we(bk)

    i = pawn_a - 8
    j = pawn_b - 8
    k = pawn_c - 8

    ppp48_slice = PPP48_IDX[i][j][k]

    if idx_is_empty(ppp48_slice):
        return NOINDEX

    return ppp48_slice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk

Endgamekey = collections.namedtuple("Endgamekey", "maxindex slice_n pctoi")

    "kqk": Endgamekey(MAX_KXK, 1, kxk_pctoindex),
    "krk": Endgamekey(MAX_KXK, 1, kxk_pctoindex),
    "kbk": Endgamekey(MAX_KXK, 1, kxk_pctoindex),
    "knk": Endgamekey(MAX_KXK, 1, kxk_pctoindex),
    "kpk": Endgamekey(MAX_kpk, 24, kpk_pctoindex),

    "kqkq": Endgamekey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),
    "kqkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),
    "kqkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),
    "kqkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),

    "krkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),
    "krkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),
    "krkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),

    "kbkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),
    "kbkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),

    "knkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),

    "kqqk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaak, 1, kaak_pctoindex),
    "kqrk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabk, 1, kabk_pctoindex),
    "kqbk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabk, 1, kabk_pctoindex),
    "kqnk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabk, 1, kabk_pctoindex),

    "krrk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaak, 1, kaak_pctoindex),
    "krbk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabk, 1, kabk_pctoindex),
    "krnk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabk, 1, kabk_pctoindex),

    "kbbk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaak, 1, kaak_pctoindex),
    "kbnk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabk, 1, kabk_pctoindex),

    "knnk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaak, 1, kaak_pctoindex),
    "kqkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kakp, 24, kakp_pctoindex),
    "krkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kakp, 24, kakp_pctoindex),
    "kbkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kakp, 24, kakp_pctoindex),
    "knkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kakp, 24, kakp_pctoindex),

    "kqpk": Endgamekey(MAX_kapk, 24, kapk_pctoindex),
    "krpk": Endgamekey(MAX_kapk, 24, kapk_pctoindex),
    "kbpk": Endgamekey(MAX_kapk, 24, kapk_pctoindex),
    "knpk": Endgamekey(MAX_kapk, 24, kapk_pctoindex),

    "kppk": Endgamekey(MAX_kppk, MAX_PPINDEX, kppk_pctoindex),

    "kpkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kpkp, MAX_PpINDEX, kpkp_pctoindex),

    "kppkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kppkp, 24 * MAX_PP48_INDEX, kppkp_pctoindex),

    "kbbkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
    "kbbkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
    "knnkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
    "knnkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),

    "kqqqk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaaak, 1, kaaak_pctoindex),
    "kqqrk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaabk, 1, kaabk_pctoindex),
    "kqqbk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaabk, 1, kaabk_pctoindex),
    "kqqnk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaabk, 1, kaabk_pctoindex),
    "kqrrk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabbk, 1, kabbk_pctoindex),
    "kqrbk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabck, 1, kabck_pctoindex),
    "kqrnk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabck, 1, kabck_pctoindex),
    "kqbbk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabbk, 1, kabbk_pctoindex),
    "kqbnk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabck, 1, kabck_pctoindex),
    "kqnnk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabbk, 1, kabbk_pctoindex),
    "krrrk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaaak, 1, kaaak_pctoindex),
    "krrbk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaabk, 1, kaabk_pctoindex),
    "krrnk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaabk, 1, kaabk_pctoindex),
    "krbbk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabbk, 1, kabbk_pctoindex),
    "krbnk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabck, 1, kabck_pctoindex),
    "krnnk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabbk, 1, kabbk_pctoindex),
    "kbbbk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaaak, 1, kaaak_pctoindex),
    "kbbnk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaabk, 1, kaabk_pctoindex),
    "kbnnk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabbk, 1, kabbk_pctoindex),
    "knnnk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaaak, 1, kaaak_pctoindex),
    "kqqkq": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
    "kqqkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
    "kqqkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
    "kqqkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
    "kqrkq": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "kqrkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "kqrkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "kqrkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "kqbkq": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "kqbkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "kqbkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "kqbkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "kqnkq": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "kqnkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "kqnkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "kqnkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "krrkq": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
    "krrkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
    "krrkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
    "krrkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
    "krbkq": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "krbkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "krbkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "krbkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "krnkq": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "krnkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "krnkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "krnkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "kbbkq": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
    "kbbkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
    "kbnkq": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "kbnkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "kbnkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "kbnkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
    "knnkq": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
    "knnkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),

    "kqqpk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaapk, 24, kaapk_pctoindex),
    "kqrpk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabpk, 24, kabpk_pctoindex),
    "kqbpk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabpk, 24, kabpk_pctoindex),
    "kqnpk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabpk, 24, kabpk_pctoindex),
    "krrpk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaapk, 24, kaapk_pctoindex),
    "krbpk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabpk, 24, kabpk_pctoindex),
    "krnpk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabpk, 24, kabpk_pctoindex),
    "kbbpk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaapk, 24, kaapk_pctoindex),
    "kbnpk": Endgamekey(MAX_kabpk, 24, kabpk_pctoindex),
    "knnpk": Endgamekey(MAX_kaapk, 24, kaapk_pctoindex),

    "kqppk": Endgamekey(MAX_kappk, MAX_PPINDEX, kappk_pctoindex),
    "krppk": Endgamekey(MAX_kappk, MAX_PPINDEX, kappk_pctoindex),
    "kbppk": Endgamekey(MAX_kappk, MAX_PPINDEX, kappk_pctoindex),
    "knppk": Endgamekey(MAX_kappk, MAX_PPINDEX, kappk_pctoindex),

    "kqpkq": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
    "kqpkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
    "kqpkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
    "kqpkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
    "krpkq": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
    "krpkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
    "krpkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
    "krpkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
    "kbpkq": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
    "kbpkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
    "kbpkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
    "kbpkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
    "knpkq": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
    "knpkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
    "knpkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
    "knpkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
    "kppkq": Endgamekey(MAX_kppka, MAX_PPINDEX, kppka_pctoindex),
    "kppkr": Endgamekey(MAX_kppka, MAX_PPINDEX, kppka_pctoindex),
    "kppkb": Endgamekey(MAX_kppka, MAX_PPINDEX, kppka_pctoindex),
    "kppkn": Endgamekey(MAX_kppka, MAX_PPINDEX, kppka_pctoindex),

    "kqqkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakp, 24, kaakp_pctoindex),
    "kqrkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkp, 24, kabkp_pctoindex),
    "kqbkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkp, 24, kabkp_pctoindex),
    "kqnkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkp, 24, kabkp_pctoindex),
    "krrkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakp, 24, kaakp_pctoindex),
    "krbkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkp, 24, kabkp_pctoindex),
    "krnkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkp, 24, kabkp_pctoindex),
    "kbbkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakp, 24, kaakp_pctoindex),
    "kbnkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kabkp, 24, kabkp_pctoindex),
    "knnkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kaakp, 24, kaakp_pctoindex),

    "kqpkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkp, MAX_PpINDEX, kapkp_pctoindex),
    "krpkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkp, MAX_PpINDEX, kapkp_pctoindex),
    "kbpkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkp, MAX_PpINDEX, kapkp_pctoindex),
    "knpkp": Endgamekey(MAX_kapkp, MAX_PpINDEX, kapkp_pctoindex),

    "kpppk": Endgamekey(MAX_kpppk, MAX_PPP48_INDEX, kpppk_pctoindex),

def sortlists(ws, wp):
    z = sorted(zip(wp, ws), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
    wp2, ws2 = zip(*z)
    return list(ws2), list(wp2)

def egtb_block_unpack(side, n, bp):
        return [dtm_unpack(side, i) for i in bp[:n]]
    except TypeError:
        return [dtm_unpack(side, ord(i)) for i in bp[:n]]

def split_index(i):
    return divmod(i, ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK)

tb_DRAW = 0
tb_WMATE = 1
tb_BMATE = 2
tb_FORBID = 3
tb_UNKNOWN = 7

iDRAWt = tb_DRAW | 4
iWMATEt = tb_WMATE | 4
iBMATEt = tb_BMATE | 4

def removepiece(ys, yp, j):
    del ys[j]
    del yp[j]

def opp(side):
    return 1 if side == 0 else 0

def adjust_up(dist):
    udist = dist
    sw = udist & INFOMASK

    if sw in [iWMATE, iWMATEt, iBMATE, iBMATEt]:
        udist += (1 << PLYSHIFT)

    return udist

def bestx(side, a, b):
    # 0 = selectfirst
    # 1 = selectlowest
    # 2 = selecthighest
    # 3 = selectsecond
    comparison = [
        # draw, wmate, bmate, forbid
        [0, 3, 0, 0],  # draw
        [0, 1, 0, 0],  # wmate
        [3, 3, 2, 0],  # bmate
        [3, 3, 3, 0],  # forbid

    xorkey = [0, 3]

    if a == iFORBID:
        return b
    if b == iFORBID:
        return a

    retu = [a, a, b, b]

    if b < a:
        retu[1] = b
        retu[2] = a

    key = comparison[a & 3][b & 3] ^ xorkey[side]
    return retu[key]

def unpackdist(d):
    return d >> PLYSHIFT, d & INFOMASK

def dtm_unpack(stm, packed):
    p = packed

    if p in [iDRAW, iFORBID]:
        return p

    info = p & 3
    store = p >> 2

    if stm == 0:
        if info == iWMATE:
            moves = store + 1
            plies = moves * 2 - 1
            prefx = info
        elif info == iBMATE:
            moves = store
            plies = moves * 2
            prefx = info
        elif info == iDRAW:
            moves = store + 1 + 63
            plies = moves * 2 - 1
            prefx = iWMATE
        elif info == iFORBID:
            moves = store + 63
            plies = moves * 2
            prefx = iBMATE
            plies = 0
            prefx = 0

        ret = prefx | (plies << 3)
        if info == iBMATE:
            moves = store + 1
            plies = moves * 2 - 1
            prefx = info
        elif info == iWMATE:
            moves = store
            plies = moves * 2
            prefx = info
        elif info == iDRAW:
            if store == 63:
                # Exception: no position in the 5-man TBs needs to store 63 for
                # iBMATE. It is then just used to indicate iWMATE.
                store += 1

                moves = store + 63
                plies = moves * 2
                prefx = iWMATE
                moves = store + 1 + 63
                plies = moves * 2 - 1
                prefx = iBMATE
        elif info == iFORBID:
            moves = store + 63
            plies = moves * 2
            prefx = iWMATE
            plies = 0
            prefx = 0

        ret = prefx | (plies << 3)

    return ret

class MissingTableError(KeyError):
    """Can not probe position because a required table is missing."""

class TableBlock:
    def __init__(self, egkey, side, offset, age):
        self.egkey = egkey
        self.side = side
        self.offset = offset
        self.age = age
        self.pcache = None

class Request:
    def __init__(self, white_squares, white_types, black_squares, black_types, side, epsq):
        self.white_squares, self.white_types = sortlists(white_squares, white_types)
        self.black_squares, self.black_types = sortlists(black_squares, black_types)
        self.realside = side
        self.side = side
        self.epsq = epsq

        self.egkey = None
        self.white_piece_squares = None
        self.white_piece_types = None
        self.black_piece_squares = None
        self.black_piece_types = None
        self.is_reversed = None
        self.white_piece_squares = None

Zipinfo = collections.namedtuple("Zipinfo", "extraoffset totalblocks blockindex")

[docs]class PythonTablebase: """Provides access to Gaviota tablebases using pure Python code.""" def __init__(self): self.available_tables = {} self.streams = {} self.zipinfo = {} self.block_cache = {} self.block_age = 0
[docs] def add_directory(self, directory): """ Adds *.gtb.cp4* tables from a directory. The relevant files are lazily opened when the tablebase is actually probed. """ directory = os.path.abspath(directory) if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise IOError("not a directory: {!r}".format(directory)) for tbfile in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(directory), "*.gtb.cp4"): self.available_tables[os.path.basename(tbfile).replace(".gtb.cp4", "")] = os.path.join(directory, tbfile)
[docs] def probe_dtm(self, board): """ Probes for depth to mate information. The absolute value is the number of half-moves until forced mate (or ``0`` in drawn positions). The value is positive if the side to move is winning, otherwise it is negative. In the example position white to move will get mated in 10 half-moves: >>> import chess >>> import chess.gaviota >>> >>> with chess.gaviota.open_tablebase("data/gaviota") as tablebase: ... board = chess.Board("8/8/8/8/8/8/8/K2kr3 w - - 0 1") ... print(tablebase.probe_dtm(board)) ... -10 :raises: :exc:`KeyError` (or specifically :exc:`chess.gaviota.MissingTableError`) if the probe fails. Use :func:`~chess.gaviota.PythonTablebase.get_dtm()` if you prefer to get ``None`` instead of an exception. Note that probing a corrupted table file is undefined behavior. """ # Can not probe positions with castling rights. if board.castling_rights: raise KeyError("gaviota tables do not contain positions with castling rights: {}".format(board.fen())) # Prepare the tablebase request. white = [(square, board.piece_type_at(square)) for square in chess.SquareSet(board.occupied_co[chess.WHITE])] black = [(square, board.piece_type_at(square)) for square in chess.SquareSet(board.occupied_co[chess.BLACK])] white_squares, white_types = zip(*white) black_squares, black_types = zip(*black) side = 0 if (board.turn == chess.WHITE) else 1 epsq = board.ep_square if board.ep_square else NOSQUARE req = Request(white_squares, white_types, black_squares, black_types, side, epsq) # KvK is a draw. if len(white_squares) == 1 and len(black_squares) == 1: return 0 # Supports only up to 5 pieces. if len(white_squares) + len(black_squares) > 5: raise KeyError("gaviota tables support up to 5 pieces, not {}: {}".format(chess.popcount(board.occupied), board.fen())) # Probe. dtm = self.egtb_get_dtm(req) ply, res = unpackdist(dtm) if res == iDRAW: # Draw. return 0 elif res == iWMATE: # White mates in the stored position. if req.realside == 1: if req.is_reversed: return ply else: return -ply else: if req.is_reversed: return -ply else: return ply elif res == iBMATE: # Black mates in the stored position. if req.realside == 0: if req.is_reversed: return ply else: return -ply else: if req.is_reversed: return -ply else: return ply
def get_dtm(self, board, default=None): try: return self.probe_dtm(board) except KeyError: return default
[docs] def probe_wdl(self, board): """ Probes for win/draw/loss-information. Returns ``1`` if the side to move is winning, ``0`` if it is a draw, and ``-1`` if the side to move is losing. >>> import chess >>> import chess.gaviota >>> >>> with chess.gaviota.open_tablebase("data/gaviota") as tablebase: ... board = chess.Board("8/4k3/8/B7/8/8/8/4K3 w - - 0 1") ... print(tablebase.probe_wdl(board)) ... 0 :raises: :exc:`KeyError` (or specifically :exc:`chess.gaviota.MissingTableError`) if the probe fails. Use :func:`~chess.gaviota.PythonTablebase.get_wdl()` if you prefer to get ``None`` instead of an exception. Note that probing a corrupted table file is undefined behavior. """ dtm = self.probe_dtm(board) if dtm == 0: if board.is_checkmate(): return -1 else: return 0 elif dtm > 0: return 1 elif dtm < 0: return -1
def get_wdl(self, board, default=None): try: return self.probe_wdl(board) except KeyError: return default def _setup_tablebase(self, req): white_letters = "".join([chess.PIECE_SYMBOLS[i] for i in req.white_types]) black_letters = "".join([chess.PIECE_SYMBOLS[i] for i in req.black_types]) if (white_letters + black_letters) in self.available_tables: req.is_reversed = False req.egkey = white_letters + black_letters req.white_piece_squares = req.white_squares req.white_piece_types = req.white_types req.black_piece_squares = req.black_squares req.black_piece_types = req.black_types elif (black_letters + white_letters) in self.available_tables: req.is_reversed = True req.egkey = black_letters + white_letters req.white_piece_squares = [flip_ns(s) for s in req.black_squares] req.white_piece_types = req.black_types req.black_piece_squares = [flip_ns(s) for s in req.white_squares] req.black_piece_types = req.white_types req.side = opp(req.side) if req.epsq != NOSQUARE: req.epsq = flip_ns(req.epsq) else: raise MissingTableError("no gaviota table available for: {}v{}".format(white_letters.upper(), black_letters.upper())) return self._open_tablebase(req) def _open_tablebase(self, req): stream = self.streams.get(req.egkey) if stream is None: path = self.available_tables[req.egkey] stream = open(path, "rb+") self.egtb_loadindexes(req.egkey, stream) self.streams[req.egkey] = stream return stream
[docs] def close(self): """Closes all loaded tables.""" self.available_tables.clear() self.zipinfo.clear() self.block_age = 0 self.block_cache.clear() while self.streams: _, stream = self.streams.popitem() stream.close()
def egtb_get_dtm(self, req): dtm = self._tb_probe(req) if req.epsq != NOSQUARE: capturer_a = 0 capturer_b = 0 xed = 0 # Flip for move generation. if req.side == 0: xs = list(req.white_piece_squares) xp = list(req.white_piece_types) ys = list(req.black_piece_squares) yp = list(req.black_piece_types) else: xs = list(req.black_piece_squares) xp = list(req.black_piece_types) ys = list(req.white_piece_squares) yp = list(req.white_piece_types) # Captured pawn trick: from ep square to captured. xed = req.epsq ^ (1 << 3) # Find captured index (j). try: j = ys.index(xed) except ValueError: j = -1 # Try first possible ep capture. if 0 == (0x88 & (map88(xed) + 1)): capturer_a = xed + 1 # Try second possible ep capture if 0 == (0x88 & (map88(xed) - 1)): capturer_b = xed - 1 if (j > -1) and (ys[j] == xed): # Find capturers (i). for i in range(len(xs)): if xp[i] == chess.PAWN and (xs[i] == capturer_a or xs[i] == capturer_b): epscore = iFORBID # Copy position. xs_after = xs[:] ys_after = ys[:] xp_after = xp[:] yp_after = yp[:] # Execute capture. xs_after[i] = req.epsq removepiece(ys_after, yp_after, j) # Flip back. if req.side == 1: xs_after, ys_after = ys_after, xs_after xp_after, yp_after = yp_after, xp_after # Make subrequest. subreq = Request(xs_after, xp_after, ys_after, yp_after, opp(req.side), NOSQUARE) try: epscore = self._tb_probe(subreq) epscore = adjust_up(epscore) # Chooses to ep or not. dtm = bestx(req.side, epscore, dtm) except IndexError: break return dtm def egtb_block_getnumber(self, req, idx): maxindex = EGKEY[req.egkey].maxindex blocks_per_side = 1 + (maxindex - 1) // ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK block_in_side = idx // ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK return req.side * blocks_per_side + block_in_side def egtb_block_getsize(self, req, idx): blocksz = ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK maxindex = EGKEY[req.egkey].maxindex block = idx // blocksz offset = block * blocksz if (offset + blocksz) > maxindex: return maxindex - offset # last block size else: return blocksz # size of a normal block def _tb_probe(self, req): stream = self._setup_tablebase(req) idx = EGKEY[req.egkey].pctoi(req) offset, remainder = split_index(idx) t = self.block_cache.get((req.egkey, offset, req.side)) if t is None: t = TableBlock(req.egkey, req.side, offset, self.block_age) block = self.egtb_block_getnumber(req, idx) n = self.egtb_block_getsize(req, idx) z = self.egtb_block_getsize_zipped(req.egkey, block) self.egtb_block_park(req.egkey, block, stream) buffer_zipped = if buffer_zipped[0] == 0: # If flag is zero, plain LZMA is following. buffer_zipped = buffer_zipped[2:] else: # Else LZMA86. We have to build a fake header. DICTIONARY_SIZE = 4096 POS_STATE_BITS = 2 NUM_LITERAL_POS_STATE_BITS = 0 NUM_LITERAL_CONTEXT_BITS = 3 properties = bytearray(13) properties[0] = (POS_STATE_BITS * 5 + NUM_LITERAL_POS_STATE_BITS) * 9 + NUM_LITERAL_CONTEXT_BITS for i in range(4): properties[1 + i] = (DICTIONARY_SIZE >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF for i in range(8): properties[5 + i] = (n >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF # Concatenate the fake header with the true LZMA stream. buffer_zipped = properties + buffer_zipped[15:] buffer_packed = lzma.LZMADecompressor().decompress(buffer_zipped) t.pcache = egtb_block_unpack(req.side, n, buffer_packed) # Update LRU block cache. self.block_cache[(t.egkey, t.offset, t.side)] = t if len(self.block_cache) > 128: lru_cache_key, lru_age = None, None for cache_key, cache_entry in self.block_cache.items(): if lru_age is None or cache_entry.age < lru_age: lru_cache_key = cache_key lru_age = cache_entry.age del self.block_cache[lru_cache_key] else: t.age = self.block_age self.block_age += 1 dtm = t.pcache[remainder] return dtm def egtb_loadindexes(self, egkey, stream): zipinfo = self.zipinfo.get(egkey) if zipinfo is None: # Get reserved bytes, blocksize, offset. HeaderStruct = struct.Struct("<10I") header = HeaderStruct.unpack( offset = header[8] blocks = ((offset - 40) // 4) - 1 n_idx = blocks + 1 IndexStruct = struct.Struct("<" + "I" * n_idx) p = IndexStruct.unpack( zipinfo = Zipinfo(extraoffset=0, totalblocks=n_idx, blockindex=p) self.zipinfo[egkey] = zipinfo return zipinfo def egtb_block_getsize_zipped(self, egkey, block): i = self.zipinfo[egkey].blockindex[block] j = self.zipinfo[egkey].blockindex[block + 1] return j - i def egtb_block_park(self, egkey, block, stream): i = self.zipinfo[egkey].blockindex[block] i += self.zipinfo[egkey].extraoffset return i def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close()
[docs]class NativeTablebase: """ Provides access to Gaviota tablebases via the shared library libgtb. Has the same interface as :class:`~chess.gaviota.PythonTablebase`. """ def __init__(self, libgtb): self.paths = [] self.libgtb = libgtb self.libgtb.tb_init.restype = ctypes.c_char_p self.libgtb.tb_restart.restype = ctypes.c_char_p self.libgtb.tbpaths_getmain.restype = ctypes.c_char_p self.libgtb.tb_probe_hard.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint) ] if self.libgtb.tb_is_initialized(): raise RuntimeError("only one gaviota instance can be initialized at a time") self._tbcache_restart(1024 * 1024, 50) def add_directory(self, directory): if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise IOError("not a directory: {!r}".format(directory)) self.paths.append(directory) self._tb_restart() def _tb_restart(self): self.c_paths = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(self.paths))() self.c_paths[:] = [path.encode("utf-8") for path in self.paths] verbosity = ctypes.c_int(1) compression_scheme = ctypes.c_int(4) ret = self.libgtb.tb_restart(verbosity, compression_scheme, self.c_paths) if ret: LOGGER.debug(ret.decode("utf-8")) LOGGER.debug("Main path has been set to %r", self.libgtb.tbpaths_getmain().decode("utf-8")) av = self.libgtb.tb_availability() if av & 1: LOGGER.debug("Some 3 piece tables available") if av & 2: LOGGER.debug("All 3 piece tables complete") if av & 4: LOGGER.debug("Some 4 piece tables available") if av & 8: LOGGER.debug("All 4 piece tables complete") if av & 16: LOGGER.debug("Some 5 piece tables available") if av & 32: LOGGER.debug("All 5 piece tables complete") def _tbcache_restart(self, cache_mem, wdl_fraction): self.libgtb.tbcache_restart(ctypes.c_size_t(cache_mem), ctypes.c_int(wdl_fraction)) def probe_dtm(self, board): return self._probe_hard(board) def probe_wdl(self, board): return self._probe_hard(board, wdl_only=True) def get_dtm(self, board, default=None): try: return self.probe_dtm(board) except KeyError: return default def get_wdl(self, board, default=None): try: return self.probe_wdl(board) except KeyError: return default def _probe_hard(self, board, wdl_only=False): if board.is_insufficient_material(): return 0 if board.castling_rights: raise KeyError("gaviota tables do not contain positions with castling rights: {}".format(board.fen())) if chess.popcount(board.occupied) > 5: raise KeyError("gaviota tables support up to 5 pieces, not {}: {}".format(chess.popcount(board.occupied), board.fen())) stm = ctypes.c_uint(0 if board.turn == chess.WHITE else 1) ep_square = ctypes.c_uint(board.ep_square if board.ep_square else 64) castling = ctypes.c_uint(0) c_ws = (ctypes.c_uint * 17)() c_wp = (ctypes.c_ubyte * 17)() i = -1 for i, square in enumerate(chess.SquareSet(board.occupied_co[chess.WHITE])): c_ws[i] = square c_wp[i] = board.piece_type_at(square) c_ws[i + 1] = 64 c_wp[i + 1] = 0 c_bs = (ctypes.c_uint * 17)() c_bp = (ctypes.c_ubyte * 17)() i = -1 for i, square in enumerate(chess.SquareSet(board.occupied_co[chess.BLACK])): c_bs[i] = square c_bp[i] = board.piece_type_at(square) c_bs[i + 1] = 64 c_bp[i + 1] = 0 # Do a hard probe. info = ctypes.c_uint() pliestomate = ctypes.c_uint() if not wdl_only: ret = self.libgtb.tb_probe_hard(stm, ep_square, castling, c_ws, c_bs, c_wp, c_bp, ctypes.byref(info), ctypes.byref(pliestomate)) dtm = int(pliestomate.value) else: ret = self.libgtb.tb_probe_WDL_hard(stm, ep_square, castling, c_ws, c_bs, c_wp, c_bp, ctypes.byref(info)) dtm = 1 # Probe forbidden. if info.value == 3: raise MissingTableError("gaviota table for {} not available".format(board.fen())) # Probe failed or unknown. if not ret or info.value == 7: raise KeyError("gaviota probe failed for {}".format(board.fen())) # Draw. if info.value == 0: return 0 # White mates. if info.value == 1: return dtm if board.turn == chess.WHITE else -dtm # Black mates. if info.value == 2: return dtm if board.turn == chess.BLACK else -dtm def close(self): self.paths = [] if self.libgtb.tb_is_initialized(): self.libgtb.tbcache_done() self.libgtb.tb_done() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close()
[docs]def open_tablebase_native(directory, *, libgtb=None, LibraryLoader=ctypes.cdll): """ Opens a collection of tables for probing using libgtb. In most cases :func:`~chess.gaviota.open_tablebase()` should be used. Use this function only if you do not want to downgrade to pure Python tablebase probing. :raises: :exc:`RuntimeError` or :exc:`OSError` when libgtb can not be used. """ libgtb = libgtb or ctypes.util.find_library("gtb") or "" tables = NativeTablebase(LibraryLoader.LoadLibrary(libgtb)) tables.add_directory(directory) return tables
[docs]def open_tablebase(directory, *, libgtb=None, LibraryLoader=ctypes.cdll): """ Opens a collection of tables for probing. First native access via the shared library libgtb is tried. You can optionally provide a specific library name or a library loader. The shared library has global state and caches, so only one instance can be open at a time. Second, pure Python probing code is tried. """ try: if LibraryLoader: return open_tablebase_native(directory, libgtb=libgtb, LibraryLoader=LibraryLoader) except (OSError, RuntimeError) as err:"Falling back to pure Python tablebase: %r", err) tables = PythonTablebase() tables.add_directory(directory) return tables