from __future__ import annotations
import ctypes
import ctypes.util
import dataclasses
import fnmatch
import itertools
import logging
import lzma
import os
import os.path
import struct
import typing
from types import TracebackType
from typing import BinaryIO, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
import chess
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
MAX_PpINDEX = 24 * 48
MAX_AAINDEX = (63 - 62) + (62 // 2 * (127 - 62)) - 1 + 1
MAX_AAAINDEX = 64 * 21 * 31
MAX_PPP48_INDEX = 8648
MAX_PP48_INDEX = 1128
MAX_kabk = MAX_KKINDEX * 64 * 64
MAX_kakb = MAX_KKINDEX * 64 * 64
MAX_kpk = 24 * 64 * 64
MAX_kakp = 24 * 64 * 64 * 64
MAX_kapk = 24 * 64 * 64 * 64
MAX_kppk = MAX_PPINDEX * 64 * 64
MAX_kpkp = MAX_PpINDEX * 64 * 64
MAX_kabkc = MAX_KKINDEX * 64 * 64 * 64
MAX_kabck = MAX_KKINDEX * 64 * 64 * 64
MAX_kapkb = 24 * 64 * 64 * 64 * 64
MAX_kabkp = 24 * 64 * 64 * 64 * 64
MAX_kabpk = 24 * 64 * 64 * 64 * 64
MAX_kppka = MAX_kppk * 64
MAX_kappk = MAX_kppk * 64
MAX_kapkp = MAX_kpkp * 64
MAX_kaapk = 24 * MAX_AAINDEX * 64 * 64
MAX_kaakp = 24 * MAX_AAINDEX * 64 * 64
MAX_kppkp = 24 * MAX_PP48_INDEX * 64 * 64
MAX_kpppk = MAX_PPP48_INDEX * 64 * 64
chess.H7, chess.G7, chess.F7, chess.E7,
chess.H6, chess.G6, chess.F6, chess.E6,
chess.H5, chess.G5, chess.F5, chess.E5,
chess.H4, chess.G4, chess.F4, chess.E4,
chess.H3, chess.G3, chess.F3, chess.E3,
chess.H2, chess.G2, chess.F2, chess.E2,
chess.D7, chess.C7, chess.B7, chess.A7,
chess.D6, chess.C6, chess.B6, chess.A6,
chess.D5, chess.C5, chess.B5, chess.A5,
chess.D4, chess.C4, chess.B4, chess.A4,
chess.D3, chess.C3, chess.B3, chess.A3,
chess.D2, chess.C2, chess.B2, chess.A2,
def map24_b(s: int) -> int:
s -= 8
return ((s & 3) + s) >> 1
def map88(x: int) -> int:
return x + (x & 56)
def in_queenside(x: int) -> int:
return (x & (1 << 2)) == 0
def flip_we(x: int) -> int:
return x ^ 7
def flip_ns(x: int) -> int:
return x ^ 56
def flip_nw_se(x: int) -> int:
return ((x & 7) << 3) | (x >> 3)
def idx_is_empty(x: int) -> int:
return x == -1
def flip_type(x: chess.Square, y: chess.Square) -> int:
ret = 0
file_x, rank_x = chess.square_file(x), chess.square_rank(x)
file_y, rank_y = chess.square_file(y), chess.square_rank(y)
if file_x > 3:
x, y = flip_we(x), flip_we(y)
ret |= 1
if rank_x > 3:
x, y = flip_ns(x), flip_ns(y)
ret |= 2
if (rank_x, file_x) > (rank_y, file_y):
x, y = flip_nw_se(x), flip_nw_se(y)
ret |= 4
return ret
def init_flipt() -> List[List[int]]:
return [[flip_type(j, i) for i in range(64)] for j in range(64)]
FLIPT = init_flipt()
def init_pp48_idx() -> Tuple[List[List[int]], List[int], List[int]]:
MAX_I = MAX_J = 48
pp48_idx = [[-1] * MAX_J for _ in range(MAX_I)]
pp48_sq_x = [NOSQUARE] * MAX_PP48_INDEX
pp48_sq_y = [NOSQUARE] * MAX_PP48_INDEX
idx = 0
for a in range(chess.H7, chess.A2 - 1, -1):
for b in range(a - 1, chess.A2 - 1, -1):
i = flip_we(flip_ns(a)) - 8
j = flip_we(flip_ns(b)) - 8
if idx_is_empty(pp48_idx[i][j]):
pp48_idx[i][j] = pp48_idx[j][i] = idx
pp48_sq_x[idx], pp48_sq_y[idx] = i, j
idx += 1
return pp48_idx, pp48_sq_x, pp48_sq_y
PP48_IDX, PP48_SQ_X, PP48_SQ_Y = init_pp48_idx()
def init_ppp48_idx() -> Tuple[List[List[List[int]]], List[int], List[int], List[int]]:
MAX_I = MAX_J = MAX_K = 48
ppp48_idx = [[[-1] * MAX_I for _ in range(MAX_J)] for _ in range(MAX_K)]
ppp48_sq_x = [NOSQUARE] * MAX_PPP48_INDEX
ppp48_sq_y = [NOSQUARE] * MAX_PPP48_INDEX
ppp48_sq_z = [NOSQUARE] * MAX_PPP48_INDEX
idx = 0
for x in range(48):
for y in range(x + 1, 48):
for z in range(y + 1, 48):
if not (in_queenside(ITOSQ[y]) and in_queenside(ITOSQ[z])):
i, j, k = ITOSQ[x] - 8, ITOSQ[y] - 8, ITOSQ[z] - 8
if idx_is_empty(ppp48_idx[i][j][k]):
for ii, jj, kk in itertools.permutations((i, j, k)):
ppp48_idx[ii][jj][kk] = idx
ppp48_sq_x[idx], ppp48_sq_y[idx], ppp48_sq_z[idx] = i, j, k
idx += 1
return ppp48_idx, ppp48_sq_x, ppp48_sq_y, ppp48_sq_z
PPP48_IDX, PPP48_SQ_X, PPP48_SQ_Y, PPP48_SQ_Z = init_ppp48_idx()
def init_aaidx() -> Tuple[List[int], List[List[int]]]:
aaidx = [[-1] * 64 for _ in range(64)]
aabase = [0] * MAX_AAINDEX
idx = 0
for x in range(64):
for y in range(x + 1, 64):
if idx_is_empty(aaidx[x][y]):
# Still empty.
aaidx[x][y] = aaidx[y][x] = idx
aabase[idx] = x
idx += 1
return aabase, aaidx
AABASE, AAIDX = init_aaidx()
def init_aaa() -> Tuple[List[int], List[List[int]]]:
# Get aaa_base.
comb = [a * (a - 1) // 2 for a in range(64)]
aaa_base = list(itertools.accumulate(comb))
# Get aaa_xyz.
aaa_xyz = [[x, y, z] for z in range(64) for y in range(z) for x in range(y)]
return aaa_base, aaa_xyz
AAA_BASE, AAA_XYZ = init_aaa()
def pp_putanchorfirst(a: int, b: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
row_b = b & 56
row_a = a & 56
# Default.
anchor = a
loosen = b
if row_b > row_a:
anchor = b
loosen = a
elif row_b == row_a:
x = a
col = x & 7
inv = col ^ 7
x = (1 << col) | (1 << inv)
x &= (x - 1)
hi_a = x
x = b
col = x & 7
inv = col ^ 7
x = (1 << col) | (1 << inv)
x &= (x - 1)
hi_b = x
if hi_b > hi_a:
anchor = b
loosen = a
if hi_b < hi_a:
anchor = a
loosen = b
if hi_b == hi_a:
if a < b:
anchor = a
loosen = b
anchor = b
loosen = a
return anchor, loosen
def wsq_to_pidx24(pawn: int) -> int:
sq = pawn
sq = flip_ns(sq)
sq -= 8 # Down one row
idx24 = (sq + (sq & 3)) >> 1
return idx24
def wsq_to_pidx48(pawn: int) -> int:
sq = pawn
sq = flip_ns(sq)
sq -= 8 # Down one row
idx48 = sq
return idx48
def init_ppidx() -> Tuple[List[List[int]], List[int], List[int]]:
ppidx = [[-1] * 48 for _ in range(24)]
pp_hi24 = [-1] * MAX_PPINDEX
pp_lo48 = [-1] * MAX_PPINDEX
idx = 0
for a in range(chess.H7, chess.A2 - 1, -1):
if in_queenside(a):
for b in range(a - 1, chess.A2 - 1, -1):
anchor = 0
loosen = 0
anchor, loosen = pp_putanchorfirst(a, b)
if (anchor & 7) > 3:
# Square on the kingside.
anchor = flip_we(anchor)
loosen = flip_we(loosen)
i = wsq_to_pidx24(anchor)
j = wsq_to_pidx48(loosen)
if idx_is_empty(ppidx[i][j]):
ppidx[i][j] = idx
pp_hi24[idx] = i
pp_lo48[idx] = j
idx += 1
return ppidx, pp_hi24, pp_lo48
PPIDX, PP_HI24, PP_LO48 = init_ppidx()
def norm_kkindex(x: chess.Square, y: chess.Square) -> Tuple[int, int]:
file_x, rank_x = chess.square_file(x), chess.square_rank(x)
if file_x > 3:
x, y = flip_we(x), flip_we(y)
if rank_x > 3:
x, y = flip_ns(x), flip_ns(y)
rowx = chess.square_rank(x)
colx = chess.square_file(x)
if rowx > colx:
x, y = flip_nw_se(x), flip_nw_se(y)
rowy = chess.square_rank(y)
coly = chess.square_file(y)
if rowx == colx and rowy > coly:
x, y = flip_nw_se(x), flip_nw_se(y)
return x, y
def init_kkidx() -> Tuple[List[List[int]], List[int], List[int]]:
kkidx = [[-1] * 64 for _ in range(64)]
bksq, wksq = [-1] * MAX_KKINDEX, [-1] * MAX_KKINDEX
idx = 0
for x in range(64):
for y in range(64):
# Check if x to y is legal.
if x != y and not chess.BB_KING_ATTACKS[x] & chess.BB_SQUARES[y]:
# Normalize.
i, j = norm_kkindex(x, y)
if idx_is_empty(kkidx[i][j]):
kkidx[i][j] = kkidx[x][y] = idx
bksq[idx], wksq[idx] = i, j
idx += 1
return kkidx, wksq, bksq
KKIDX, WKSQ, BKSQ = init_kkidx()
def kxk_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_Ax = 64
ft = flip_type(c.black_piece_squares[0], c.white_piece_squares[0])
ws, bs = c.white_piece_squares, c.black_piece_squares
for f, flip in [(1, flip_we), (2, flip_ns), (4, flip_nw_se)]:
if ft & f:
ws = [flip(b) for b in ws]
bs = [flip(b) for b in bs]
ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]] # KKIDX[black king][white king]
if ki == -1:
return NOINDEX
return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ws[1]
def flip_we_col(*pieces: int) -> tuple[int, ...]:
if (pieces[0] & 7) > 3:
# Column is more than 3, i.e., e, f, g or h.
pieces = tuple(flip_we(piece) for piece in pieces)
return pieces
def kapkb_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_A = 64 * 64 * 64 * 64
BLOCK_B = 64 * 64 * 64
BLOCK_C = 64 * 64
BLOCK_D = 64
pawn = c.white_piece_squares[2]
wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
ba = c.black_piece_squares[1]
if not chess.A2 <= pawn < chess.A8:
return NOINDEX
pawn, wk, bk, wa, ba = flip_we_col(pawn, wk, bk, wa, ba)
# flip_ns, down one row
pslice = ((pawn ^ 56) - 8 + (pawn & 3)) >> 1
return pslice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk * BLOCK_C + wa * BLOCK_D + ba
def kabpk_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_A = 64 * 64 * 64 * 64
BLOCK_B = 64 * 64 * 64
BLOCK_C = 64 * 64
BLOCK_D = 64
wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
wb = c.white_piece_squares[2]
pawn = c.white_piece_squares[3]
bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
pawn, wk, bk, wa, wb = flip_we_col(pawn, wk, bk, wa, wb)
pslice = wsq_to_pidx24(pawn)
return pslice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk * BLOCK_C + wa * BLOCK_D + wb
def kabkp_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_A = 64 * 64 * 64 * 64
BLOCK_B = 64 * 64 * 64
BLOCK_C = 64 * 64
BLOCK_D = 64
pawn = c.black_piece_squares[1]
wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
wb = c.white_piece_squares[2]
if not chess.A2 <= pawn < chess.A8:
return NOINDEX
pawn, wk, bk, wa, wb = flip_we_col(pawn, wk, bk, wa, wb)
# Down one row
pslice = ((pawn - 8) + (pawn & 3)) >> 1
return pslice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk * BLOCK_C + wa * BLOCK_D + wb
def kaapk_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
wa2 = c.white_piece_squares[2]
pawn = c.white_piece_squares[3]
bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
pawn, wk, bk, wa, wa2 = flip_we_col(pawn, wk, bk, wa, wa2)
pslice = wsq_to_pidx24(pawn)
aa_combo = AAIDX[wa][wa2]
if idx_is_empty(aa_combo):
return NOINDEX
return pslice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk * BLOCK_C + aa_combo
def kaakp_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
wa2 = c.white_piece_squares[2]
bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
pawn = c.black_piece_squares[1]
pawn, wk, bk, wa, wa2 = flip_we_col(pawn, wk, bk, wa, wa2)
pawn = flip_ns(pawn)
pslice = wsq_to_pidx24(pawn)
aa_combo = AAIDX[wa][wa2]
if idx_is_empty(aa_combo):
return NOINDEX
return pslice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk * BLOCK_C + aa_combo
def kapkp_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_A = 64 * 64 * 64
BLOCK_B = 64 * 64
BLOCK_C = 64
wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
anchor = c.white_piece_squares[2]
bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
loosen = c.black_piece_squares[1]
anchor, loosen, wk, bk, wa = flip_we_col(anchor, loosen, wk, bk, wa)
pp_slice = wsq_to_pidx24(anchor) * 48 + loosen - 8
if idx_is_empty(pp_slice):
return NOINDEX
return pp_slice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk * BLOCK_C + wa
def kappk_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_A = 64 * 64 * 64
BLOCK_B = 64 * 64
BLOCK_C = 64
wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
pawn_a = c.white_piece_squares[2]
pawn_b = c.white_piece_squares[3]
bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
anchor, loosen = pp_putanchorfirst(pawn_a, pawn_b)
anchor, loosen, wk, bk, wa = flip_we_col(anchor, loosen, wk, bk, wa)
i = wsq_to_pidx24(anchor)
j = wsq_to_pidx48(loosen)
pp_slice = PPIDX[i][j]
if idx_is_empty(pp_slice):
return NOINDEX
return pp_slice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk * BLOCK_C + wa
def kppka_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_A = 64 * 64 * 64
BLOCK_B = 64 * 64
BLOCK_C = 64
wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
pawn_a = c.white_piece_squares[1]
pawn_b = c.white_piece_squares[2]
bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
ba = c.black_piece_squares[1]
anchor, loosen = pp_putanchorfirst(pawn_a, pawn_b)
anchor, loosen, wk, bk, ba = flip_we_col(anchor, loosen, wk, bk, ba)
i = wsq_to_pidx24(anchor)
j = wsq_to_pidx48(loosen)
pp_slice = PPIDX[i][j]
if idx_is_empty(pp_slice):
return NOINDEX
return pp_slice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk * BLOCK_C + ba
def kabck_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_A = 64 * 64 * 64
BLOCK_B = 64 * 64
BLOCK_C = 64
ft = FLIPT[c.black_piece_squares[0]][c.white_piece_squares[0]]
ws = c.white_piece_squares[:N_WHITE]
bs = c.black_piece_squares[:N_BLACK]
if (ft & WE_FLAG) != 0:
ws = [flip_we(i) for i in ws]
bs = [flip_we(i) for i in bs]
if (ft & NS_FLAG) != 0:
ws = [flip_ns(i) for i in ws]
bs = [flip_ns(i) for i in bs]
if (ft & NW_SE_FLAG) != 0:
ws = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in ws]
bs = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in bs]
ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]] # KKIDX[black king][white king]
if idx_is_empty(ki):
return NOINDEX
return ki * BLOCK_A + ws[1] * BLOCK_B + ws[2] * BLOCK_C + ws[3]
def kabbk_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_Bx = 64
ft = FLIPT[c.black_piece_squares[0]][c.white_piece_squares[0]]
ws = c.white_piece_squares[:N_WHITE]
bs = c.black_piece_squares[:N_BLACK]
if (ft & WE_FLAG) != 0:
ws = [flip_we(i) for i in ws]
bs = [flip_we(i) for i in bs]
if (ft & NS_FLAG) != 0:
ws = [flip_ns(i) for i in ws]
bs = [flip_ns(i) for i in bs]
if (ft & NW_SE_FLAG) != 0:
ws = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in ws]
bs = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in bs]
ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]] # KKIDX[black king][white king]
ai = AAIDX[ws[2]][ws[3]]
if idx_is_empty(ki) or idx_is_empty(ai):
return NOINDEX
return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ai * BLOCK_Bx + ws[1]
def kaabk_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_Bx = 64
ft = FLIPT[c.black_piece_squares[0]][c.white_piece_squares[0]]
ws = c.white_piece_squares[:N_WHITE]
bs = c.black_piece_squares[:N_BLACK]
if (ft & WE_FLAG) != 0:
ws = [flip_we(i) for i in ws]
bs = [flip_we(i) for i in bs]
if (ft & NS_FLAG) != 0:
ws = [flip_ns(i) for i in ws]
bs = [flip_ns(i) for i in bs]
if (ft & NW_SE_FLAG) != 0:
ws = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in ws]
bs = [flip_nw_se(i) for i in bs]
ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]] # KKIDX[black king][white king]
ai = AAIDX[ws[1]][ws[2]]
if idx_is_empty(ki) or idx_is_empty(ai):
return NOINDEX
return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ai * BLOCK_Bx + ws[3]
def aaa_getsubi(x: int, y: int, z: int) -> int:
return x + (y - 1) * y // 2 + AAA_BASE[z]
def kaaak_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
ws = c.white_piece_squares[:4]
bs = c.black_piece_squares[:1]
ft = FLIPT[c.black_piece_squares[0]][c.white_piece_squares[0]]
for flag, flip in [(WE_FLAG, flip_we), (NS_FLAG, flip_ns), (NW_SE_FLAG, flip_nw_se)]:
if ft & flag:
ws = [flip(i) for i in ws]
bs = [flip(i) for i in bs]
ws[1:4] = sorted(ws[1:4])
ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]]
if ws[1] == ws[2] or ws[1] == ws[3] or ws[2] == ws[3]:
return NOINDEX
ai = aaa_getsubi(ws[1], ws[2], ws[3])
if idx_is_empty(ki) or idx_is_empty(ai):
return NOINDEX
return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ai
def kppkp_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_Ax = MAX_PP48_INDEX * 64 * 64
BLOCK_Bx = 64 * 64
BLOCK_Cx = 64
wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
pawn_a = c.white_piece_squares[1]
pawn_b = c.white_piece_squares[2]
bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
pawn_c = c.black_piece_squares[1]
pawn_c, wk, pawn_a, pawn_b, bk = flip_we_col(pawn_c, wk, pawn_a, pawn_b, bk)
i = flip_we(flip_ns(pawn_a)) - 8
j = flip_we(flip_ns(pawn_b)) - 8
# Black pawn, so low indexes are more advanced.
k = map24_b(pawn_c)
pp48_slice = PP48_IDX[i][j]
if idx_is_empty(pp48_slice):
return NOINDEX
return k * BLOCK_Ax + pp48_slice * BLOCK_Bx + wk * BLOCK_Cx + bk
def kaakb_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_Bx = 64
ws = c.white_piece_squares[:3]
bs = c.black_piece_squares[:2]
ft = FLIPT[c.black_piece_squares[0]][c.white_piece_squares[0]]
for flag, flip in [(WE_FLAG, flip_we), (NS_FLAG, flip_ns), (NW_SE_FLAG, flip_nw_se)]:
if ft & flag:
ws = [flip(i) for i in ws]
bs = [flip(i) for i in bs]
ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]] # KKIDX[black king][white king]
ai = AAIDX[ws[1]][ws[2]]
if idx_is_empty(ki) or idx_is_empty(ai):
return NOINDEX
return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ai * BLOCK_Bx + bs[1]
def kabkc_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_Ax = 64 * 64 * 64
BLOCK_Bx = 64 * 64
BLOCK_Cx = 64
ft = FLIPT[c.black_piece_squares[0]][c.white_piece_squares[0]]
ws = c.white_piece_squares[:N_WHITE]
bs = c.black_piece_squares[:N_BLACK]
for flag, flip in [(WE_FLAG, flip_we), (NS_FLAG, flip_ns), (NW_SE_FLAG, flip_nw_se)]:
if ft & flag:
ws = [flip(i) for i in ws]
bs = [flip(i) for i in bs]
ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]] # KKIDX [black king] [white king]
if idx_is_empty(ki):
return NOINDEX
return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ws[1] * BLOCK_Bx + ws[2] * BLOCK_Cx + bs[1]
def kpkp_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_Ax = 64 * 64
BLOCK_Bx = 64
wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
anchor = c.white_piece_squares[1]
loosen = c.black_piece_squares[1]
anchor, loosen, wk, bk = flip_we_col(anchor, loosen, wk, bk)
m = wsq_to_pidx24(anchor)
n = loosen - 8
pp_slice = m * 48 + n
if idx_is_empty(pp_slice):
return NOINDEX
return pp_slice * BLOCK_Ax + wk * BLOCK_Bx + bk
def kppk_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_Ax = 64 * 64
BLOCK_Bx = 64
wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
pawn_a = c.white_piece_squares[1]
pawn_b = c.white_piece_squares[2]
bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
anchor, loosen = pp_putanchorfirst(pawn_a, pawn_b)
anchor, loosen, wk, bk = flip_we_col(anchor, loosen, wk, bk)
i = wsq_to_pidx24(anchor)
j = wsq_to_pidx48(loosen)
pp_slice = PPIDX[i][j]
if idx_is_empty(pp_slice):
return NOINDEX
return pp_slice * BLOCK_Ax + wk * BLOCK_Bx + bk
def kapk_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_Ax = 64 * 64 * 64
BLOCK_Bx = 64 * 64
BLOCK_Cx = 64
pawn = c.white_piece_squares[2]
wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
if not chess.A2 <= pawn < chess.A8:
return NOINDEX
pawn, wk, bk, wa = flip_we_col(pawn, wk, bk, wa)
sq = pawn ^ 56 - 8 # flip_ns and down one row
pslice = ((sq + (sq & 3)) >> 1)
return pslice * BLOCK_Ax + wk * BLOCK_Bx + bk * BLOCK_Cx + wa
def kabk_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_Ax = 64 * 64
BLOCK_Bx = 64
ft = flip_type(c.black_piece_squares[0], c.white_piece_squares[0])
ws = c.white_piece_squares
bs = c.black_piece_squares
for flag, flip in [(1, flip_we), (2, flip_ns), (4, flip_nw_se)]:
if ft & flag:
ws = [flip(b) for b in ws]
bs = [flip(b) for b in bs]
ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]] # KKIDX[black king][white king]
if idx_is_empty(ki):
return NOINDEX
return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ws[1] * BLOCK_Bx + ws[2]
def kakp_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_Ax = 64 * 64 * 64
BLOCK_Bx = 64 * 64
BLOCK_Cx = 64
pawn = c.black_piece_squares[1]
wa = c.white_piece_squares[1]
wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
if not chess.A2 <= pawn < chess.A8:
return NOINDEX
pawn, wk, bk, wa = flip_we_col(pawn, wk, bk, wa)
# Down one row
pslice = ((pawn - 8) + ((pawn - 8) & 3)) >> 1
return pslice * BLOCK_Ax + wk * BLOCK_Bx + bk * BLOCK_Cx + wa
def kaak_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
ft = FLIPT[c.black_piece_squares[0]][c.white_piece_squares[0]]
ws = c.white_piece_squares[:3]
bs = c.black_piece_squares[:1]
for flag, flip in [(WE_FLAG, flip_we), (NS_FLAG, flip_ns), (NW_SE_FLAG, flip_nw_se)]:
if ft & flag:
ws = [flip(i) for i in ws]
bs = [flip(i) for i in bs]
ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]] # KKIDX[black king][white king]
ai = AAIDX[ws[1]][ws[2]]
if idx_is_empty(ki) or idx_is_empty(ai):
return NOINDEX
return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ai
def kakb_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_Ax = 64 * 64
BLOCK_Bx = 64
ft = FLIPT[c.black_piece_squares[0]][c.white_piece_squares[0]]
ws = c.white_piece_squares[:]
bs = c.black_piece_squares[:]
for bit, flip in [(1, flip_we), (2, flip_ns), (4, flip_nw_se)]:
if ft & bit:
ws[0], ws[1], bs[0], bs[1] = flip(ws[0]), flip(ws[1]), flip(bs[0]), flip(bs[1])
ki = KKIDX[bs[0]][ws[0]] # KKIDX[black king][white king]
if idx_is_empty(ki):
return NOINDEX
return ki * BLOCK_Ax + ws[1] * BLOCK_Bx + bs[1]
def kpk_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_A = 64 * 64
BLOCK_B = 64
pawn = c.white_piece_squares[1]
wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
if not chess.A2 <= pawn < chess.A8:
return NOINDEX
pawn, wk, bk = flip_we_col(pawn, wk, bk)
sq = (pawn ^ 56) - 8 # flip_ns, down one row
pslice = ((sq + (sq & 3)) >> 1)
return pslice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk
def kpppk_pctoindex(c: Request) -> int:
BLOCK_A = 64 * 64
BLOCK_B = 64
wk = c.white_piece_squares[0]
pawn_a = c.white_piece_squares[1]
pawn_b = c.white_piece_squares[2]
pawn_c = c.white_piece_squares[3]
bk = c.black_piece_squares[0]
i, j, k = [x - 8 for x in (pawn_a, pawn_b, pawn_c)]
ppp48_slice = PPP48_IDX[i][j][k]
if idx_is_empty(ppp48_slice):
wk, pawn_a, pawn_b, pawn_c, bk = [flip_we(x) for x in (wk, pawn_a, pawn_b, pawn_c, bk)]
# removing this doesn't impact the tests?
i, j, k = [x - 8 for x in (pawn_a, pawn_b, pawn_c)]
ppp48_slice = PPP48_IDX[i][j][k]
if idx_is_empty(ppp48_slice):
return NOINDEX
return ppp48_slice * BLOCK_A + wk * BLOCK_B + bk
class EndgameKey:
def __init__(self, maxindex: int, slice_n: int, pctoi: Callable[[Request], int]):
self.maxindex = maxindex
self.slice_n = slice_n
self.pctoi = pctoi
"kqk": EndgameKey(MAX_KXK, 1, kxk_pctoindex),
"krk": EndgameKey(MAX_KXK, 1, kxk_pctoindex),
"kbk": EndgameKey(MAX_KXK, 1, kxk_pctoindex),
"knk": EndgameKey(MAX_KXK, 1, kxk_pctoindex),
"kpk": EndgameKey(MAX_kpk, 24, kpk_pctoindex),
"kqkq": EndgameKey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),
"kqkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),
"kqkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),
"kqkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),
"krkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),
"krkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),
"krkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),
"kbkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),
"kbkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),
"knkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kakb, 1, kakb_pctoindex),
"kqqk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaak, 1, kaak_pctoindex),
"kqrk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabk, 1, kabk_pctoindex),
"kqbk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabk, 1, kabk_pctoindex),
"kqnk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabk, 1, kabk_pctoindex),
"krrk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaak, 1, kaak_pctoindex),
"krbk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabk, 1, kabk_pctoindex),
"krnk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabk, 1, kabk_pctoindex),
"kbbk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaak, 1, kaak_pctoindex),
"kbnk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabk, 1, kabk_pctoindex),
"knnk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaak, 1, kaak_pctoindex),
"kqkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kakp, 24, kakp_pctoindex),
"krkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kakp, 24, kakp_pctoindex),
"kbkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kakp, 24, kakp_pctoindex),
"knkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kakp, 24, kakp_pctoindex),
"kqpk": EndgameKey(MAX_kapk, 24, kapk_pctoindex),
"krpk": EndgameKey(MAX_kapk, 24, kapk_pctoindex),
"kbpk": EndgameKey(MAX_kapk, 24, kapk_pctoindex),
"knpk": EndgameKey(MAX_kapk, 24, kapk_pctoindex),
"kppk": EndgameKey(MAX_kppk, MAX_PPINDEX, kppk_pctoindex),
"kpkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kpkp, MAX_PpINDEX, kpkp_pctoindex),
"kppkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kppkp, 24 * MAX_PP48_INDEX, kppkp_pctoindex),
"kbbkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
"kbbkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
"knnkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
"knnkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
"kqqqk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaaak, 1, kaaak_pctoindex),
"kqqrk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaabk, 1, kaabk_pctoindex),
"kqqbk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaabk, 1, kaabk_pctoindex),
"kqqnk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaabk, 1, kaabk_pctoindex),
"kqrrk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabbk, 1, kabbk_pctoindex),
"kqrbk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabck, 1, kabck_pctoindex),
"kqrnk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabck, 1, kabck_pctoindex),
"kqbbk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabbk, 1, kabbk_pctoindex),
"kqbnk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabck, 1, kabck_pctoindex),
"kqnnk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabbk, 1, kabbk_pctoindex),
"krrrk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaaak, 1, kaaak_pctoindex),
"krrbk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaabk, 1, kaabk_pctoindex),
"krrnk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaabk, 1, kaabk_pctoindex),
"krbbk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabbk, 1, kabbk_pctoindex),
"krbnk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabck, 1, kabck_pctoindex),
"krnnk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabbk, 1, kabbk_pctoindex),
"kbbbk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaaak, 1, kaaak_pctoindex),
"kbbnk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaabk, 1, kaabk_pctoindex),
"kbnnk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabbk, 1, kabbk_pctoindex),
"knnnk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaaak, 1, kaaak_pctoindex),
"kqqkq": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
"kqqkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
"kqqkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
"kqqkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
"kqrkq": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"kqrkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"kqrkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"kqrkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"kqbkq": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"kqbkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"kqbkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"kqbkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"kqnkq": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"kqnkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"kqnkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"kqnkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"krrkq": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
"krrkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
"krrkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
"krrkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
"krbkq": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"krbkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"krbkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"krbkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"krnkq": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"krnkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"krnkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"krnkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"kbbkq": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
"kbbkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
"kbnkq": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"kbnkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"kbnkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"kbnkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkc, 1, kabkc_pctoindex),
"knnkq": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
"knnkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakb, 1, kaakb_pctoindex),
"kqqpk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaapk, 24, kaapk_pctoindex),
"kqrpk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabpk, 24, kabpk_pctoindex),
"kqbpk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabpk, 24, kabpk_pctoindex),
"kqnpk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabpk, 24, kabpk_pctoindex),
"krrpk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaapk, 24, kaapk_pctoindex),
"krbpk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabpk, 24, kabpk_pctoindex),
"krnpk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabpk, 24, kabpk_pctoindex),
"kbbpk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaapk, 24, kaapk_pctoindex),
"kbnpk": EndgameKey(MAX_kabpk, 24, kabpk_pctoindex),
"knnpk": EndgameKey(MAX_kaapk, 24, kaapk_pctoindex),
"kqppk": EndgameKey(MAX_kappk, MAX_PPINDEX, kappk_pctoindex),
"krppk": EndgameKey(MAX_kappk, MAX_PPINDEX, kappk_pctoindex),
"kbppk": EndgameKey(MAX_kappk, MAX_PPINDEX, kappk_pctoindex),
"knppk": EndgameKey(MAX_kappk, MAX_PPINDEX, kappk_pctoindex),
"kqpkq": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
"kqpkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
"kqpkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
"kqpkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
"krpkq": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
"krpkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
"krpkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
"krpkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
"kbpkq": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
"kbpkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
"kbpkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
"kbpkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
"knpkq": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
"knpkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
"knpkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
"knpkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkb, 24, kapkb_pctoindex),
"kppkq": EndgameKey(MAX_kppka, MAX_PPINDEX, kppka_pctoindex),
"kppkr": EndgameKey(MAX_kppka, MAX_PPINDEX, kppka_pctoindex),
"kppkb": EndgameKey(MAX_kppka, MAX_PPINDEX, kppka_pctoindex),
"kppkn": EndgameKey(MAX_kppka, MAX_PPINDEX, kppka_pctoindex),
"kqqkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakp, 24, kaakp_pctoindex),
"kqrkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkp, 24, kabkp_pctoindex),
"kqbkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkp, 24, kabkp_pctoindex),
"kqnkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkp, 24, kabkp_pctoindex),
"krrkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakp, 24, kaakp_pctoindex),
"krbkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkp, 24, kabkp_pctoindex),
"krnkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkp, 24, kabkp_pctoindex),
"kbbkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakp, 24, kaakp_pctoindex),
"kbnkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kabkp, 24, kabkp_pctoindex),
"knnkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kaakp, 24, kaakp_pctoindex),
"kqpkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkp, MAX_PpINDEX, kapkp_pctoindex),
"krpkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkp, MAX_PpINDEX, kapkp_pctoindex),
"kbpkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkp, MAX_PpINDEX, kapkp_pctoindex),
"knpkp": EndgameKey(MAX_kapkp, MAX_PpINDEX, kapkp_pctoindex),
"kpppk": EndgameKey(MAX_kpppk, MAX_PPP48_INDEX, kpppk_pctoindex),
def sortlists(ws: List[int], wp: List[int]) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]:
z = sorted(zip(wp, ws), reverse=True)
wp2, ws2 = zip(*z)
return list(ws2), list(wp2)
def egtb_block_unpack(side: int, n: int, bp: bytes) -> List[int]:
return [dtm_unpack(side, i) for i in bp[:n]]
def split_index(i: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
return divmod(i, ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK)
tb_DRAW = 0
tb_WMATE = 1
tb_BMATE = 2
tb_FORBID = 3
tb_UNKNOWN = 7
iDRAWt = tb_DRAW | 4
iWMATEt = tb_WMATE | 4
iBMATEt = tb_BMATE | 4
def removepiece(ys: List[int], yp: List[int], j: int) -> None:
del ys[j]
del yp[j]
def opp(side: int) -> int:
return 1 if side == 0 else 0
def adjust_up(dist: int) -> int:
if (dist & INFOMASK) in [iWMATE, iWMATEt, iBMATE, iBMATEt]:
return dist + (1 << PLYSHIFT)
return dist
def bestx(side: int, a: int, b: int) -> int:
if a == iFORBID:
return b
if b == iFORBID:
return a
# 0 = selectfirst
# 1 = selectlowest
# 2 = selecthighest
# 3 = selectsecond
comparison = [
# draw, wmate, bmate, forbid
[0, 3, 0, 0], # draw
[0, 1, 0, 0], # wmate
[3, 3, 2, 0], # bmate
[3, 3, 3, 0], # forbid
retu = [a, a, b, b]
if b < a:
retu[1:2] = [b, a]
key = comparison[a & 3][b & 3] ^ [0, 3][side] # ^ xorkey
return retu[key]
def unpackdist(d: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
return d >> PLYSHIFT, d & INFOMASK
def dtm_unpack(stm: int, packed: int) -> int:
if packed in [iDRAW, iFORBID]:
return packed
info = packed & 3
store = packed >> 2
if stm == 0:
if info == iWMATE:
moves = store + 1
plies = moves * 2 - 1
prefx = info
elif info == iBMATE:
moves = store
plies = moves * 2
prefx = info
elif info == iDRAW:
moves = store + 1 + 63
plies = moves * 2 - 1
prefx = iWMATE
elif info == iFORBID:
moves = store + 63
plies = moves * 2
prefx = iBMATE
plies = 0
prefx = 0
ret = prefx | (plies << 3)
if info == iBMATE:
moves = store + 1
plies = moves * 2 - 1
prefx = info
elif info == iWMATE:
moves = store
plies = moves * 2
prefx = info
elif info == iDRAW:
if store == 63:
# Exception: no position in the 5-man TBs needs to store 63 for
# iBMATE. It is then just used to indicate iWMATE.
store += 1
moves = store + 63
plies = moves * 2
prefx = iWMATE
moves = store + 1 + 63
plies = moves * 2 - 1
prefx = iBMATE
elif info == iFORBID:
moves = store + 63
plies = moves * 2
prefx = iWMATE
plies = 0
prefx = 0
ret = prefx | (plies << 3)
return ret
class MissingTableError(KeyError):
"""Can not probe position because a required table is missing."""
class TableBlock:
pcache: List[int]
def __init__(self, egkey: str, side: int, offset: int, age: int):
self.egkey = egkey
self.side = side
self.offset = offset
self.age = age
class Request:
egkey: str
white_piece_squares: List[int]
white_piece_types: List[int]
black_piece_squares: List[int]
black_piece_types: List[int]
is_reversed: bool
def __init__(self, white_squares: List[int], white_types: List[chess.PieceType], black_squares: List[int], black_types: List[chess.PieceType], side: int, epsq: int):
self.white_squares, self.white_types = sortlists(white_squares, white_types)
self.black_squares, self.black_types = sortlists(black_squares, black_types)
self.realside = side
self.side = side
self.epsq = epsq
class ZipInfo:
extraoffset: int
totalblocks: int
blockindex: List[int]
class PythonTablebase:
"""Provides access to Gaviota tablebases using pure Python code."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.available_tables: Dict[str, str] = {}
self.streams: Dict[str, BinaryIO] = {}
self.zipinfo: Dict[str, ZipInfo] = {}
self.block_cache: Dict[Tuple[str, int, int], TableBlock] = {}
self.block_age = 0
def add_directory(self, directory: str) -> None:
Adds *.gtb.cp4* tables from a directory. The relevant files are lazily
opened when the tablebase is actually probed.
directory = os.path.abspath(directory)
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
raise IOError(f"not a directory: {directory!r}")
for tbfile in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(directory), "*.gtb.cp4"):
self.available_tables[os.path.basename(tbfile).replace(".gtb.cp4", "")] = os.path.join(directory, tbfile)
def probe_dtm(self, board: chess.Board) -> int:
Probes for depth to mate information.
The absolute value is the number of half-moves until forced mate
(or ``0`` in drawn positions). The value is positive if the
side to move is winning, otherwise it is negative.
In the example position, white to move will get mated in 10 half-moves:
>>> import chess
>>> import chess.gaviota
>>> with chess.gaviota.open_tablebase("data/gaviota") as tablebase:
... board = chess.Board("8/8/8/8/8/8/8/K2kr3 w - - 0 1")
... print(tablebase.probe_dtm(board))
:raises: :exc:`KeyError` (or specifically
:exc:`chess.gaviota.MissingTableError`) if the probe fails. Use
:func:`~chess.gaviota.PythonTablebase.get_dtm()` if you prefer
to get ``None`` instead of an exception.
Note that probing a corrupted table file is undefined behavior.
# Can not probe positions with castling rights.
if board.castling_rights:
raise KeyError(f"gaviota tables do not contain positions with castling rights: {board.fen()}")
# Supports only up to 5 pieces.
if chess.popcount(board.occupied) > 5:
raise KeyError(f"gaviota tables support up to 5 pieces, not {chess.popcount(board.occupied)}: {board.fen()}")
# KvK is a draw.
if board.occupied == board.kings:
return 0
# Prepare the tablebase request.
white_squares = list(chess.SquareSet(board.occupied_co[chess.WHITE]))
white_types = [typing.cast(chess.PieceType, board.piece_type_at(sq)) for sq in white_squares]
black_squares = list(chess.SquareSet(board.occupied_co[chess.BLACK]))
black_types = [typing.cast(chess.PieceType, board.piece_type_at(sq)) for sq in black_squares]
side = 0 if (board.turn == chess.WHITE) else 1
epsq = board.ep_square if board.ep_square else NOSQUARE
req = Request(white_squares, white_types, black_squares, black_types, side, epsq)
# Probe.
dtm = self.egtb_get_dtm(req)
ply, res = unpackdist(dtm)
if res == iWMATE:
# White mates in the stored position.
if req.realside == 1:
if req.is_reversed:
return ply
return -ply
if req.is_reversed:
return -ply
return ply
if res == iBMATE:
# Black mates in the stored position.
if req.realside == 0:
if req.is_reversed:
return ply
return -ply
if req.is_reversed:
return -ply
return ply
# Draw.
return 0
def get_dtm(self, board: chess.Board, default: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[int]:
return self.probe_dtm(board)
except KeyError:
return default
def probe_wdl(self, board: chess.Board) -> int:
Probes for win/draw/loss information.
Returns ``1`` if the side to move is winning, ``0`` if it is a draw,
and ``-1`` if the side to move is losing.
>>> import chess
>>> import chess.gaviota
>>> with chess.gaviota.open_tablebase("data/gaviota") as tablebase:
... board = chess.Board("8/4k3/8/B7/8/8/8/4K3 w - - 0 1")
... print(tablebase.probe_wdl(board))
:raises: :exc:`KeyError` (or specifically
:exc:`chess.gaviota.MissingTableError`) if the probe fails. Use
:func:`~chess.gaviota.PythonTablebase.get_wdl()` if you prefer
to get ``None`` instead of an exception.
Note that probing a corrupted table file is undefined behavior.
dtm = self.probe_dtm(board)
if dtm == 0:
if board.is_checkmate():
return -1
return 0
if dtm > 0:
return 1
return -1
def get_wdl(self, board: chess.Board, default: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[int]:
return self.probe_wdl(board)
except KeyError:
return default
def _setup_tablebase(self, req: Request) -> BinaryIO:
white_letters = "".join(chess.piece_symbol(i) for i in req.white_types)
black_letters = "".join(chess.piece_symbol(i) for i in req.black_types)
if (white_letters + black_letters) in self.available_tables:
req.is_reversed = False
req.egkey = white_letters + black_letters
req.white_piece_squares = req.white_squares
req.white_piece_types = req.white_types
req.black_piece_squares = req.black_squares
req.black_piece_types = req.black_types
elif (black_letters + white_letters) in self.available_tables:
req.is_reversed = True
req.egkey = black_letters + white_letters
req.white_piece_squares = [flip_ns(s) for s in req.black_squares]
req.white_piece_types = req.black_types
req.black_piece_squares = [flip_ns(s) for s in req.white_squares]
req.black_piece_types = req.white_types
req.side = opp(req.side)
if req.epsq != NOSQUARE:
req.epsq = flip_ns(req.epsq)
raise MissingTableError(f"no gaviota table available for: {white_letters.upper()}v{black_letters.upper()}")
return self._open_tablebase(req)
def _open_tablebase(self, req: Request) -> BinaryIO:
stream = self.streams.get(req.egkey)
if stream is None:
path = self.available_tables[req.egkey]
stream = open(path, "rb+")
self.egtb_loadindexes(req.egkey, stream)
self.streams[req.egkey] = stream
return stream
def close(self) -> None:
"""Closes all loaded tables."""
self.block_age = 0
while self.streams:
_, stream = self.streams.popitem()
def egtb_get_dtm(self, req: Request) -> int:
dtm = self._tb_probe(req)
if req.epsq != NOSQUARE:
capturer_a = 0
capturer_b = 0
xed = 0
# Flip for move generation.
if req.side == 0:
xs = list(req.white_piece_squares)
xp = list(req.white_piece_types)
ys = list(req.black_piece_squares)
yp = list(req.black_piece_types)
xs = list(req.black_piece_squares)
xp = list(req.black_piece_types)
ys = list(req.white_piece_squares)
yp = list(req.white_piece_types)
# Captured pawn trick: from ep square to captured.
xed = req.epsq ^ (1 << 3)
# Find captured index (j).
j = ys.index(xed)
except ValueError:
j = -1
# Try first possible ep capture.
if 0 == (0x88 & (map88(xed) + 1)):
capturer_a = xed + 1
# Try second possible ep capture.
if 0 == (0x88 & (map88(xed) - 1)):
capturer_b = xed - 1
if (j > -1) and (ys[j] == xed):
# Find capturers (i).
for i in range(len(xs)):
if xp[i] == chess.PAWN and (xs[i] == capturer_a or xs[i] == capturer_b):
epscore = iFORBID
# Copy position.
xs_after = xs[:]
ys_after = ys[:]
xp_after = xp[:]
yp_after = yp[:]
# Execute capture.
xs_after[i] = req.epsq
removepiece(ys_after, yp_after, j)
# Flip back.
if req.side == 1:
xs_after, ys_after = ys_after, xs_after
xp_after, yp_after = yp_after, xp_after
# Make subrequest.
subreq = Request(xs_after, xp_after, ys_after, yp_after, opp(req.side), NOSQUARE)
epscore = self._tb_probe(subreq)
epscore = adjust_up(epscore)
# Choose to ep or not.
dtm = bestx(req.side, epscore, dtm)
except IndexError:
return dtm
def egtb_block_getnumber(self, req: Request, idx: int) -> int:
maxindex = EGKEY[req.egkey].maxindex
blocks_per_side = 1 + (maxindex - 1) // ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK
block_in_side = idx // ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK
return req.side * blocks_per_side + block_in_side
def egtb_block_getsize(self, req: Request, idx: int) -> int:
maxindex = EGKEY[req.egkey].maxindex
block = idx // blocksz
offset = block * blocksz
if (offset + blocksz) > maxindex:
return maxindex - offset # Last block size
return blocksz # Size of a normal block
def _tb_probe(self, req: Request) -> int:
stream = self._setup_tablebase(req)
idx = EGKEY[req.egkey].pctoi(req)
offset, remainder = split_index(idx)
t = self.block_cache.get((req.egkey, offset, req.side))
if t is None:
t = TableBlock(req.egkey, req.side, offset, self.block_age)
block = self.egtb_block_getnumber(req, idx)
n = self.egtb_block_getsize(req, idx)
z = self.egtb_block_getsize_zipped(req.egkey, block)
self.egtb_block_park(req.egkey, block, stream)
buffer_zipped =
if buffer_zipped[0] == 0:
# If flag is zero, plain LZMA is following.
buffer_zipped = buffer_zipped[2:]
# Else LZMA86. Build a fake header.
properties = bytearray(13)
for i in range(4):
properties[1 + i] = (DICTIONARY_SIZE >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF
for i in range(8):
properties[5 + i] = (n >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF
# Concatenate the fake header with the true LZMA stream.
buffer_zipped = properties + buffer_zipped[15:]
buffer_packed = lzma.LZMADecompressor().decompress(buffer_zipped)
t.pcache = egtb_block_unpack(req.side, n, buffer_packed)
# Update LRU block cache.
self.block_cache[(t.egkey, t.offset, t.side)] = t
if len(self.block_cache) > 128:
lru_cache_key = min(self.block_cache, key=lambda cache_key: self.block_cache[cache_key].age)
del self.block_cache[lru_cache_key]
t.age = self.block_age
self.block_age += 1
dtm = t.pcache[remainder]
return dtm
def egtb_loadindexes(self, egkey: str, stream: BinaryIO) -> ZipInfo:
zipinfo = self.zipinfo.get(egkey)
if zipinfo is None:
# Get reserved bytes, blocksize, offset.
HeaderStruct = struct.Struct("<10I")
header = HeaderStruct.unpack(
offset = header[8]
blocks = ((offset - 40) // 4) - 1
n_idx = blocks + 1
IndexStruct = struct.Struct("<" + "I" * n_idx)
p = list(IndexStruct.unpack(
zipinfo = ZipInfo(extraoffset=0, totalblocks=n_idx, blockindex=p)
self.zipinfo[egkey] = zipinfo
return zipinfo
def egtb_block_getsize_zipped(self, egkey: str, block: int) -> int:
i = self.zipinfo[egkey].blockindex[block]
j = self.zipinfo[egkey].blockindex[block + 1]
return j - i
def egtb_block_park(self, egkey: str, block: int, stream: BinaryIO) -> int:
i = self.zipinfo[egkey].blockindex[block]
i += self.zipinfo[egkey].extraoffset
return i
def __enter__(self) -> PythonTablebase:
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_value: Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType]) -> None:
class NativeTablebase:
Provides access to Gaviota tablebases via the shared library libgtb.
Has the same interface as :class:`~chess.gaviota.PythonTablebase`.
def __init__(self, libgtb: ctypes.CDLL) -> None:
self.paths: List[str] = []
self.libgtb = libgtb
self.libgtb.tb_init.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
self.libgtb.tb_restart.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
self.libgtb.tbpaths_getmain.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
self.libgtb.tb_probe_hard.argtypes = [
if self.libgtb.tb_is_initialized():
raise RuntimeError("only one gaviota instance can be initialized at a time")
self._tbcache_restart(1024 * 1024, 50)
def add_directory(self, directory: str) -> None:
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
raise IOError(f"not a directory: {directory!r}")
def _tb_restart(self) -> None:
self.c_paths = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(self.paths))()
self.c_paths[:] = [path.encode("utf-8") for path in self.paths]
verbosity = ctypes.c_int(1)
compression_scheme = ctypes.c_int(4)
ret = self.libgtb.tb_restart(verbosity, compression_scheme, self.c_paths)
if ret:
LOGGER.debug("Main path has been set to %r", self.libgtb.tbpaths_getmain().decode("utf-8"))
av = self.libgtb.tb_availability()
if av & 1:
LOGGER.debug("Some 3-piece tables available")
if av & 2:
LOGGER.debug("All 3-piece tables complete")
if av & 4:
LOGGER.debug("Some 4-piece tables available")
if av & 8:
LOGGER.debug("All 4-piece tables complete")
if av & 16:
LOGGER.debug("Some 5-piece tables available")
if av & 32:
LOGGER.debug("All 5-piece tables complete")
def _tbcache_restart(self, cache_mem: int, wdl_fraction: int) -> None:
self.libgtb.tbcache_restart(ctypes.c_size_t(cache_mem), ctypes.c_int(wdl_fraction))
def probe_dtm(self, board: chess.Board) -> int:
return self._probe_hard(board)
def probe_wdl(self, board: chess.Board) -> int:
return self._probe_hard(board, wdl_only=True)
def get_dtm(self, board: chess.Board, default: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[int]:
return self.probe_dtm(board)
except KeyError:
return default
def get_wdl(self, board: chess.Board, default: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[int]:
return self.probe_wdl(board)
except KeyError:
return default
def _probe_hard(self, board: chess.Board, wdl_only: bool = False) -> int:
if board.is_insufficient_material():
return 0
if board.castling_rights:
raise KeyError(f"gaviota tables do not contain positions with castling rights: {board.fen()}")
if chess.popcount(board.occupied) > 5:
raise KeyError(f"gaviota tables support up to 5 pieces, not {chess.popcount(board.occupied)}: {board.fen()}")
stm = ctypes.c_uint(0 if board.turn == chess.WHITE else 1)
ep_square = ctypes.c_uint(board.ep_square if board.ep_square else 64)
castling = ctypes.c_uint(0)
c_ws = (ctypes.c_uint * 17)()
c_wp = (ctypes.c_ubyte * 17)()
i = -1
for i, square in enumerate(chess.SquareSet(board.occupied_co[chess.WHITE])):
c_ws[i] = square
c_wp[i] = typing.cast(chess.PieceType, board.piece_type_at(square))
c_ws[i + 1] = 64
c_wp[i + 1] = 0
c_bs = (ctypes.c_uint * 17)()
c_bp = (ctypes.c_ubyte * 17)()
i = -1
for i, square in enumerate(chess.SquareSet(board.occupied_co[chess.BLACK])):
c_bs[i] = square
c_bp[i] = typing.cast(chess.PieceType, board.piece_type_at(square))
c_bs[i + 1] = 64
c_bp[i + 1] = 0
# Do a hard probe.
info = ctypes.c_uint()
pliestomate = ctypes.c_uint()
if not wdl_only:
ret = self.libgtb.tb_probe_hard(stm, ep_square, castling, c_ws, c_bs, c_wp, c_bp, ctypes.byref(info), ctypes.byref(pliestomate))
dtm = int(pliestomate.value)
ret = self.libgtb.tb_probe_WDL_hard(stm, ep_square, castling, c_ws, c_bs, c_wp, c_bp, ctypes.byref(info))
dtm = 1
# Probe forbidden.
if info.value == 3:
raise MissingTableError(f"gaviota table for {board.fen()} not available")
# Draw.
if ret and info.value == 0:
return 0
# White mates.
if ret and info.value == 1:
return dtm if board.turn == chess.WHITE else -dtm
# Black mates.
if ret and info.value == 2:
return dtm if board.turn == chess.BLACK else -dtm
raise KeyError(f"gaviota probe failed for {board.fen()}")
def close(self) -> None:
self.paths = []
if self.libgtb.tb_is_initialized():
def __enter__(self) -> NativeTablebase:
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_value: Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType]) -> None:
def open_tablebase_native(directory: str, *, libgtb: Optional[str] = None, LibraryLoader: ctypes.LibraryLoader[ctypes.CDLL] = ctypes.cdll) -> NativeTablebase:
Opens a collection of tables for probing using libgtb.
In most cases :func:`~chess.gaviota.open_tablebase()` should be used.
Use this function only if you do not want to downgrade to pure Python
tablebase probing.
:raises: :exc:`RuntimeError` or :exc:`OSError` when libgtb can not be used.
libgtb = libgtb or ctypes.util.find_library("gtb") or ""
tables = NativeTablebase(LibraryLoader.LoadLibrary(libgtb))
return tables
def open_tablebase(directory: str, *, libgtb: Optional[str] = None, LibraryLoader: ctypes.LibraryLoader[ctypes.CDLL] = ctypes.cdll) -> Union[NativeTablebase, PythonTablebase]:
Opens a collection of tables for probing.
First native access via the shared library libgtb is tried. You can
optionally provide a specific library name or a library loader.
The shared library has global state and caches, so only one instance can
be open at a time.
Second, pure Python probing code is tried.
if LibraryLoader:
return open_tablebase_native(directory, libgtb=libgtb, LibraryLoader=LibraryLoader)
except (OSError, RuntimeError) as err:"Falling back to pure Python tablebase: %r", err)
tables = PythonTablebase()
return tables